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FX 1.0 Plus Software on FX 1.0

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#1 Brazzucko


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Posted 10 January 2003 - 10:23 PM

Hi again guys?

Well for what I know I was the first to put the CAS, Algebra and TUTOR programs works without bugs on the FX 1.0 ( many others do the same on the G100, and others know that?s the FX 1.0 has the same AFX 2.0 software, but they don?t tried do make they work, honestly I don?t know why ), but this is not important??

Anyway, now I tried to ?upgrade? my FX 1.0 to FX 1.0 plus.

On the FX 1.0 I have this ?mysterious files?.


I think ( if I?m wrong please correct-me ), that?s the launtsr file is responsible for the ?System drive?, they add the ?factory icons? when the calculator is initialized, they applies the autoexec.bat and config.sys files.

After that the Launcher file launches the CASIO main menu, this file is the file responsible for the CASIO OS.

According with Mohamed the Saltire1 and 2 files ( Mohamed tell-me that?s this is the same name of the company that?s made the OS ), are responsible for the operating system, honestly I don?t know, maybe his right??..

The mystery remains in the Partbl files.

I think like this, a company has to make a product cheaper as possible for the Company; the CASIO Company is not an exception.

So why they have to made four different models of calculators ( FX 1.0, AFX 2.0, FX 1.0 Plus and AFX 2.0 Plus ), if they just can made one model, put a different chase, and ?icons in the main menu????..

The prove is the CAS, Algebra and TUTOR files in the FX 1.0, and G100??

I think that?s ( I?m not so sure about that ), the Plus software is not an exception??.

But when I tried to launch this files from the main menu ( I adding icons to the main menu whit FlashCom ), the calculator always crash, when I execute the Partbl02.exe from the main menu a Condition error message has appeared, whit the Saltire files nothing was happened, the calculator still working well.

If some one make they work ( the Partbl files ), or if I?m very wrong please tell-me??

Tanks once again :D

#2 Roeoender


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Posted 11 January 2003 - 10:03 AM

I think that (those are just thoughts, because launcher and launtsr are still waitning in a que for dissassembling) launtsr is a wrapper that modyfies some DOS/BIOS functions (interrupts) that terminate a program so after program ends the menu with icons is always displayed. and I think that Launcher may be that icons menu.
Saltire is a company that specializes in mathematics algoritms for computers, so it rather concentrated on the math programs for the calculator, so SaltireN.exe could be containers of math routines that would be available for other programs (MATH.EXE, RECUR.EXE etc. - note that math.exe is simply too small to implement all it's functionality).
Saltire's webpage is available on the internet.
As for partbl I haven't investigated...

Roeoender. (I have AFX2.0 ROM1.01)

#3 X-thunder28


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Posted 12 January 2003 - 07:36 AM

i think that partbl1,2,4 contains messags or routins for AFX software because after execute it i obtains this "Condition error" with partbl2 !
when we see we can execute basic programs in runmat menu ...
More, this explains why Composite take all flash of AFX :
partbl01 374579B
partbl02 249779B
partbl04 331155b
Because i think that composite addon should add another partblXX :rolleyes:

#4 Roeoender


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Posted 12 January 2003 - 11:33 AM

to Brazzucko:
BradN has downloaded all 4Megs of ROM of his AFX2.0 v.1.01. he sended it to me (Thanks again Brad!) I think that looking at this would halp you in your "project". Sadly I have a very slow&expensive connection to the internet so you could ask BradN for it as I did or I could upload it from my school to a specyfied by you place (I won't put it on my webpage).

#5 huhn_m


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Posted 12 January 2003 - 04:31 PM

Well, whyp allready uploaded it to the web!

