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[afx] Cw-explorer V1.0 Final

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#1 casioworld



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Posted 08 September 2005 - 01:12 PM

cw_nico AT hotmail.com
CopyRight? dr23

# How to...

CW-EXPLORER is a file explorer which is able to view the
tree structure of the files and repertories like windows explorer.

Kind of file managed:
- BMP (bi color w/b)
- TXT (some kil bytes)

and : move up and down the cursor in order to select a file
<span class=F1' /> and <span class=EXE' /> allow you to select, open a drive, open/close a repertory
and launch EXE/COM/TXT/CVS file.
[-->] can be used to open a drive as well.

If you press <span class=MENU' /> you make appear the main menu to:
- change the title
- modify the cursor's delay
- set the clock
- set the password (0000000 = cancel the current password)
- view and delete a shortcut (press <span class=DEL' /> to delete one)
- modify contrast

All data is saved in RAM in a file called CWEXPLOR that you can delete
thanks to Gcomm (dada66). Be careful, if this file is deleted, CW-EXPLORER
will use default setting.

Press <span class=CTRL' /> to set a shortcut to an EXE/COM file.
<span class=OPTN' /> to view information about the opened drive and delete it (press <span class=DEL' />)

When you read a .txt file:
<span class=Shift' /> to the top
<span class=Alpha' /> in the end
to go up
to go down
[<--] to go up, 10 lines by 10
[-->] to go down, 10 lines by 10

The Text viewer is limited. No more 250 lines on the screen. If you file
contain more, only the 250 first will appear.

# Warning

The repertories can be made with Flash100. To keep e good view of the tree,
CW-EXPLORER manages only repertory and sub-repertory.
For instance:

L:\REP1\REP2 every files in REP2,REP1 and L can be seen
L:\REP1\REP2\REP3 the content of REP3 is not accessible

# Thanks

I thank: SuperNA for the sources of dirXplor
dada66 for his help
the Swifter for dB-lib
2072 for MemZoneLib
and all the community who helped me to improve the program

do not hesitate to contact me at cw_nico AT hotmail.com for:
- sources, or specified information about the code
- bugs or suggestions


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