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Armonic Funtions

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#1 manuelfrank12


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Posted 30 April 2005 - 09:13 PM

somebody now if the classpad can transform
12 cos(x+45)+ 13 sen(x)

to a funtion like
A cos(x+ :theta: )

if, it is possible how can i do it? :roflol: .
manuel franco

#2 Lovecasio


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Posted 01 May 2005 - 07:30 AM

I'm afraid it cannot do your requirement right now. (I'm sorry but I think it is sin, not sen, isn't it?)
Ex: sin(x+pi/6) = sinx*sqrt(3)/2 + cosx/2 ( this kind CP can do )
But: ask CP to do the inverse, he can't. ;)

#3 manuelfrank12


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Posted 04 May 2005 - 01:23 AM

I'm afraid it cannot do your requirement right now. (I'm sorry but I think it is sin, not sen, isn't it?)
Ex: sin(x+pi/6) = sinx*sqrt(3)/2 + cosx/2 ( this kind CP can do )
But: ask CP to do the inverse, he can't. ;)


yes, you are rigth is sin not sen
a problen with the languaje

is very bad that the classpad can't do that , look easy to do

#4 betoe


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Posted 04 May 2005 - 04:59 AM

I think it can but i dont know the exactly command sequence :s.

#5 R00KIE


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Posted 08 May 2005 - 05:19 PM

i've tried it in my hp and it did not do it.
i can ask it to rewrite an expression only with sin or cos but result was the same expression, sory i don't think it is possible, and even if you could turn sin into cos i think it would still be very difficult to get to A*cos(x+theta)

#6 Lianna



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Posted 22 May 2005 - 09:59 PM

somebody now if the classpad can transform
12cos(x+45) + 13sin(x)
to a funtion like
A cos(x+ :theta: )
if, it is possible how can i do it? :roflol: .
                                                                    manuel franco

Define harm(a1,p1,a2,p2)=simplify(sqrt(a1^(2)+a2^(2)+2*a1*a2*cos(p2-p1)))*sin(x+simplify(tan^-1((a1*sin(p1)+a2*sin(p2))/(a1*cos(p1)+a2*cos(p2)))))

Change sqrt to square root symbol and tan^-1 to arctan (arcus tangens) symbol.
If you want to sum cos(x)+sin(x)=1*sin(x+.5*pi)+1*sin(x+0):
harm(1, .5*pi, 1, 0)
In the case of your example that would be:
harm(12, 3*pi/4, 13, 0)
Frequency of input and output must be the same and is set as 1.
Change it to whatever you like.
Best regards,

#7 manuelfrank12


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Posted 23 May 2005 - 11:03 PM

Define harm(a1,p1,a2,p2)=simplify(sqrt(a1^(2)+a2^(2)+2*a1*a2*cos(p2-p1)))*sin(x+simplify(tan^-1((a1*sin(p1)+a2*sin(p2))/(a1*cos(p1)+a2*cos(p2)))))

Change sqrt to square root symbol and tan^-1 to arctan (arcus tangens) symbol.
If you want to sum cos(x)+sin(x)=1*sin(x+.5*pi)+1*sin(x+0):
harm(1, .5*pi, 1, 0)
In the case of your example that would be:
harm(12, 3*pi/4, 13, 0)
Frequency of input and output must be the same and is set as 1.
Change it to whatever you like.
Best regards,


that's a very good answer, i didn't think in that way to do it :P
manuel franco

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