Go to:whyp's Page and
choose "Programmer" there go to the directory "Dump" and "Lecteurs Graph
100+". There you'll find all the programms that can be found in the rom of
and AFX2.0+ / Graph100+ with ROM 1.03

Bye Huhn

#6 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 12 January 2003 - 07:43 PM

I was under the impression that the PARTBL programs were responsible for the diffrent parts of the Conics program, that would explain why there is no PARTBL03.EXE (renamed to Conics.exe). I figured that Conics.exe was the menu and the various PARTBL programs were the diffrent kinds of conics. Afterall, PARTBL0 looks a lot like Parabola.

anyway thats just my guess. :D

#7 Brazzucko


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Posted 12 January 2003 - 09:14 PM

:D Tanks to all for your precious help......

To Roeoender:

Tanks very much for your explanation, about the saltire files, this explains why the calculator don?t crash when I launch those files from the CASIO main menu?..

I forgot one thing where?s the ZX947 and MEMORY CHECK MAIN menus, they ?are? in Launcher or Launtsr files?

I thing that?s this menus ?are in the Launch? file, but I?m not sure, as you say ?we? have to disassembling those files to know.

So keep going Roeoender, and thanks once again?..

To all:

What is concerning about the Partbl files I really don?t know, but I almost sure that?s this files ( maybe one or two of this files ), is responsible for the Plus software?.

But the FX 1.0 only has the Partbl 1, 2 and 4, where is the 3?

Did ?you? have this file on your calculator?

If some one has a AFX 2.0 Plus or FX 1.0 Plus, please tried to execute those ( Partbl ) files from any explorer program, and from the CASIO main menu ( adding new icons whit FlashCom or Flash Editor ) when I do that on my calculator ( FX 1.0 Rom 1.02 ) they always ?crash?, but if in your calculator this files don?t crash, this means something, that?s could be very helpful for me???..not only for me but for all, because this means that?s all the FX and AFX can be tuned to FX / AFX Plus ( the same is for the French guys of the G100 calculators ).

I follow the same logic, as I follow about the CAS, Algebra and Tutor programs, because in the AFX, this 3 programs can be launched from any explorer program, and they works well whiteout bugs or crashes, on the FX 1.0 this programs only works well if the are launched from the CASIO main menu, but if you launch this programs from any explorer they will crash.

Now ?you? understand why this test is very important, please if you have the Plus calculator model, do it and put here the results?..

Tanks very much for your help??

PS ? If you have a different opinion, please put it here, because I could be very wrong ( I hope not ). :)

Once again tanks to all for your help.... :D

#8 Exca


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Posted 12 January 2003 - 09:24 PM

Does plus models different programs compared to non-plus models?

For my information it's impossible to make non-plus version to be plus-version because they have different roms (1.00 1.01 1.02 for non-plus and 1.03 for plus)

#9 Roeoender


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Posted 13 January 2003 - 08:43 PM

About hidden menus:
they are both in BradN's ROM dump in 020000.bin file (file name is the ROM starting offset).
So it is located in ROM (which is rather obvious - safety reasons).
I have dissasembled it and investigateds them quite deeply.
They are easy to understand because they were coded in pure ASM.
To dissassemble them I used a program called Sourcer (available on some french site, don't remember which).
I can post it to anyone, sadly my comments in the source code are in Polish :D

#10 Brazzucko


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Posted 13 January 2003 - 09:44 PM

:D Hi guys?..

I have some ?GREAT NEWS?, well they are not so great but they are very important for me or maybe to ?you? to answer the question:

Where?s ?the Plus software??

Well let?s me talk about my discovery?s:

- I have found the solution for the ?Condition ERROR? of the Partbl02.exe file.

- The Saltire file is an ?extension? of the ?Algebra? software ( CAS and Algebra programs ).

- Whit some tricks I obtain a BLUE HORIZONTAL LINE ON THE SCREM OF MY FX 1.0.

But first of all I have received many E-mails asked-me if I can ?tune? the FX to have the same FX Plus programs??..

For what I know it?s not possible to ?unpack? the Partbl files to have the same FX Plus programs ( for example to have the TVM program ), I almost sure ( just like others of the UCF ), that the Partbl files ( just like the Saltire files ) are containers of math routines that would be available for other programs??.

