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Upload Pictures From Classpad

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#1 Meithal



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Posted 09 August 2005 - 05:20 PM

Is it possoible to upload pictures from the classpad?

I?ll tried screen capture from keyboard but have only a part of the picture. Maybe if i make several pictures and fuse them with gimp?

But is it an easier way? :P


#2 SoftCalc


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Posted 09 August 2005 - 06:13 PM

Is it possoible to upload pictures from the classpad?

I?ll tried screen capture from keyboard but have only a part of the picture. Maybe if i make several pictures and fuse them with gimp?

But is it an easier way? :P



Try using the Manager and click on the screen capture icon. This should capture the entire screen and copy it to the clipboard.

#3 Meithal



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Posted 09 August 2005 - 07:40 PM


Posted Image

#4 Meithal



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Posted 09 August 2005 - 07:45 PM

I think the way by make a lot of pics and fuse them is the unique solution ;)

You made a very nice graphic program with bit edit, Brian, but it?s very hard to diffuse our cr?ations :(

#5 PAP


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Posted 09 August 2005 - 08:08 PM

I have seen the opposite: importing a jpg image in ClassPad. Basically, it is a javascript that creates a ClassPad program for drawing the image (it contains a lot of PLOTONs and LINEs). I can search again the web page (it is in french), if you like. The result, however, is not satisfactory, due to the BW screen of ClassPad. But if the image has strong contrast, it works! An example: the following bunch of commands draws my dog in ClassPad's screen (sorry for its length) :)

