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#1 NOOB101



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Posted 04 August 2006 - 03:12 AM

does any one know a good RPG game that is like heroes or colony in format for my casio fx 9750g plus :D
i googled it but did not find any so i u guys probable know more than me by far.

#2 kucalc


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Posted 04 August 2006 - 04:50 AM

There was a site called Casio Avenue. Try googling it. Had a bunch of programs and games. Even RPGs. Looked back at the site, but it seems to have shut down. Was a good place to get programs though. They were organized.

#3 oxinabox



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Posted 04 August 2006 - 08:22 AM

as far a i know casio avenue has been taken ofer by something french called "ornage", but sean tans casio kingdom, is good (though with out casio avenues massive range.) but he has KINGDOM wich is great, go to this pages links

#4 casiokingdom


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Posted 04 August 2006 - 01:52 PM

but sean tans casio kingdom, is good (though with out casio avenues massive range

I don't think any site has the same amount of programs that CPA had. Casio Corner (http://www.casiocorner.com) had a good range but unfortunately it was hacked a while ago.
http://www.planete-casio.com/Fr/ has a good range of games (some English ones) but the site is in French. Google Translater comes in handy here.

#5 NOOB101



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Posted 04 August 2006 - 05:52 PM

i checked it out but did not find what i was looking for but thanks any way.i wanted a game like heroes or final fantasy(in english)o and i checked out casio kingdom and is the game kingdom any good ver 1 or 2

#6 kucalc


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Posted 04 August 2006 - 08:15 PM

Casio Corner (http://www.casiocorner.com) had a good range but unfortunately it was hacked a while ago.

Didn't that happen a couple of years ago? Did they fix it yet? If not how come it's still not fixed?

#7 casiokingdom


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Posted 05 August 2006 - 10:52 AM

... and i checked out casio kingdom and is the game kingdom any good ver 1 or 2

Kingdom version 1 was the first game I ever made, back in 2003. In my opinion, it is still either my best or 2nd best game. A guy from The Netherlands, Romain Bakx, only recently decided to create a more 'optimised' version of Kingdom. His version (v2) is roughly the same game. It seems to be slightly faster but it has been slightly changed.

Didn't that happen a couple of years ago? Did they fix it yet? If not how come it's still not fixed?

The webmaster of Casio Corner is a guy named Netforce. A couple of years ago he decided to give up managing the site. He made me an admin before it was hacked. But all data was erased when it was hacked. I also lost my admin privilages. I don't have Netforce's email either.

#8 Guest_Non_member_*

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Posted 08 August 2006 - 09:04 AM

thats all well and good, but i have a fx-7400 plus, and i can;t find ANY good sites, would any of the programs available suit these?

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