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New Tips To Save More Space On Cp!

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#1 Behnoud


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Posted 17 June 2006 - 05:18 PM

I have found that if you enter your formulas using MATH tab instead of 2D tab,
it takes less space on your CP ;)

#2 SoftCalc


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Posted 17 June 2006 - 06:08 PM

I have found that if you enter your formulas using MATH tab instead of 2D tab,
it takes less space on your CP ;)

Have you filled up flash? How much stuff do you have in your ClassPad?

#3 MicroPro


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Posted 20 June 2006 - 05:34 AM

New Tips To Save More Space On Cp!, Is your Flash memory nearly full?

If your eActivity memory is full, try to save some of the eActs as text files. If your .mcs memory is full, save some of the data as eActs (or try to separate your files into many .mcs files on your PC, putting the data of the same group in one file. Then, when you want to go to the university, turn on your PC, and transfer the 'university.mcs' to your CP. When you want to work on your Lua project, transfer the file 'lua.mcs' to your CP, when you want to explore your Geometry problems, transfer the file 'geometry.mcs' to your CP, etc)

I have found that if you enter your formulas using MATH tab instead of 2D tab,
it takes less space on your CP ;)

I think it is usual. The data entered by 'mth' tab is just some text, while the data entered by '2D' tab must be something complicated that stores where the figures are and what do they contain.

#4 Behnoud


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Posted 20 June 2006 - 05:37 PM

How I can save eActivity files to a text file?

#5 MicroPro


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Posted 24 June 2006 - 08:46 AM

Well, converting eActs to text files is not possible :blush: , but still there is another way: If you want to write something, write it in a text file, not in an eActivity.

#6 Behnoud


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Posted 06 July 2006 - 05:21 AM

How can I write some text by CP Manager and save (tranfer) it as a text file (not an eActivity) to my CP?
Is it possible?

#7 MicroPro


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Posted 10 July 2006 - 06:03 PM

Either your question is easy or I have misunderstood... You can write your text with the Program application and save it, then connect your PC to your CP (you can also connect your CP to your PC :D ) and transfer the TEXT file. (Don't forget to click ClassPad's icon in the toolbar of CPManger's exchange window)

#8 Behnoud


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Posted 22 July 2006 - 09:27 PM

:nonono: Please describe more. In details and step by step.
How I can use Program Application to do that.
I have'nt work with this application before.

#9 MicroPro


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Posted 29 July 2006 - 08:10 AM

I'm sure you yourslef know many of the steps below:
1. Turn on your computer.
2. Start CP Manager and then you see the ClassPad's picture and its menu.
3. Click on the 'Program' icon in the menu.
4. Choose Edit>New File.
5. Type in the name of your file and choose OK.
6. Write whatever you want and then Edit>Save File.
7. Then go to the manager's exchange mode (Right click on ClassPad>Exchange...).
8. Connect you ClassPad to your PC. The ClassPad should automatically go into communication mode (Standby).
9. In your PC, click on the first toolbar button of the Manager.
10. Then click on the toolbar button with the picture of a ClassPad (Its tool tip is 'Variables').
11. In the right side (computer), find the file you've created.
12. Drag it to the left side (ClassPad) on one of the folders.

ابتدا توسط شبیه‌ساز کلاس‌پد و برنامه‌ی
متن مورد نظر را تایپ کرده، سپس توسط
Edit>Save File
آن را ذخیره می‌نماییم. بعد روی تصویر کلاس‌پد راست‌کلیک نموده و گزینه‌ای به نام
یا چیزی شبیه این‌ها را کلیک می‌کنیم
سپس کلاس‌پد خود را به کامپیوتر متصل می‌نماییم تا به حالت ?استند بای? رود. بعد در کامپیوتر روی اولین تکمه‌ی نوار ابزار کلیک می‌کنیم
روی یکی از دکمه‌های نوار ابزار که تصویر کلاس‌پد دارد نیز کلیک می‌کنیم. در قسمت سمت راست فایلی را که توسط شبیه‌ساز ذخیره شده‌یود، یافته و آن را به قسمت سمت چپ می‌کشیم
درضمن ۱۰ دقیقه هم روی حرارت ۱۵۰ درجه فارنهایت در فر می‌گذاریم تا بپزد. پ

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