SetAxes off:SetBG off:SetDispGCon off:ViewWindow 1,155,0,51,127:Text 1,10,"Cliquez sur Resize puis sur":Text 1,19,"Play":Text 20,49,"www.jeuxcasio.com":Pause:Cls:Ploton 155,177:Line 8,176,9,176:Line 17,176,19,176:Line 35,176,39,176:Ploton 60,176:Ploton 153,176:Line 8,175,9,175:Ploton 33,175:Line 59,175,60,175:Line 64,175,66,175:Line 71,175,72,175:Line 75,175,76,175:Ploton 146,175:Ploton 9,174:Line 18,174,20,174:Line 59,174,67,174:Line 69,174,72,174:Ploton 91,174:Ploton 102,174:Ploton 113,174:Line 118,174,119,174:Line 151,174,152,174:Line 42,173,43,173:Line 57,173,79,173:Line 83,173,84,173:Line 107,173,108,173:Ploton 130,173:Ploton 135,173:Ploton 1,172:Line 11,172,15,172:Line 42,172,44,172:Line 56,172,80,172:Line 83,172,85,172:Line 105,172,108,172:Line 126,172,127,172:Ploton 135,172:Line 12,171,14,171:Line 56,171,86,171:Ploton 88,171:Line 106,171,108,171:Ploton 125,171:Line 5,170,8,170:Ploton 15,170:Ploton 26,170:Ploton 51,170:Line 56,170,86,170:Line 88,170,91,170:Ploton 98,170:Ploton 101,170:Line 106,170,108,170:Line 115,170,116,170:Line 6,169,12,169:Ploton 28,169:Ploton 39,169:Line 42,169,43,169:Ploton 53,169:Line 57,169,92,169:Line 96,169,98,169:Ploton 115,169:Ploton 144,169:Line 5,168,6,168:Line 11,168,12,168:Line 14,168,16,168:Line 20,168,21,168:Line 47,168,48,168:Line 57,168,92,168:Line 116,168,119,168:Ploton 14,167:Line 20,167,21,167:Line 57,167,93,167:Ploton 99,167:Ploton 9,166:Line 14,166,19,166:Ploton 21,166:Ploton 45,166:Line 48,166,50,166:Line 58,166,94,166:Line 100,166,101,166:Line 129,166,130,166:Line 137,166,138,166:Ploton 6,165:Line 12,165,23,165:Ploton 25,165:Ploton 28,165:Line 38,165,42,165:Line 44,165,46,165:Ploton 48,165:Line 58,165,95,165:Ploton 104,165:Ploton 12,164:Line 21,164,26,164:Line 28,164,29,164:Line 31,164,32,164:Line 37,164,43,164:Ploton 46,164:Line 56,164,96,164:Ploton 100,164:Line 1,163,4,163:Line 22,163,26,163:Ploton 29,163:Line 32,163,34,163:Line 36,163,38,163:Line 40,163,48,163:Line 58,163,96,163:Ploton 108,163:Line 110,163,112,163:Line 137,163,139,163:Ploton 144,163:Ploton 154,163:Line 30,162,31,162:Ploton 35,162:Line 43,162,50,162:Ploton 54,162:Line 60,162,96,162:Ploton 107,162:Ploton 111,162:Ploton 120,162:Line 123,162,126,162:Line 131,162,132,162:Line 152,162,154,162:Line 30,161,32,161:Line 42,161,48,161:Ploton 50,161:Line 60,161,96,161:Line 121,161,122,161:Line 141,161,145,161:Ploton 152,161:Line 30,160,32,160:Line 46,160,47,160:Line 62,160,97,160:Line 131,160,132,160:Line 138,160,147,160:Line 30,159,32,159:Line 59,159,60,159:Line 63,159,98,159:Line 105,159,107,159:Line 142,159,145,159:Line 10,158,11,158:Line 63,158,98,158:Ploton 18,157:Ploton 20,157:Ploton 45,157:Line 64,157,98,157:Ploton 129,157:Ploton 144,157:Line 149,157,150,157:Ploton 38,156:Ploton 43,156:Ploton 64,156:Line 66,156,99,156:Line 6,155,9,155:Ploton 42,155:Ploton 46,155:Line 68,155,100,155:Line 74,154,101,154:Ploton 111,154:Line 124,154,125,154:Line 6,153,8,153:Ploton 28,153:Line 50,153,51,153:Line 71,153,102,153:Ploton 110,153:Line 124,153,125,153:Ploton 