Cp 300 Fails To Calculate Integral
Posted 07 May 2004 - 01:20 PM
the CP 300 does not manage the following:
"S" is the integral-sign taken from "Action-Calculate".
The CP 300 calculates a fiew minutes (!), then posting "Insufficient memory" (or something like this, I'm using the german language).
But writing 1/sqrt(2*Pi) in front of "S" it calculates the right value in a very short time. Shouldn't a CAS be able to simplify this by itself?
CU, Christian
Posted 07 May 2004 - 03:05 PM
eigentlich sollte das der classpad machen...
Mein erster Gedanke, dass es an dem Pi oder an dem e^x liegt hat sich nicht bestotigt. (Vergleichbare Formeln mit Pi und e^x gehen relativ schnell.)
Davon abgesehen (um meinen Mathe-Prof zu zitieren): Diese Dinge (Algebra-Systeme ... sollten nur als Hilfsmittel dienen. Die Mathematischen Gesetze dahinter sollten (zumindest teilweise) bekannt sein.

Posted 07 May 2004 - 03:18 PM
Danke Sch?en zu Alles.
Posted 07 May 2004 - 03:44 PM

Posted 08 May 2004 - 03:20 AM
actually that should make classpad... My first thought that it does not lie at the pi or to e^x has itself confirmed. (comparable formulas with pi and e^x go relatively fast.) Apart from it to quote (in order my Mathe Prof): These things (algebra systems... should serve only as aids. The mathematical laws behind it should (at least partly) admit to be.
My first language is spanish too, this forum and some members (via IM's) help me a lot to learn english better.
Posted 08 May 2004 - 07:29 AM
The translation is not bad but not really equal to the german meaning (100%)
Actually the CP should be able to do this ...
I first thought that it was cause by the Pi or by the e^x but this has not
prooved true. (Formulas that are compareable with Pi and e^x work quite fast)
Apart from that (to quote my math teacher): These things (CAS) should only
serve as a tool. The mathematic laws that are behind them should be known
(at least partly)
Well I experienced the same things when calculating sin or cos functions (simplify,
diff, ...) on my AFX/FX. This seems to be a limitation of the CAS.
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