Bug Name: Factorial Bug
Credit: BiTwhise
Rom Versions: 1.00
Doing a factorial of a number larger than 297Effect:
doesn't give correct answerWorkaround:
It is in fact possible to "fool" the CP to do it, by doing it in 2 expressions (or even 1.. but some trickery is necesary to avoid the Cas system simplifying it and returning the same result as it normally would) I created a new factorial function, fact(n): piecewise(n>297,297!*(n!/297!+1)-297!,n!,0)URL: http://www.casiocalc...t=ST&f=6&t=1203
Bug Name: StrToExp Bug
Credit: CrimsonCasio
Rom Versions: 1.00-1.51
using strToExp() with a string that contains another string. ex: strToExp("{1,2,\"bob\"}")Effect:
cuts off the string at the first " it finds, almost always causing an error or returning invalid data.Workaround:
NoneURL: http://www.casiocalc...t=ST&f=6&t=1205
Bug Name: dSolve Bug
Credit: Tonyp
Rom Versions: 1.00
Crashes ClasspadWorkaround:
NoneURL: http://www.casiocalc...t=ST&f=6&t=1207
Bug Name: KeyB Bug
Credit: mkanter
Rom Versions: 1.00
if you write a program wich prints text and also allows the user to input strings.Effect:
Keybord is not redrawn correctlyWorkaround:
NoneURL: http://www.casiocalc...t=ST&f=6&t=1210
Bug Name: Geometry Bug
Credit: qwerty
Rom Versions: 1.00
some times occures in the geometry mode, can vary but seems to be related to using animations.Effect:
Classpad CrashesWorkaround:
Clear your geometry memory and the error will be fixed.URL: http://www.casiocalc...t=ST&f=6&t=1211