6,152:Ploton 15,152:Ploton 22,152:Ploton 33,152:Line 49,152,52,152:Line 75,152,100,152:Ploton 102,152:Ploton 1,151:Line 6,151,7,151:Line 21,151,22,151:Ploton 41,151:Line 75,151,102,151:Ploton 12,150:Ploton 45,150:Line 75,150,104,150:Line 125,150,127,150:Ploton 23,149:Ploton 42,149:Line 46,149,47,149:Line 56,149,60,149:Line 66,149,67,149:Line 77,149,104,149:Ploton 51,148:Line 55,148,60,148:Line 77,148,104,148:Ploton 44,147:Ploton 49,147:Ploton 55,147:Line 78,147,104,147:Line 30,146,31,146:Ploton 60,146:Ploton 66,146:Line 78,146,104,146:Ploton 107,146:Ploton 125,146:Ploton 7,145:Ploton 20,145:Ploton 48,145:Ploton 50,145:Ploton 59,145:Ploton 66,145:Line 79,145,103,145:Line 106,145,107,145:Line 148,145,149,145:Ploton 18,144:Line 21,144,22,144:Line 27,144,28,144:Line 49,144,50,144:Line 69,144,72,144:Line 79,144,103,144:Line 124,144,125,144:Ploton 136,144:Ploton 151,144:Ploton 8,143:Line 24,143,25,143:Line 71,143,76,143:Line 79,143,103,143:Line 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3,108,4,108:Line 28,108,38,108:Line 41,108,120,108:Ploton 4,107:Line 28,107,37,107:Line 40,107,120,107:Line 28,106,34,106:Line 39,106,119,106:Line 126,106,127,106:Line 139,106,140,106:Line 38,105,119,105:Line 37,104,119,104:Ploton 149,104:Line 37,103,68,103:Line 70,103,119,103:Ploton 155,103:Line 28,102,29,102:Line 38,102,68,102:Line 71,102,119,102:Ploton 27,101:Line 38,101,67,101:Line 71,101,119,101:Line 135,101,137,101:Ploton 148,101:Line 27,100,28,100:Line 38,100,67,100:Line 71,100,120,100:Line 125,100,128,100:Line 134,100,136,100:Ploton 14,99:Line 37,99,67,99:Line 71,99,120,99:Line 123,99,130,99:Line 135,99,136,99:Ploton 9,98:Line 30,98,31,98:Line 36,98,67,98:Line 71,98,74,98:Line 76,98,120,98:Line 124,98,132,98:Ploton 136,98:Ploton 145,98:Ploton 7,97:Line 9,97,11,97:Line 38,97,67,97:Line 71,97,74,97:Line 76,97,120,97:Ploton 123,97:Line 128,97,129,97:Ploton 132,97:Ploton 139,97:Ploton 141,97:Line 147,97,148,97:Line 5,96,7,96:Line 9,96,10,96:Line 39,96,73,96:Line 75,96,120,96:Line 141,96,143,96:Line 40,95,120,95:Ploton 130,95:Line 141,95,143,95:Ploton 27,94:Line 40,94,71,94:Line 73,94,120,94:Ploton 134,94:Line 140,94,143,94:Ploton 23,93:Line 40,93,120,93:Ploton 126,93:Line 132,93,133,93:Line 40,92,122,92:Line 133,92,136,92:Ploton 141,92:Ploton 37,91:Line 42,91,122,91:Line 140,91,144,91:Line 43,90,72,90:Line 74,90,122,90:Ploton 127,90:Ploton 150,90:Line 42,89,71,89:Line 75,89,120,89:Ploton 127,89:Line 21,88,24,88:Line 45,88,71,88:Line 75,88,121,88:Ploton 131,88:Ploton 25,87:Line 45,87,71,87:Line 75,87,121,87:Ploton 130,87:Ploton 134,87:Line 142,87,144,87:Line 47,86,72,86:Line 77,86,120,86:Line 122,86,123,86:Ploton 142,86:Line 154,86,155,86:Line 48,85,74,85:Line 78,85,124,85:Line 153,85,155,85:Line 47,84,76,84:Line 80,84,122,84:Line 129,84,130,84:Ploton 154,84:Line 2,83,3,83:Ploton 7,83:Line 48,83,77,83:Line 80,83,122,83:Line 126,83,128,83:Line 133,83,134,83:Line 145,83,146,83:Line 154,83,155,83:Line 38,82,40,82:Line 48,82,78,82:Line 80,82,121,82:Ploton 126,82:Ploton 