Posted 05 October 2006 - 10:44 PM
gracias por adelantado
Posted 05 October 2006 - 11:29 PM
Thank you in advance
sorry for the translation but I can't translate alone
Posted 06 October 2006 - 06:43 PM
Summing up: I never have had a hp, but I think that CP has meny advantages: OS (OS2.2 naw, we think that OS3 will not be free), add-in, CPlua, LNA touch screen... all of this you can download. CPlua is used to program, and LNA is a library of numerical analyses methods, it's very good, but you have to know something of programming.
Posted 06 October 2006 - 09:20 PM
Hmmm, you forgot to say that there is a new OS version, which is not free for CP owners. Everyone who thinks to buy a CP should know that.Summing up: I never have had a hp, but I think that CP has meny advantages: OS, add-in, CPlua, LNA touch screen... all of this you can download. CPlua is used to program, and LNA is a library of numerical analyses methods, it's very good, but you have to know something of programming.
#5 Guest_gatico_*
Posted 22 January 2008 - 03:55 AM
Saludos y Gracias
PD: Estoy en la duda de comprarme una ClassPad o no... lo unico q me detiene es esto y q no se que tan practico sea el uso de la pantalla tactil frente a los botones fisicos. Disculpa si me sali del topic pero creo q encaja perfectamente en este tema...
#6 Guest_gatico_*
Posted 29 January 2008 - 03:50 AM
PD: hace tiempo meti una calculadora grafica a mi Palm.. y chuzo si era perdida de tiempo... pero noc si es q la pantalla tactil de las palm son una shit o q, thanks!
#7 Guest_Guest_Chiche?o_*_*
Posted 26 February 2008 - 09:57 PM
Al principio puede ser algo lento realizar los calculos porque no la dominas bien pero despues que ya la dominas los calculos se realizan con rapidezthanks por tu respuesta. Otra preguntica, en cuanto a esos dos modelso q mencionaste la fx y la classpad... la pantalla tactil de la classpad no te atrasa o te hace q hacer los claculos te tarde mas?
PD: hace tiempo meti una calculadora grafica a mi Palm.. y chuzo si era perdida de tiempo... pero noc si es q la pantalla tactil de las palm son una shit o q, thanks!
La clave esta en dominar a la maquina y no al reves
Posted 28 February 2008 - 09:50 AM
We agree than you need to create most of the program that you will need, but if you like the programming you would not have any problem.
I made my own program with the format that I like, and I change any time that it need.
On this forum you can ask any thing about basic, CpLua or even SDK, the last one is the most complicated.
Posted 28 February 2008 - 09:04 PM
so easy to share!
Posted 09 March 2008 - 11:00 PM
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