What I really want to do it?s to have the same options that the FX Plus users has.

For example in the program RECUR (5), the FX Plus has more options than the ?normal? FX, and the AFX Plus has an option to delete the Add in?s from the calculator?? I want to put these ( or some of these ) options on my FX??.

Anyway let?s go to the news??

I have found the raison of the ?Condition ERROR?, whit the partbl02.exe

For you check for your self and for your surprise just do this:

( only for safety make a backup of your data )

1 ? Go to the SYSTEM program, select the F1: Memory Usage, then delete All the memories ( you can keep the Program memory, and of course you have to keep the Alpha Memory ), Then go to the main menu

2 - Select the RECUR ( 5 ) program, then press [ 6 ] and [ ENTER ], now you must have this:


Then press [ ENTER ]

3 ? Now you see a table??

Press the ?WEB button? F4.

4 ? Now press [ MENU ] and select your explorer program?.

5 - In the explorer program, select the Partbl02.exe file, see what?s happen?.

This is the prove that?s the Partbl02.exe is an ?extension? of the RECUR program??

The question is ?it?s only for this program or this file is an ?extension? of more programs??

I have tried this whit other programs, and I found that?s when I execute the Saltire files ( Slatire1 or Saltire2 ), they always add data to the Algebra memory, about 3495 Bytes ( the 2 files always add the same size of data ).

I don?t know if this means that the Saltire files is an ?extension? of the CAS, and Algebra programs, or if the Saltire files is an ?extension? for others programs to??

Only with the disassembling of these files, we found the answer for this question?..

Now the final ?discovery???.

When I tried to find another ?relation? program/Partbl file, I obtain a blue line on my screen, I have a god explanation based on the hardware, but on the software I can?t explain how this happen, so I describe what a do before that.

In the EQUA ( 7 ) program I select the F1: Simultaneous option, then I select F1 ( 2 Unknowns ), then I put these values:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Them I press [ EXE ]

After that I press [ MENU ], and I select ?my? explorer program??.

Now I don?t remember what Partbl file I select, and if I delete the memories before I select the EQUA program, the fact is that when I select one of the Partbl file a blue line appears ( Horizontal blue line ) on my screen, them I press the RESET button, but I don?t check if I can go to the CASIO main menu?..

My batteries are to low, so I have to cancel the tests??..

So I put them to recharge ( I use rechargeable batteries ), and I go to the PC to give this ?news? to ?you???..

If some one has a different or the same opinion please put it here, all opinions are well come

If something similar was happen whit you please tell ?us? ( I think that?s everyone here are interested on this?.. ).

Tanks to:

Huhn _m and Roeoender, but I already downloaded all 4 Megs of ROM of my FX 1.0 v. 1.02

Tanks for the explanaition about the hidden menus Roeoender....

One more thing Roeoender ?where is? your web page?

CrinsonCasio, as you can see the Partbl files probably is a ?extension? of many programs ( I not so sure if it?s for one or more programs yet ), I have tried to do the same ?tactic? whit the CONIC program, but nothing was happen, but anyway tanks very much for your opinion.

X-thunder28, well how you can see I found the solution for the error message of the Partbl02 file, but the Partbl01 has a ?error message to, it?s to fast to read, but I read a ?rum time error?, I can?t read the rest if you or some one can read this error please tell-?us?, and put here the message??.

Exca, maibe you are right, but I have to Try ( much people tell-me that's is impossible to tune the FX to AFX, but i do it ).

Once again tanks very much to all.... :)

#11 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 14 January 2003 - 02:25 AM

About the blue line, by using system explorer I ran mindsweeper hit menu, then entered scorch. Instead of the game executing as normal, I received a "blue screen."

If you'd like to see for yourself, you can repeat this process. It doesn't seem to work everytime, but it does sometimes.

Anyone who knows how it's possible for a two-color calculator to display blue please respond.