129,82:Line 135,82,136,82:Ploton 145,82:Ploton 46,81:Line 48,81,78,81:Line 80,81,122,81:Ploton 130,81:Line 135,81,138,81:Line 152,81,153,81:Ploton 18,80:Ploton 29,80:Line 49,80,121,80:Line 130,80,132,80:Ploton 134,80:Ploton 140,80:Ploton 17,79:Line 48,79,121,79:Ploton 127,79:Line 129,79,130,79:Ploton 144,79:Line 50,78,121,78:Line 127,78,130,78:Ploton 133,78:Line 144,78,145,78:Line 153,78,155,78:Ploton 1,77:Ploton 20,77:Ploton 46,77:Line 50,77,121,77:Line 129,77,130,77:Ploton 136,77:Ploton 140,77:Line 152,77,153,77:Line 50,76,121,76:Line 129,76,131,76:Ploton 135,76:Line 137,76,149,76:Line 152,76,154,76:Line 51,75,121,75:Line 135,75,142,75:Line 150,75,155,75:Ploton 2,74:Ploton 5,74:Ploton 25,74:Line 50,74,119,74:Line 129,74,132,74:Line 141,74,146,74:Line 50,73,120,73:Line 130,73,133,73:Line 143,73,145,73:Ploton 155,73:Line 39,72,40,72:Line 49,72,120,72:Ploton 129,72:Line 141,72,142,72:Line 154,72,155,72:Line 45,71,46,71:Line 51,71,122,71:Ploton 137,71:Ploton 152,71:Ploton 154,71:Line 19,70,21,70:Ploton 43,70:Line 45,70,46,70:Line 51,70,117,70:Ploton 123,70:Line 125,70,126,70:Line 130,70,131,70:Ploton 139,70:Line 148,70,149,70:Line 153,70,154,70:Line 43,69,48,69:Ploton 50,69:Line 52,69,116,69:Line 127,69,131,69:Ploton 145,69:Line 152,69,153,69:Ploton 41,68:Ploton 47,68:Ploton 50,68:Line 52,68,115,68:Ploton 121,68:Ploton 125,68:Ploton 128,68:Ploton 132,68:Line 149,68,150,68:Line 52,67,115,67:Ploton 128,67:Line 141,67,144,67:Line 53,66,115,66:Line 119,66,120,66:Ploton 133,66:Ploton 151,66:Ploton 38,65:Line 53,65,115,65:Line 133,65,134,65:Line 148,65,154,65:Line 8,64,13,64:Line 54,64,116,64:Line 121,64,122,64:Ploton 132,64:Line 135,64,136,64:Line 138,64,142,64:Line 145,64,146,64:Ploton 152,64:Line 7,63,10,63:Line 55,63,117,63:Line 121,63,123,63:Line 141,63,143,63:Line 145,63,146,63:Line 148,63,149,63:Line 1,62,3,62:Line 7,62,8,62:Line 14,62,15,62:Line 18,62,19,62:Ploton 23,62:Line 25,62,26,62:Line 56,62,118,62:Ploton 127,62:Ploton 138,62:Line 141,62,143,62:Line 145,62,146,62:Ploton 155,62:Line 13,61,17,61:Ploton 20,61:Line 57,61,117,61:Ploton 125,61:Ploton 128,61:Ploton 133,61:Line 137,61,140,61:Ploton 146,61:Ploton 149,61:Ploton 155,61:Ploton 14,60:Line 55,60,117,60:Ploton 128,60:Line 133,60,136,60:Ploton 141,60:Line 1,59,4,59:Ploton 7,59:Line 9,59,10,59:Ploton 18,59:Line 22,59,23,59:Ploton 27,59:Line 40,59,41,59:Line 57,59,118,59:Ploton 120,59:Line 129,59,131,59:Line 134,59,138,59:Line 140,59,141,59:Ploton 143,59:Line 6,58,7,58:Line 36,58,42,58:Line 58,58,118,58:Ploton 129,58:Line 131,58,132,58:Ploton 134,58:Line 136,58,138,58:Line 35,57,43,57:Ploton 46,57:Line 58,57,80,57:Line 83,57,118,57:Ploton 122,57:Line 132,57,133,57:Ploton 135,57:Line 144,57,145,57:Line 149,57,155,57:Line 35,56,42,56:Line 48,56,49,56:Line 51,56,54,56:Line 57,56,79,56:Ploton 82,56:Ploton 84,56:Line 87,56,117,56:Line 127,56,129,56:Ploton 133,56:Ploton 135,56:Line 153,56,155,56:Ploton 37,55:Line 40,55,42,55:Ploton 45,55:Line 48,55,55,55:Line 59,55,78,55:Line 87,55,118,55:Line 128,55,132,55:Ploton 