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Help With Maze Generation

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#1 liquid


    Wannabe Casio God

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    fx 9750 Plus

Posted 10 April 2005 - 12:35 AM

Hey ppl,
Im making a game where u walk through a 3d maze on the cfx(actually 9750 whch isnt colour).
Ive got the drawing of the 3d maze sorted out using statgraphs but i need a good way to generate a random maze.
Wat i need is a good algorithim, ive tried my own but they r too big and complicated, + it gets stuck at times.
Anyone got any ideas, u dont need to write out the program,. i just need an explaination of a simple(mabye) algorithim.
Also, im making it in a 10x10 matrix, but may have feature to define size of maze.

After some persistant searching on the net i found i breif description(very brief) of a method and it works great. Only 500 bytes to draw a maze of any size + the space needed for the matrix, so there is a limit!
If anyone is interested in the code i will post it up

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