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Help To Resolve Ecuatios!

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#1 virgum



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Posted 17 May 2004 - 08:41 PM

:D hi everybody... i would like to learn how can i resolve 2 or more ecuations at the same time with the classpad :unsure:
for example


that is just an example i didn`t resolve it yet... so a dont know the answer :P

but if yopu know how to resolve it... please let me know.... :)

thx see you later B)

#2 Daniel (CZE)

Daniel (CZE)

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Posted 18 May 2004 - 01:28 AM

For linear equations you can use command from 2D keyboard. Just enter to 2D keyboard, tap double-down-arrow (to access second template page) and the first template at second row. If you have n equations you should tap (n-1)-times on this template to input n rows (e.g. 1 tap = 2 equations, 2 taps = 3 equations etc.).

You can see { and some empty fields. Click on the left side between { and |. Enter one equation per field. Tap to the right side of | and enter names of variables separated by comma (e.g. x,y,z). These variables will be solved. Press <span class=EXE' /> or tap <span class=EXE' /> on virtual keyboard.

#3 jlssoft



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Posted 19 May 2004 - 08:21 AM

En el teclado virtual eliges la opci?n 2D e introduces los coeficientes y los t?rminos independientes como una matriz. Almacenas la matriz en una variable a la que le das el nombre que quieras.
Luego ejecutas el comando rref(variable) y ah? tienes las soluciones. Adem?s con este sistema podr?s resolver sistemas de ecuaciones en el que el n?mero de ecuaciones no coincida con el de inc?gnitas y podr?s discutir si es posible solucionarlos en funci?n de un par?metro.


matrix ->a

B) Saludos


#4 [neo]f4kill


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Posted 19 May 2004 - 04:07 PM

plz post in ENGLISH!
you r not the only one to speak an other language but everybody makes an effort!

#5 betoe


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Posted 19 May 2004 - 08:27 PM

En el teclado virtual eliges la opci?n 2D e introduces los coeficientes y los t?rminos independientes como una matriz. Almacenas la matriz en una variable a la que le das el nombre que quieras.
Luego ejecutas el comando rref(variable) y ah? tienes las soluciones. Adem?s con este sistema podr?s resolver sistemas de ecuaciones en el que el n?mero de ecuaciones no coincida con el de inc?gnitas y podr?s discutir si es posible solucionarlos en funci?n de un par?metro.


matrix ->a



On the virtual keyboard choose the 2D option and introduce the coefficent and the independent terms like a matrix. Store the matrix in a variable.
Then execute the rref(variable) command, and you will have the solutions.


matrix ->a


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