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#1 qwerty841


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Posted 10 July 2004 - 11:32 PM

we went to my grandparents' house for the July 4th weekend, and just before we came back, i dropped my stylus on the floor. I didn't realize it until we got home. It's a three hour drive there, so we couldn't go back. My sister stayed there for a week, and we figured we could get it back when we went to get her. But she said my grandma (who is about 90% blind) threw it away because she thought it was a pen that didn't work. :nonono:

So i think i will get a new stylus of the internet somewhere, and maybe a couple screen protecters while i'm at it.

Anybody had something like that happen?


I guess I'm not going to find anything on the internet :banghead:

#2 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 11 July 2004 - 01:55 AM

i shall re-quote myself for the 10th time:

you can call this number to speak directly with the product replacement parts coordinator at Casio: 973-361-5400 ext. 4141

#3 betoe


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Posted 11 July 2004 - 02:08 AM

As i know the third UCN user stylus tragedy. First crimson lost his stylus, the second was me, my stylus fall down and the tip gets broken (i had repaired it with a rambo knife); and now you...

Maybe you could try to buy a stylus of a PDA, but it would be more easlily to lost it, coz you will not be able to carry it in the classpad compartment for the stylus.

#4 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 11 July 2004 - 05:16 AM

overall id say it was a good thing (and not unexpected ;) ) that I lost mine first :D

#5 betoe


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Posted 12 July 2004 - 03:18 AM

Maybe in one of my craziest days i will make a little hole in my classpad for put a strip for fasten my stylus to my classpad. Its possible in the upper side so we will see...

#6 SoftCalc


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Posted 12 July 2004 - 04:30 AM

I've seen someone tie a string to his stylus and fasten the string to his ClassPad, and I don't blame him. It is VERY easy to loose, and you can't find one like it at any store.

I bought a pack of PDA replacement styli (what is the plural for stylus? :roflol: ) and I leave one at my desk (which is where I normally use my ClassPad). I then leave the ClassPad stylus in the ClassPad and try to use one of the PDAs whenever possible. I then use the ACTUAL ClassPad stylus as a backup or when I'm away from my desk.

#7 Andrzej



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Posted 13 July 2004 - 02:18 AM

There was several times when I had a chance to lose it, and its not becouse of me, but my girlfriend :crazy: She drops everything wherever when she stop takeing care of what she was doing. I've found my stulus behind desk (that's ok), under our bed (that's still ok), in bathroom with toothbrushes... (sic.) :hammer: and finaly in washingmachine... :banghead:

#8 SoftCalc


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Posted 13 July 2004 - 02:39 AM

...under our bed, in bathroom with toothbrushes... : and finaly in washingmachine...

I've got to wonder what your girlfriend is doing with the stylus. :unsure:

#9 Andrzej



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Posted 13 July 2004 - 11:31 PM

Yeah... hard to say... definitly not cleaning her clothes :blah: whatever is she doing - she's doing it at lest once a month ;)

#10 qwerty841


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Posted 17 July 2004 - 10:35 PM

styli (what is the plural for stylus? :roflol: )

sounds good to me :roflol:

my grandpa decided to look in the garbage can because he hadn't taken it out yet. He mailed it to me a few days ago and now i have it back. :greengrin:

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