Hi every body
I am new here
I couldnt ınstall os2.2 on my computer.
How can I ınstall ?
I couldnt start some applications with out hıgher os verification.
Thank you for your help
Started by
, Dec 03 2005 10:52 AM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 03 December 2005 - 10:52 AM
Posted 03 December 2005 - 01:50 PM
You can install the new OS on your ClassPad, not your computer. Download OS.exe from Casio site, then run it and follow the instructions. Up to now I think every applications can run on OS 2.2.
You can install the new OS on your ClassPad, not your computer. Download OS.exe from Casio site, then run it and follow the instructions. Up to now I think every applications can run on OS 2.2.
Posted 19 December 2005 - 12:35 PM
I couldnt ?nstall os2.2 on my computer.
I couldn't start some applications with out higher os verification.
1. As you know, you download the OS2.2 exe, then you run the EXE, and it tells you what to do, but of course it is only for the ClassPad, if you want to update the OS of your "ClassPad Manager" ("Program Link") software, you must go to classpad.net, and download the new version of the software.
2. I wonder if I understood your question or not? Anyway, I think that this is your answer: Programmers make their add-ins with CPSDK, and CPSDK, like other software, updates. So, for example a new CPSDK may not support an older version of ClassPad OS, or an old CPSDK may not support a new version of OS. This was my answer.
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