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Degrees, minutes,seconds

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#1 Engineer



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Posted 26 October 2002 - 03:17 PM

I have a new CFX-9850GB+ and have looked in the manual for an entry example for degrees, minutes and seconds. There is none and my experiments have led to failure. I need to be able to enter data in this format. Anyone know the syntax?

#2 BiTwhise


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Posted 26 October 2002 - 03:44 PM

There is a function to convert from decimal to deg, min, sec. I can't seem to find one to do it the other way around, however you could use simple arithmetic to change it: deg + min / 60 + sec / 3600

I take it you are very familiar with those kind of transforms anyway, since you need to work with them. The calculator will store any value as a decimal, nomatter what you transform it to. the difference is only how you display it.

If you need to feed big chunks of data in this format into your calculator, I suggest you make a program that lets you input the values and change them for you, maybe storing them in a list or something.

This was probably not too helpful, so please reply and further explain your problem.

#3 Engineer



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Posted 26 October 2002 - 09:15 PM

I'm trying to avoid writing code to make the dms to decimal conversion. On the 9850gb+ there is a function that one can access by pressing OPTN f6 f5. The decimal to dms conversion is displayed only when there is output. the - ' " function is normally displayed. My experience with Casio calculators has been varied in that the function has worked differently with each model I've had.

If one enters an angle in HP format (i.e. ddd.mmss) then press the - ' " function you get a - after the number and it doesn't convert the angle to decimal. The inverse function works fine, however.

Anyone know the proper syntax of the function?

#4 rstweb


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Posted 27 October 2002 - 10:04 AM

i tried this function with my cfx9850G.

if you want to convert 63? 15' 3" than you have to press in (Run-Menu)

1. 6
2. 3
3. <span class=OPTN' />+<span class=F6' />+<span class=F5' />+<span class=F4' /> (?''')
4. 1
5. 5
6. <span class=OPTN' />+<span class=F6' />+<span class=F5' />+<span class=F4' /> (?''')
7. 3
8. <span class=OPTN' />+<span class=F6' />+<span class=F5' />+<span class=F4' /> (?''')
9. <span class=EXE' />

and you have it convertet. to convert it back press <span class=OPTN' />+<span class=F6' />+<span class=F5' />+<span class=F5' />!

this should work with all calculators from casio!



#5 Guest_Guest_John_*_*

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Posted 27 November 2010 - 08:04 AM

Hi guys well i bought the casio fx-9860Gii
but it seems that i cant find the degree/minutes/seconds things

im trying to solve this proble tan15degree30'50".
i know the answer but i dont know how to find it in the calculator..
like what button do i have to click.
so furstarted trying to find this button for over one week
i looked through the ineternet and asked bunch of people but they all said
i should have bought the Ti-84
anyway now i need your help

#6 Guest_Guest_John_*_*

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Posted 27 November 2010 - 08:11 AM

Hi guys well i bought the casio fx-9860Gii
but it seems that i cant find the degree/minutes/seconds things

im trying to solve this proble tan15degree30'50".
i know the answer but i dont know how to find it in the calculator..
like what button do i have to click.
so furstarted trying to find this button for over one week
i looked through the ineternet and asked bunch of people but they all said
i should have bought the Ti-84
anyway now i need your help

well i know taht i have to go to options then f6 and then f5 thats where i will find my degree button but what about the rest.......
(im the same guy)

#7 Guest_Guest_Rachel_*_*

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Posted 12 June 2011 - 08:08 AM

The degrees button on the casio calculator is the one with the little circle and three comma type things like this: '
it's above the ENG button, I hope i'm talking about the right thing :)

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