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Casio Fx-991es

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#1 Guest_Sergei Frolov_*

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Posted 02 October 2004 - 06:44 PM

When it was released???

Posted Image


#2 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 24 February 2005 - 01:52 PM

... in march of 2005 ...


#3 qwerty841


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Posted 25 February 2005 - 10:36 PM

how much is it going to cost?

#4 Guest_Sergei Frolov_*

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Posted 13 March 2005 - 01:19 PM

Will wait fx-991ES in our shops.
By the way, I may exchange the fx-991ES to some of Russian collectibles like Elektronika MK-51 (Russian copy of the Casio fx-2500) or Elektronika MK-52

#5 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 13 March 2005 - 02:43 PM

Will wait fx-991ES in our shops.
By the way, I may exchange the fx-991ES to some of Russian collectibles like Elektronika MK-51 (Russian copy of the Casio fx-2500) or Elektronika MK-52


It's on sale in Hong Kong selling at around US$17.69.

#6 Guest_Sergei Frolov_*

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Posted 13 March 2005 - 07:04 PM

It's on sale in Hong Kong selling at around US$17.69.


Too far from Russia. :)

#7 Guest_Sergei Frolov_*

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Posted 01 April 2005 - 08:41 AM

Thanks for all, I have solved the fx-991ES question by bought the fx-82ES calculator.

Posted Image

#8 verticale


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Posted 12 April 2005 - 08:46 AM

fx 82es? What model is this? Never seen before.
I see has complex mode..Any formula memory?
Hi Sergei..I saw your site...very intersting...I didn't know that soviets made calculators on their own...

#9 Guest_Sergei Frolov_*

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Posted 12 April 2005 - 09:03 AM

fx 82es? What model is this? Never seen before.
I see has complex mode..Any formula memory?
Hi Sergei..I saw your site...very intersting...I didn't know that soviets made calculators on their own...


fx-991ES. No formula memory (not programmable), it has not also engineering symbols like 'm', 'k', so you can't enter 3.4k * 5.6M. :(
Original fx-82ES has not complex mode.

#10 verticale


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Posted 12 April 2005 - 09:16 AM

I always ask to myself, why doesn't Casio make all his new scientific calcs with:CMPLX mode, engineering notation(it is very useful!!), and a bit of formula memory????
is it so difficult to leave old (and useful) functions in newer models????
I do not understand....

For Sergei: which calc model your image refers to???? fx991es or fx82es??? I can see CMPLX mode is present..

#11 Guest_Sergei Frolov_*

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Posted 12 April 2005 - 09:41 AM

For Sergei: which calc model your image refers to???? fx991es or fx82es??? I can see CMPLX mode is present..


On the images you may see the fx-991ES functionality.

#12 verticale


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Posted 12 April 2005 - 10:08 AM

I think that this model does exactly the same things as fx570ms and fx 991ms, which are identical except for the solar power.And these also have engineering notation.
The only difference I can find in fx 991es is the "natural display"...maybe they could also product a model fx570es, so we have perfect correspondance with past models... :lol2: :lol2:

#13 Guest_Sergei Frolov_*

Guest_Sergei Frolov_*
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Posted 12 April 2005 - 10:53 AM

No, the fx-991ES has not engineering notation (only ENG key), BTW, you may download the user manual of the fx-991ES from the Casio site.


#14 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 12 April 2005 - 02:51 PM

I cannot really understand why they have decided to eliminate engineering symbols....they should only ADD new functions to a prevous model, and not TAKE AWAY something existing (and useful).....

#15 Guest_Sergei Frolov_*

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Posted 12 April 2005 - 05:08 PM

I don't understand too, but Casio sometime make experiments and insert some functions, like Gamma function into calculators, but has removed its in later models.

#16 Guest_hk_*

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Posted 17 June 2005 - 04:09 PM

where in hong kong ,, which shop can you buy fx-991es,, please

#17 Guest_991ES_*

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Posted 21 June 2005 - 05:54 AM

:!: yea.. i've been trying to find FX-991ES in HK . can anyone tell me where in hk, kowloon.. address would be great..?

#18 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 02 July 2005 - 01:46 PM

is it available in taiwan ?

#19 casiokaki



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Posted 02 July 2005 - 06:40 PM

getting the ES series is a bit difficult...my friend works for a company that distribute Casio calc also say his boss relunctant to sell the ES series cause MS is doing very well and the ES is 20% more pricey since Casio's selling price is that much to his company.