#12 Roeoender


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Posted 14 January 2003 - 09:32 AM

1. Yep I own a Casio related web page, but I have no time to update it so it is not wortk viewing.

2. Blue line sometimes is displayed when calc crash, BradN managed to display it by writing some value to some specyfic prot (I dont remember the numbers). It is blue because very big voltage is being send to the screen - it is like you would set contrast about 400%. Notice that this line disappears quite slowly - this is because liquid crystal was a bit "shocked" by such strong polarisating voltage :D
So you can treat blue line as a cheap blue screen :D

#13 superna


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Posted 14 January 2003 - 12:59 PM

i gonna say what i know
in usa you have 4 types of calcs
fx1 who don't have cas or alg (quite idiot !)
fx1 + who has cas and alg
fx2 wjos has cas,alg and tutor
fx2 + who have tvm,...
in france we have only 2 types :
Graph100 whith roms 1.00 1.01 1.02
Graph100+ -> 1.03
we can, see that the + struct is differtent by the name
the 3g100s has the same structure and exe files and tutor and alg hidden
all i know i that one of these files on + soft is COMPOSIT and the other one the graph module (yes i arrived to have it work without any graph but not crashing)
the blue line are created by changing the video mode on the 0x02 port
if you want, i can ask on the french forum the 4 versions rom files because i made a program called ROMSEND which extracts the rom or the flash data and sends it to mastermages's software "SysPc"
sourcer is available on Teamg100's website or www.graphx-prog.fr.st

sorry but i have the 2 versions of the calc (1.02 and 1.02) and i don't think we can put +'s soft onto old calc because the RXE files need to be launched at an exact place onto the rom
the other thing is to change the rom by yourself and replace files

#14 Exca


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Posted 14 January 2003 - 01:42 PM

Does fx 1.0 plus have the cas and alg linked?

In fx1.0 you either need to install the cal and alg found on the casio website or link the ones found on the rom (can't remember the drives)

#15 Brazzucko


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Posted 14 January 2003 - 06:33 PM

:D Hi guys?..

Tank?s very much to all for your help and comments?..

Well I think I have some ?very nice news? again?..

I almost sure about that conclusions, but maybe I could be wrong ( so please correct-me )

The PARTBL02 is an ?extension? of the RECUR program.

The PARTBL01 is an ?extension? of the RUNMAT program

The SALTIRE 1 and 2 are ?extensions? of the CAS and ALGEBRA programs ( I don?t know what file corresponding to the specified program ).

How I get that conclusions??.
When you try to execute the PARTBL02 file a Condition ERROR message appears, this is not a error message from the PARTBL02 file, but a message from the RECUR program.

The same thing happen whit the PARTBL01 file, but the error message is to fast that ?we? can?t read them, so I ?edit? the RUNMAT file on my PC and I check that this file has this error messages:

Run-Time Error?..

?..R6002 Floating-Point support not loaded.

?..R6001 ? Null Pointer assignment.

When you try to execute the PARTBL01 file the error message is ( After I reset the calculator about 7 times to confirm the message ):

Run-Time Error R6001
- Null Pointer assignment.

So if ?we? follow the same logic for the as ?we? follow for the PARTBL02 file, the PARTBL01 file is an ?extension? of RUNMAT program.

Now about the SALTIRE files, when I execute then from the Sys. Explorer some data ( 3495 Bytes ) are added to the Algebra memory, the same size in the same memory when I execute the 2 SALTIRE files.

I don?t know the ?relation? SALTIRE 1 or 2 to CAS or ALGEBRA programs file, because the CAS and ALGEBRA memory is the same??.

But I sure that the SALTIRE files ?Algebra routines? for these 2 programs???

Now about the PARTBL04 file??

I didn?t make the necessary ?tests? to find they ?function? maybe the ?Plus software? are there, I don?t know, as I say in the beginning, I could be very wrong, but if is the case, I think that this conclusions will help ( if they are not wrong ) much people to ?understand? what that files do??