139,55:Ploton 145,55:Ploton 151,55:Ploton 155,55:Line 1,54,2,54:Ploton 8,54:Line 60,54,77,54:Line 82,54,83,54:Line 86,54,116,54:Line 119,54,120,54:Line 128,54,130,54:Line 138,54,139,54:Line 60,53,79,53:Line 86,53,121,53:Line 126,53,130,53:Line 139,53,140,53:Ploton 155,53:Ploton 52,52:Line 61,52,79,52:Line 86,52,124,52:Line 128,52,136,52:Ploton 154,52:Line 39,51,40,51:Line 58,51,125,51:Line 127,51,136,51:Line 143,51,146,51:Ploton 149,51:Line 5,50,6,50:Line 62,50,77,50:Line 79,50,80,50:Line 85,50,115,50:Line 126,50,132,50:Line 143,50,145,50:Line 148,50,149,50:Ploton 7,49:Ploton 30,49:Ploton 39,49:Ploton 47,49:Line 62,49,77,49:Ploton 81,49:Line 84,49,115,49:Line 122,49,123,49:Ploton 128,49:Line 131,49,132,49:Line 143,49,146,49:Line 29,48,30,48:Ploton 56,48:Line 63,48,77,48:Line 80,48,81,48:Line 83,48,115,48:Line 122,48,123,48:Ploton 137,48:Line 142,48,146,48:Ploton 150,48:Ploton 152,48:Ploton 1,47:Line 36,47,37,47:Ploton 39,47:Line 63,47,77,47:Line 82,47,114,47:Ploton 122,47:Ploton 128,47:Ploton 135,47:Ploton 144,47:Line 1,46,2,46:Line 39,46,41,46:Ploton 54,46:Line 63,46,77,46:Line 83,46,114,46:Ploton 118,46:Line 121,46,123,46:Line 129,46,135,46:Line 142,46,148,46:Line 3,45,5,45:Ploton 10,45:Line 44,45,45,45:Line 61,45,62,45:Line 64,45,77,45:Line 83,45,113,45:Ploton 115,45:Line 134,45,136,45:Line 139,45,140,45:Ploton 1,44:Line 13,44,14,44:Line 26,44,28,44:Line 53,44,54,44:Line 60,44,61,44:Line 63,44,77,44:Ploton 79,44:Line 83,44,115,44:Line 122,44,124,44:Ploton 150,44:Ploton 155,44:Ploton 8,43:Line 10,43,13,43:Ploton 41,43:Line 52,43,55,43:Line 65,43,77,43:Line 83,43,114,43:Ploton 121,43:Ploton 124,43:Line 126,43,128,43:Ploton 143,43:Ploton 147,43:Line 51,42,56,42:Line 59,42,60,42:Line 65,42,76,42:Line 83,42,108,42:Line 110,42,113,42:Line 130,42,131,42:Line 137,42,140,42:Ploton 149,42:Line 16,41,17,41:Line 29,41,30,41:Line 50,41,56,41:Line 60,41,61,41:Line 65,41,76,41:Line 81,41,112,41:Ploton 120,41:Ploton 128,41:Line 137,41,140,41:Line 149,41,151,41:Line 154,41,155,41:Line 16,40,21,40:Line 28,40,32,40:Ploton 45,40:Ploton 53,40:Ploton 61,40:Line 64,40,77,40:Line 82,40,108,40:Line 110,40,112,40:Line 120,40,121,40:Line 124,40,125,40:Ploton 133,40:Line 137,40,139,40:Line 150,40,151,40:Ploton 154,40:Line 13,39,21,39:Ploton 44,39:Line 63,39,77,39:Line 82,39,108,39:Line 111,39,112,39:Line 120,39,122,39:Line 125,39,126,39:Line 131,39,135,39:Line 139,39,141,39:Ploton 151,39:Ploton 2,38:Line 13,38,17,38:Line 36,38,39,38:Line 64,38,76,38:Line 81,38,108,38:Line 111,38,112,38:Ploton 120,38:Line 130,38,134,38:Line 136,38,137,38:Line 143,38,149,38:Ploton 14,37:Line 36,37,40,37:Ploton 56,37:Line 63,37,75,37:Line 81,37,107,37:Line 109,37,112,37:Line 130,37,137,37:Line 140,37,141,37:Ploton 146,37:Line 5,36,10,36:Line 61,36,75,36:Line 80,36,99,36:Line 101,36,107,36:Line 109,36,113,36:Ploton 124,36:Line 133,36,135,36:Ploton 144,36:Ploton 1,35:Line 7,35,11,35:Line 19,35,21,35:Ploton 41,35:Ploton 55,35:Line 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#6 Meithal



