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Gang Fight 3 v.3.0 BETA

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#1 Brazzucko


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Posted 06 December 2003 - 08:55 PM

:D Personal Ol?....

Is with much expectation that I announce here in f?rum in dedicated Spaniard to the CP3 the beginning of the development of the game Gang Fight 3.

I still do not possess this machine (clearly that I have intentions in acquiring one), but this does not hinder me to start. For the experience acquired with the Gang Fight and Gang Fight 2, I know with certainty that the logicamente more laborious part most difficult and, is without a doubt the cria?->o/adapta?->o of the graphs.

Also I know that it does not have significant differences in the programming, therefore you move them "functionalities" of the beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code of the CP3, are not nothing more nothing less than improvements to the existing commands already in the AFX2.

I would like to know (and for this story with you), which are these differences between programming beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code in AFX2 and CP3, therefore it is me basic to acquire more knowledge about these "differences".

For moreover the maximum resolution of jogos/programas beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code in the "graphical way" would like to also know which, for example the resolution of the screen of the AFX2 is 128x64, but in beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code alone we can use until 127x63, would like to know if the same it occurs in the CP3. Also wanted to know how many memories of images the CP3 possesss, for example in the AFX2, we have memory for a maximum of 20 images, how many is that "they fit" in the CP3? It is basic that I have this previous knowledge to be able to initiate the work. Very obliged for the attention.....

Before finishing, thus that he will have the first images, I will place them to the disposal to be "published here" in f?rum.... :P

#2 betoe


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Posted 06 December 2003 - 09:24 PM

Great Brazzucko work, I hope you soon acquire your CP3 to a good cost. You could be using "classpad to manager", although it does not have all the functionalities of the CP.

As far as the graphical memory, to where I know the only limit of storage of images is the memory of the CP. About since to match Crimson is adapted for guiarte. The maximum differences between both BASIC (AFX and CP) are the operations with chains (strings) and the utilities of stylus (digital they pen).

#3 Abel_Martin



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Posted 08 December 2003 - 05:50 PM

Enhorabuena by the game.
If you want to be gaining time you can work with the emulator of classPad, I believe that you can find it in a French page and descarcar it. You I will already send it by mail.

#4 Mohamed


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Posted 16 December 2003 - 09:20 PM

This topic has been moved from the Spanish ClassPad forum and translated into English!
This reply is intended so that the moved topics are at the top of the topics list in the ClassPad forum so that everyone reads them!

I'm sorry if you find any mistakes in the translation, but that's my best!
Good luck, and don't get bored from reading this post in all the other moved topics.

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