So once again tanks very much to all?.

PS - I have the CASIO 9750G ( I don?t know the version ), 9850GB Plus V.2.00, and FX 1.0 v. 1.02


#16 Killer83Z


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Posted 15 January 2003 - 02:45 PM

Well, different programs can produce the same errors - and output the same error description. I don't think that what you said is a proof for where each PARTBL file belongs to.

Besides, I don't like the way you use quotation marks around words like "we". You can just write we, and we'll understand. :) (you don't have to, if you feel more comfortable with the quotation marks)

#17 Brazzucko


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Posted 15 January 2003 - 10:06 PM

:) Hi guys??

Let?s ?me tanks to all of your exceptional help and comments??

To Killer83X?..

I agree whit if you are referring about the PARTBL01/RUNMAT, but I only find the R6001 error mensage in the RUNMAT program, now I?m sure about that the PARTBL02 is a extension of the RECUR program, only when some data exist on the RECURSION memory the Condition Error of the PARTL02 don?t appear, ( you can verify this for you self, do what I describe, so when you execute the PARTBL02, you ?go? to the ?graphic mode? of the RECUR program??.

About the ?we??..

Excuse-me but I`m a Brazilian, and my English, it?s not the best, and I have the natural tendency to mix English whit Portuguese, but I promises to you I will not repeat that??

To Roeoender?..

Now tell-me where is the hidden menus files, I don?t find those files whit the explorers?

Can I download it to my PC whit System Explorer?

Can you please send to me the source of those files?

I only know BASIC, I start to learn C++ ,I buy a old/new book ?Learning C++? ( in the introduction they warning us to make sure if we have 3Mb of free memory to install the demo programs!!!!! ), in Brazil , and I have downloaded all the necessary files ( Borland Turbo 3, help files, and etc. ), but the problem is that my sister go to the university, and she took the family PC whit her, so I have to use my father?s Notebook ( ASUS A1300 Intel Mobile P3 1Ghz ).

As you can understand I only use this PC at night, ( whit the excuses to recharge the battery?.), and in the Week end ( when is possible ).

So I want to get all the necessary material to re-start when is possible???

About the Blue line or blue screen, I get the same conclusion, based on the hardware, what I don?t understand is how the software do that, so tanks to you ( and to superna ).

To Exca?..

I really don?t know if the ROM version has anything whit the Plus software, maybe you are right, but anyway tanks for your opinion??

To CrimsonCasio??

I can?t repeat your experiment, but anyway tanks for your opinion?..

To superna??

Yes please if you can do that ask about the 4 versions of ROM, in that site you as mentioned I can find the ROMSEND.EXE file?

Or only the source is available?

How can I replace the ROM, can I do that, where can I find the software to do that, and the ROM files of different versions?

This will damage my original ROM, if I change my ROM, can I restore the original ROM from the ZX974 menu?

I really didn?t know that is possible to change the ROM???.

Tanks for your help and comments?..

To all??

So I wake-up, probably the Plus software is not on the PARTBL files or the SALTIRE files, maybe they are where ?we? never supposed, in the program file??

I will try to explain, how you can see my English is very bad??

If I start the CAS.EXE file from any explorer the calculator will crash, but if I start from the CASIO main menu they will work correctly whiteout problems, or crash?s..

So I ask to you, because I don?t know ( I have a idea, of how they work, but a let you explain it to me )?.

What is the difference between these 2 methods of starting the CAS.EXE file?

It?s a fact ( no one has any doubt about it ), that the FX 1.0 has the same ROM of the AFX 2.0??

So why I don?t have the option to disable the TUTOR program ( SYSTEM, F6 )?

I almost sure that my SYSTEM.EXE file has this option, but why the option don?t appear?

I think that the answer for this question resolves the mystery of the Plus Software.....

I hope you have the answers for those questions??.

One more thing, I write this text using the Microsoft Word XP ( to help-me to not commit so many mistakes ), so excuse-me if I not response so fast to your question, and to tanks all the help that I found on this exceptional forum??

