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#1 sebasgm



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  • Calculators:
    cfx 9850GB plus

Posted 10 July 2006 - 04:53 PM

Hello, is first post here so i hope be lucky and obtain an answer for my problem.

I have a cxf 9850 gb Plus and i looking for especific programs that couldn?t find until today. Anybody knows about programs for my calc that can solv Taylor series and Matrix with asociate "utovectores and autovalores" (sorry i don?t know their names in english)


#2 Scratty


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  • Calculators:

Posted 10 July 2006 - 05:35 PM

I'm not aware of any such program for solving Taylor series. You can do such a program by numerically evaluate the coefficients, but then you're limited to second degree terms since the calculator only has support for numerical derivation up to the second degree. However, there are tricks to approximate higher order terms, albeit quite rough approximations. I might look into it. MacLaurin is quite simple though:
f(x) = sum ((d^kf/dx^k)(0)x^k/k!, k=0..N) + xi(N,x)
where xi(N,x) is some rest term (if memory serves).
So the coefficients are gained by doing something like this:
Then construct a polynom manually by typing:
and store it in the function memory or something.
Taylor terms are formed similarly:
f(a) = sum ((d^kf/dx^k)(a)(x-a)^k/k!, k=0..N) + xi(N,x)
This is also typed from my memory, so there might be some typo in the above formula.
This is a little bit more involved and you need to expand the (x-a)^k factors by using the combinatorics-operator (n-choose-k).

By utovectores and autovalores I suspect you mean eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Look up these links for some more information about what is involved:
Here's some linear algebra algorithms:

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