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Classpad.org Closed!

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#1 MicroPro


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Posted 04 February 2011 - 04:04 PM

That was "all"! :banghead:
It is really funny that such a site was closed!

I contacted saltire.com.
I also sent an email to the only email of SoftCalc i could find on the web. (****nm at salt ire dot com <== But in the past i had emailed him via this address but no answer...)
And asked kucalc to email him (he's an admin and knows his email).
What to do more???

#2 kucalc


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Posted 05 February 2011 - 02:42 AM

It seems they didn't pay their hosting bill.

I'll send him your message.

EDIT: Um, I don't think he's gonna get it. His email here on the forum uses the classpad.org domain, which is closed as you mentioned.

#3 MicroPro


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Posted 05 February 2011 - 08:21 AM

It seems they didn't pay their hosting bill.

They also didn't pay the bill for cpsdk.com for a long time. Also i had some programming questions from SoftCalc but it's a long time he's not appeared in the forum. This is why i was so shocked when i saw classpad.org was closed (maybe forever???) 8O

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