Tanks to all??:D

PS. ? I don?t find yet the relation program/PARTBL04 file?.. :D

#18 BiTwhise


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Posted 16 January 2003 - 01:53 AM

About the Blue line or blue screen, I get the same conclusion, based on the hardware, what I don?t understand is how the software do that, so tanks to you ( and to superna )

You can change the size of a page through the ports, this way, we can obtain grayscale, or even limit the length of a page to less than the size of the screen. this results in only this certain part of the screen being refreshed, and thus the voltage over each pixel increases, maken them blue. If I'm not mistaken, refresh rate can also be set to 0, producing a horizontal blue line.

#19 Mohamed


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Posted 16 January 2003 - 01:04 PM

lol, just guess the sizes of mail I had to reply to before he joined here. :D
Hehe, just joking, but he is one hell of a writer. ;)

#20 MathManiac


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Posted 16 January 2003 - 06:15 PM

Changing ROM in FX1.0/FX2.0 ???????
I think that is only "officialy" possible with pthe plus models.

...sorry i haven't read all the posts !!

But i still think that the only way to change rom in the non plus models is the way we change rom in cfx ...

is there any program that allows us to change roms (ex: extract the rom from a fx2.0+, make some changes and send it back...or just save as a backup and then resend it back if there is any ugly problem)
(one more question: has somebody started thinking in making an emulator with all those roms?)

#21 superna


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Posted 17 January 2003 - 08:46 AM

So, i gonna write a book !

Yes please if you can do that ask about the 4 versions of ROM, in that site you as mentioned I can find the ROMSEND.EXE file?

This ROMSEND.exe program is not yet available
i made it for my own use but i'll put it on my website
just wait, i have lot of work to do just now, i'll put it wednesday the 22 because i'm not on my computer just now

Or only the source is available?

Yes, i'll put the sources with it

How can I replace the ROM, can I do that, where can I find the software to do that, and the ROM files of different versions?

With a normal AFX2 calc you cannot
you can with a special calc from casio RM-AFX2
very expensive with a port to change rom

This will damage my original ROM, if I change my ROM, can I restore the original ROM from the ZX974 menu?

I really didn?t know that is possible to change the ROM???.

Tanks for your help and comments?..

just don't know
i think in teh rM-AFX2 ther e is an option in the Test Menu to restore original rom, just don't know

To all??

So I wake-up, probably the Plus software is not on the PARTBL files or the SALTIRE files, maybe they are where ?we? never supposed, in the program file??

I will try to explain, how you can see my English is very bad??

If I start the CAS.EXE file from any explorer the calculator will crash, but if I start from the CASIO main menu they will work correctly whiteout problems, or crash?s..

We know this problem
just seems casio has devellopement his own way to launch programs, you must know that command.com can launch these program without crash
i don't understand why
maybe we'll have to take code from command.com to execute such files

So I ask to you, because I don?t know ( I have a idea, of how they work, but a let you explain it to me )?.

What is the difference between these 2 methods of starting the CAS.EXE file?

It?s a fact ( no one has any doubt about it ), that the FX 1.0 has the same ROM of the AFX 2.0??

So why I don?t have the option to disable the TUTOR program ( SYSTEM, F6 )?

I almost sure that my SYSTEM.EXE file has this option, but why the option don?t appear?

I think that the answer for this question resolves the mystery of the Plus Software.....

I hope you have the answers for those questions??.

I see also the option in the languages strings but in my menu, it's not available
i think Tutor has been blocked because it is forbidden to have it
just a law i think
i think casio thought we couldn't find it

#22 MathManiac


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Posted 17 January 2003 - 08:53 PM

Well...you found it because you have been working with a group! ( i said "you" because i have done nothing very useful...).
But look at all that we have now, and how much we had wen we started.

And there are some UCN Members that should be rewarded for their work since the beginning!

