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Economic Functions/calcs

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#1 zone



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Posted 05 February 2006 - 03:40 PM

Hi there,

Im new to this forum and to casio, i just bought a FX-9860G SD, and i wonder if is there a way to use the calc to make economical calculations easier, like finding equilibrium between demand and supply curves, just by entering the formulas?
Has anyone tried to make a program for this or is there a way to do it?

Best regards

#2 Guest_lucas singapore_*

Guest_lucas singapore_*
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Posted 05 February 2006 - 08:07 PM

Hi there,

Im new to this forum and to casio, i just bought a FX-9860G SD, and i wonder if is there a way to use the calc to make economical calculations easier, like finding equilibrium between demand and supply curves, just by entering the formulas?
Has anyone tried to make a program for this or is there a way to do it?

Best regards

It is pretty easy and you do not need a program to do so. Just enter the 2 functions into the graph mode and graph it. Not only you will see the 2 graphs you also get the intersection you are looking for. To find the intersection, wait till the 2 graphs are drawn, then press F5 twice.

There are other ways to do this but this is the best way, I think, for solving your problem.


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