Help with Matrix Invertion on AFX 2.0
Posted 10 December 2003 - 11:01 PM
thanks very much,
Please try to answer this I need to invert lot of matrix to make Laplace transforms,,,simple differential equations,,but big trouble inverting non numbers matrixs!!!!
In spanish....
alguien sabe como invertir una matriz con letras ?o sea supongamos que tiene una letra adentro de la matriz?? como se hace eso?algun truco o programita que sepan??
Posted 10 December 2003 - 11:21 PM
1) by using co-factors
2) by using elemtary row operations
The latter is often used by compter software, since it is computationally cheaper (most often), but it is not suitable for a symbolic approach.
The first works fine with symbols, but it gets really heavy with bigger matrices..
if you a matrix A <> 0, the inverse is defined as 1/det(A) * adj(A)
adj(A) := adjoint matrix of A = Transpose of the matrix of cofactors of A
A =
| 1 1 1 |
| 1 2 3 |
| 1 4 9 |
det(A)= 6 - 6 + 2 = 2
matrix of cofactors=
| 6 -6 2 |
| -5 8 -3 |
| 1 -2 1 |
adj(A) =
| 6 -5 1 |
| -6 8 -2 |
| 2 -3 1 |
inv(A) = adj(A)/det(A) =
1/2 *
| 6 -5 1 |
| -6 8 -2 |
| 2 -3 1 |
This is just a simple example to give you the idea.. doing it symbolically is just more work than I can be bothered to do now
Perhaps this was not what you were looking for though?
I assume you probably knew this already
Posted 10 December 2003 - 11:57 PM
Posted 11 December 2003 - 12:03 AM
That's gonna be hard, and terrebly slow.. if even possible :/
Is it a non-pluss model?
The AFX2.0Plus has support for matrices in the CAS module..
Posted 20 December 2003 - 05:35 PM
Posted 05 January 2004 - 02:09 AM
Is it exclusive for the plus ? (i don't think so!) how do u use it ?
(me podeis contestar en espa?ol)
Posted 05 January 2004 - 02:54 AM
In spanish:
Hola bienvenido al foro, cualquier duda que tengas tal vez yo podr?a ayudarte. A como s? en ninguna calculadora casio de los modelos Algebra FX se pueden introducir variables en matrices.
Posted 05 January 2004 - 12:43 PM
(from the page u said)Then now, do FX 2.0 users have to buy the FX 2.0 PLUS ?
The answer is NO, no one would really need all these add-ins at the same time, we could use only the ones we need and keep living, and as for the CAS and ALGEBRA updates, we could only hope that they produce them as new add-ins.
(bitwhise)The AFX2.0Plus has support for matrices in the CAS module..
(from, Matrix, and Vector functions have been added to the CAS operation.
The problem is that i can't find out how to use it!
if any1 could helpme
thank u
Posted 05 January 2004 - 01:40 PM
If you read what I said in my site carefully, this is only included in the FX 2.0 PLUS.
They don't want to release a similar CAS to that of the PLUS or their would be no pint to get it.
Posted 06 January 2004 - 12:50 PM
Thank u !
Posted 06 January 2004 - 12:57 PM
Posted 06 January 2004 - 03:25 PM
It is possible to enter symbolic matrices in AFX 2.0+ but this must be done in CAS mode (usually option 9 in main menu). Matrices entered un RUN-MAT mode (option 1 in main menu) must not be symbolic and are not recognized in CAS mode.
In CAS mode you can invert a symbolic matrix with no problems, you can also transpose, find determinants and other operations as if you were working with numeric matrices. One disadvantage is that, in CAS mode, you don't have the matrix editor that appears when you press F1 in RUN-MAT mode so you must enter the matrix (no pun intended) as follows:
A 2x2 symbolic matrix:
1 x
2x -x/2
[[1,x][2x,-x/2]]->A "EXE"
then to invert matrix A
A"SHIFT") "EXE" (the X with the little -1 over the ")" key)
And that's all
One more thing: AFX 2.0+ cannot do symbolic eigenvalues or eigenvectors even in CAS mode.
Es posible ingresar matrices simb?licas en la AFX 2.0+ pero esto debe hacerse estando en el modo CAS (opci?n 9 del men? principal). Las matrices definidas en el modo RUN-MAT (opci?n 1 del men? principal) no pueden ser simb?licas y no son reconocidas por el modo CAS.
En el modo CAS se puede invertir una matriz simb?lica sin problemas. Tambi?n se puede transponer, hallar determinantes y hacer cualquier otra operaci?n como si se tratase de matrices num?ricas. Una desventaja es que en el modo CAS no tienes el editor de matrices que aparece cuando presionas F1 en el modo RUN-MAT por lo que debes ingresar la matriz as?:
Una matriz simb?lica de 2x2:
1 x
2x -x/2
[[1,x][2x,-x/2]]->A "EXE"
luego para invertir la matriz A
A"SHIFT") "EXE" (la X con el -1 peque?o que est? sobre la tecla ")")
y eso es todo
Una cosa m?s: La AFX 2.0+ no puede calcular simb?licamente valores propios ni vectores propios, ni siquiera en el modo CAS
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