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Posted 17 January 2003 - 11:53 PM

For the CAS problem it's because of the RXE format these special executable files must be launched in a particaular way since only a little part of their content is loaded in RAM, they have to know where to find the rest of their code so if this information is incorrect the program will use it and do anything... and so crash the calc.

#24 Brazzucko


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Posted 19 January 2003 - 05:16 PM

:D Hi guys?..

To Exca?..

One thing the difference between the FX and the AFX is the Algebraic programs ( CAS and ALGEBRA ) right?

I thing that ( officially ), the FX Plus don?t have these programs only the AFX and AFX Plus has the CAS and ALGEBRA programs ( the name Algebra FX says everything ), and of course the TUTOR program, as you know the FX has the same AFX software, and probably the FX Plus has the same AFX Plus software.

So probably you must has to link the CAS, ALGEBRA and TUTOR programs to use them on the FX Plus.

Again to Killer83Z?..

I must admit that you are right, I don?t ?prove? where each PARTBL file belong, and the different programs really can produce the same errors, but if you follow my instructions, you can check for your self that the PARTBL02 bellows to the RECUR program??

Now probably the PARTBL01 bellows to the RUNMAT program, but as I have said I could be very wrong.

About the SALTIRE files I almost sure that they bellows to the CAS and ALGEBRA programs ( when the SALTIRE files is executed they always add data to the Algebra memory ).

So the doubt is whit the PARTBL04, and the PARTBL01 ( the ?conclusion? about this file isn?t finished yet, as you say I didn?t prove anything about this file ).

To BiTwhise?..

So to we obtain a grayscale calc. we must change the size of the page through the ports, but for what I see we only obtain a 3 colour calc. ( black, white and silver ), using this method can we obtain a really grayscale calc.?

It?s possible to have a 3 colour calc. just like the CFX?

To Mohamed?..

I?m glad to hear news from you again Mohamed?..

So I?m so boring like that??????

You are an example of patience?? tanks for you help during these ?boring? times??.

To MathManiac?..

So according whit superna we can?t change the ROM, the only way to have the Plus software is if they are hidden in the calc. ( maybe they don?t exist, but who knows, I can?t prove they existence, and no one prove they inexistence ).
I think that the only way to answer this question is to disassembly the ROM software, and learn how they work.

To suprema?..

Tanks for you explanation??

So I will wait for you software??

About the CAS, ALGEBRA and TUTOR, I already check that those files can be correctly launched from COMMAND.COM, but whit the ENTER.COM in the memory I can?t check if they work or not ( whit the explores we can launch those files, but when we try to make any operation the calc crash).

To all?..

I still tried to find the Plus software but it?s very difficult whit my limited time??

So why we have so many ROM versions ( 1.00, 1.01, 1.02 and 1.03 ), the most important isn?t the program version ( for example on my FX the LINKT.EXE program is the version 1.03 ).

This means that the programs 1.03 have the Plus options hidden on these programs?:blink:

#25 Brazzucko


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Posted 22 January 2003 - 06:49 PM

:) Hi guys?..

This strange bug was happened to me yesterday, ( related whit the search of the Plus software ), I install whit FlashCom 6 Add ins ( whit multiple files ), of course I have to add new icons to the main menu, so I decided to make a test, I put in the all ROM programs the version 1.02, and I add one more icon to launch the Sys. Explorer, after that I launch from Sys. Explorer the CAS program, but when the program starts I press menu and in the main menu I have the CAS icon in the same position of the G100, but I didn?t add this icon, the calculator don?t response, so I ask:

The version of the programs have anything whit the icons in the main menu, or this is a casual coincidence?

Tanks once again??:rolleyes:

#26 MathManiac


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Posted 11 February 2003 - 09:15 AM

I bet in casual coincidence. :) , But, in the past i had some strange errors with flashcom, so i can't give you a good answer (i mean, something sure)

(E como ninguem respondeu, alguem tinha de manter o t?pico "vivo"...)

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