A teacher friend of mine comment that Singapore sort of disallowed this model because of the natural display..like sqrt(8) can be displayed as 2xsqrt(2) and also 2.828427...also Hong Kong too. Thats why if your countries is not selling it it is possible that the distributor knows it is not allowed for high school exam so they are not importing...

Verticale you said why not a bit of formula memory in the calculator...if that is so then the Casio scientific calculator would not be selling at all :!: such features willl be consider programmable and many markets are not open to students using programmable calculator.

#20 Guest_to kaki_*

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Posted 03 July 2005 - 01:47 PM

so which countries offer this calculator, which country could you buy the FX-991ES.?

#21 huhn_m


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Posted 04 July 2005 - 06:59 PM

Germany offers nearly all models.

If you understand german or have a good translator then try:


I also think it has global shipping.

#22 Lovecasio


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Posted 16 July 2005 - 12:22 PM

Hi. :)
ES serie has been available in Vietnam for months. My sister bough it at the price nearly 20 USD.
When I asked the seller, he said ES series is "harder to sell" than MS series. It is true that 99% of the students in my country use Casio calculator, and MS is at the top of purchasing. Vietnamese teachers don't allow using some type of calc like AFX or ClassPad (but I still have one, I just use it at normal class, not in exam ^_^ ).

#23 Guest_alternative_*

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Posted 19 July 2005 - 08:47 AM

so is there any other country or 'site' that offer this calculator, but the site is in english and ships to Australia.

#24 Lovecasio


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Posted 20 July 2005 - 01:51 AM

It seems to me that most of you like this new calculators. However, I think it is OK to by fx 570MS or fx 991MS. After a day borrowing fx 991ES from my sister and try using it, I found that it is not much different from fx 991MS. I was attracted because of its good design and ability to display natural format.

Here, I list something that fx991 ES does better:

1) Natural input.
2) Natural display (certainly not complex expression. Ex: pi; 12+4sqrt(2))...
3) Faster in calculating Integral, derivative, and can convert result to fraction (MS series cannot do it).
4) Table function.
5) Good menu design.
6) Better in numerical equation solving.
7) Easily in working with Matrix and Vector

Here are something that were missed

1) Engine display.
2) Cannot display natural format when solving quadratic, cubic equation (I mean when the result includes sqrt())

Well, it's up to you to decide what calc best suit, but I think you will not regret buying MS series.

#25 casiokaki



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Posted 20 July 2005 - 08:24 AM


not to forget the ability of this ES to do logarithmic function calculation of other bases. For example now we can do log(5,2) at the calc and the four operation of log like log(5,17)+log(56,11) for example.

Another good point is that we can switch off the natural display and use the normal MS linear display. Hey come to think about it, it is like having 2 calculators in 1 :lol:

#26 Guest_._*

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Posted 20 July 2005 - 09:28 AM

oh, i so want this calculator... So which countries or sites offer this calculator besides germany and vietnam ?

#27 Guest_?_*

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Posted 20 July 2005 - 09:33 AM

... im in Australia and im desperate for one , is there any other sites offer to Australia but is in english, are there any other asia countries that offer fx-991es besides vietnam? does indonesia

#28 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 19 January 2006 - 12:04 PM

You can easily buy 991-ES at eBay. I
'm an engineering student and this calculator meets my needs. I only regret it not having the handy engineering symbols. (Which i really, REALLY don't understand; (given that the calculator has 40 scientific constants, the engineering simbols could be EASILY introduced as scientific constants) )

#29 Guest_Sergei Frolov_*

Guest_Sergei Frolov_*
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Posted 19 January 2006 - 05:48 PM

No enginerring symbols is a riddle.

Thanks for the info. I have purchased the fx-82ES and have upgraded it to the fx-991ES.

#30 Guest_Mr.M._*

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Posted 11 February 2006 - 07:37 PM

Thanks for the info. I have purchased the fx-82ES and have upgraded it to the fx-991ES.

Wow, how did you do that?

And maybe do you have a hint on this: Can i remove (or replace) CASIO logo when i turn off my fx-570ES ?

#31 Guest_E from CANADA_*

Guest_E from CANADA_*
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Posted 21 February 2007 - 09:57 PM

Where can I purchase this calculator in Taiwan (store name preferred), or where can i buy it online shipped to CANADA?