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Posted 09 August 2005 - 08:10 PM

It?s long but it works :D :

Posted Image

#7 SoftCalc


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Posted 09 August 2005 - 08:17 PM

Here is a nice program that will import a picture directly into an MCS image...


If it's a color picture you might want to use an image editing program to convert the image to monochrome. There are a number of different methods and, depending on the image, some work better than others.

I wouldn't be surprised if a future version of the ClassPad Manager can import pictures directly. ;)

#8 Meithal



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Posted 09 August 2005 - 08:21 PM

Last question (I hope :P )

Where can i find the files uploaded on my computer with cp manager?

#9 SoftCalc


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Posted 09 August 2005 - 08:28 PM

I think the way by make a lot of pics and fuse them is the unique solution ;)

You made a very nice graphic program with bit edit, Brian, but it?s very hard to diffuse our cr?ations :(


I'm sorry, but I don't understand. What do you mean by "diffuse our cr?ations"? Do you mean "piece together"? Try this....
  • Create one big picture that is the final size you want and save it.
  • Open each "piece" bitmap and do a "select all" and "copy".
  • Now open up the big picture (the destination).
  • Scroll to the approximate location you want to put this piece and do a paste. This will paste the copied images as a selection. You should be able to move the selection around until it is perfectly placed.

    NOTE: If you do a "paste" and discover the destination image is too small you can always resize it and do the "paste" again.
Is there some feature that could be aded to the BitEdit add-in? What about an "import" item in the file menu that copied an image as a selection to the screen?

BTW, the source for an early version of BitEdit is available on CPSDK.com.

#10 Meithal



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Posted 09 August 2005 - 08:31 PM

# Create one big picture that is the final size you want and save it.
# Open each "piece" bitmap and do a "select all" and "copy".
# Now open up the big picture (the destination).
# Scroll to the approximate location you want to put this piece and do a paste. This will paste the copied images as a selection. You should be able to move the selection around until it is perfectly placed.

Yes, it was that i did ;)

#11 SoftCalc


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Posted 09 August 2005 - 08:34 PM

Last question (I hope  :P )

Where can i find the files uploaded on my computer with cp manager?


Here is the bad news, they are in a ClassPad specific file structure with the MCS extension. There is no way to export something like a bitmap directly.

Indirectly you can open the file in the ClassPad Manager and copy it to the clipboard. If it's a bitmap you can open it up in the Presentation application or view it in the Variable Manager and then do a screen capture. This will copy extra stuff you might not want so you'll have to edit it. For text you can do a simple copy and paste, but any special characters will not paste correctly.

The Windows clipboard support should be greatly improved in a future version of the Manager, where special ClassPad characters will be converted to unicode. You might also be able to copy/paste bitmaps directly between Windows applications and the ClassPad Manager. ;)

#12 Meithal



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Posted 09 August 2005 - 08:37 PM

The Windows clipboard support should be greatly improved in a future version of the Manager, where special ClassPad characters will be converted to unicode. You might also be able to copy/paste bitmaps directly between Windows applications and the ClassPad Manager. ;)


#13 PAP


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Posted 09 August 2005 - 09:23 PM

Here is a nice program that will import a picture directly into an MCS image...

Much better than the javascript I used! :D
I should browse classpad.org again. It seems I have missed cool stuff...

#14 Cartix



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Posted 03 February 2013 - 11:45 AM

Does someone have the source code of this program ? (Bit Edit)

Edited by Cartix, 03 February 2013 - 11:46 AM.

#15 MicroPro


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Posted 07 March 2013 - 06:05 PM

I don't think anybody has. There was a sample application in the CPSDK website with less features, though.

The "Picture" application in the classpad manager is the same add-in as BitEdit; I don't think casio releases sources.

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