#32 Guest_TR_*

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Posted 14 March 2007 - 11:49 AM

I had bought it from internet today. Here in Turkey, it is about USD 20.

#33 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 22 August 2007 - 11:49 PM

Casio should know that taking off the ENG is a step back

#34 Guest_Jenab6_*

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 03:22 PM

There is a warning for this calculator: Casio FX-991ES.


Apparently, the calculator redraws the screen after every key press, and as the expression being entered becomes long, it takes longer to redraw. If the user presses the next key before the redrawing from the previous press has completed, then it is possible that the expression will be incorrect after the next redraw.

#35 verena


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Posted 09 September 2008 - 03:51 AM

Apparently, the calculator redraws the screen after every key press, and as the expression being entered becomes long, it takes longer to redraw. If the user presses the next key before the redrawing from the previous press has completed, then it is possible that the expression will be incorrect after the next redraw.[/quote]

That is old news, calculators don't have a keyboard buffer like computers do.

Every now and then Casio is smeared by someone for not having a keyboard buffer. Especially the Texas Instruments crowd is always in a hurry to find anything wrong with a Casio that beats their models hands down in functionality, beauty and user friendliness.

A few years ago in the Washington Post there was an article about "Casio giving wrong results" they took a real simple non-scientific Casio, I forgot the model, pressed "2 x 2 x 2 =" real fast and instead of "8" the answer was ... "16".

Between the lines it said, stay away from the jap crap, better buy a good american Texas Instruments.

What happens (and the article did not bother explaining): as soon as you press the second "x" the Caiso will calculate the first "2 x 2" and this takes a bit of time. During the calculation, the third "2" is pressed and the calculator doesn't catch it, because it's busy. Then, when the answer is there ("4") and "=" is pressed, the calculator thinks it has to multiply "4 x 4" and does such correctly.

Well guess what, I bought a Texas Instruments TI-1726 (my one and only TI, wasted $3.50 on it) and it does exactly the same: "2 x 2 x 2 =" not even that fast, and it says "16"....

#36 Guest_anu_*

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Posted 20 February 2009 - 02:27 PM

:!: yea.. i've been trying to find FX-991ES in HK . can anyone tell me where in hk, kowloon.. address would be great..?

you can buy it very easily from any UK store. I bought it and its a very useful tool

#37 Guest_TvojaMatka_*

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Posted 28 February 2009 - 09:55 PM

hi, i want to buy calc for my study - electro university... i need complex num. andI read that is bad "support" that function... also it doesnt known complex matrices, or matrices with 4variables (lines?) or more...
has it most function for my study or i must buy expensivest calc ?

#38 Guest_shiva_*

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Posted 13 May 2010 - 01:57 AM

oh, i so want this calculator... So which countries or sites offer this calculator besides germany and vietnam ?

Hi you can buy FX991ES in Montreal Canada for $28.89

#39 HabanR


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Posted 13 May 2010 - 07:12 AM

hi, i want to buy calc for my study - electro university... i need complex num. andI read that is bad "support" that function... also it doesnt known complex matrices, or matrices with 4variables (lines?) or more...
has it most function for my study or i must buy expensivest calc ?

Don't waste your money buying this calculator.
1) It's buggy. It makes error in conversion between rational<->fractional results. Default answer mode in "natural mode" is fractional.
2) It's buggy in simple complex number calculations e.g. i^4 results to the math error...
3) Work with this calculator is very slow as useful operations are deeply hidden in submenus and every real work with this "feature" is really slowwwww.
4) It can't work with complex numbers in matrices.
5) Matrix implementation is very simple and work is very slow see 3)
I think that this calculator is useful for a primary school, useless or even "danger" for Electrical Engineering...
Buy at least Casio Fx9860G. With the latest downloadable firmware 2.0 it can very comfortably work with complex matrices

#40 sujoyn70



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Posted 15 April 2014 - 01:16 PM

Hello everyone! I'm Sujoy,an Engineer & Educator from India.

I've uploaded videos on Statistics,Numerical Methods,
Business & Financial Mathematics,Operations Research,Computer Science,Electrical Engineering,Android Application Reviews,India Travel & Tourism,Street Foods,Life Hacks and many other topics.

And a series of videos showing how to use your scientific calculators Casio fx-991ES & fx-82MS to do maths easily.

Subscribe to my youtube channel below-

Casio Calculators Tutorials- https://www.youtube....WPT2vYxGB1s5zvy

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