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Integral Calculus

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#1 ClassPadBob



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Posted 17 October 2006 - 02:11 AM

I own a HP50G on which I can successfully enter and caluclate multiple integrals (double, triple).

From what I've read online, I am very curious about Casio's ClassPad 300 Plus with its touch-screen operations. I do not own one, but am interested in getting one. I was wondering whether any of you guys out there who own a cp300+, have had chance to explore the calculus features. My question is can one do multiple integration on this calculator?

I recently posed this question to the folks at Casio who could not give me a difiniative answer.


#2 vanhoa


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Posted 17 October 2006 - 03:27 AM

I dont think it can do multiple integrals symbolic but we can program some funcs.

#3 PAP


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Posted 17 October 2006 - 09:32 AM

I own a HP50G on which I can successfully enter and caluclate multiple integrals (double, triple).

From what I've read online, I am very curious about Casio's ClassPad 300 Plus with its touch-screen operations. I do not own one, but am interested in getting one. I was wondering whether any of you guys out there who own a cp300+, have had chance to explore the calculus features. My question is can one do multiple integration on this calculator?

I recently posed this question to the folks at Casio who could not give me a difiniative answer.


Well, each multiple integral is, in fact, analyzed into two or more simple integrals. The main problem is to find out the limits for each integral, but I'm sure that there is no CAS able to find integral limits automatically. That being said, the answer is yes, you can calculate double or triple integrals in any CAS supporing symbolic integration. However, ClassPad's OS 2.2 is rather weak in symbolic integration. It is rumored that integration has been upgraded in OS 3.0 (which is commercial software, and you must pay extra money for it). I don't have OS 3.0, so I cannot say if this is true or not.

#4 vanhoa


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Posted 17 October 2006 - 12:59 PM

Not weak, but very very very weak :angry: .

#5 The_AFX_Master


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Posted 18 October 2006 - 12:06 AM

the world rotates around triple-double integrals???. I think that no, you solve integrals on a CAS as a hobby dude?. In real world (noth easy basic maths exams) these integrals, dissapear in most cases. Numerical analysis is the method to solve any engineering problem today
Symbolic calculus is only used to expand the nowadays knowledge, develop new theories, or to demonstrate some stated things... not to solve problems. You can design an entire race car (I.E Formula SAE) without doing complex integrations, but without numerical analysis, you can't build the car.

example, PDE's (parcial differential ecuations), you can solve the heat conduction equation via Fourier transform, but.. when you have a plate involved in a heat transfer phenomena.. you simply solve a finite diferences algorithm to obtain temperatures, instead the fourier transform

#6 PAP


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Posted 18 October 2006 - 08:31 AM

Numerical analysis is the method to solve any engineering problem today. Symbolic calculus is only used to expand the nowadays knowledge, develop new theories, or to demonstrate some stated things... not to solve problems.

Indeed. However, Numerical Analysis is not a method, it's a huge collection of methods for solving mathematical problems numerically. With the exception of simple methods used for educational purposes, most of Numerical Analysis methods are difficult to learn and to apply. Some people say that Numerical Analysis is "the art of scientific computing". :)

#7 Eisuke



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Posted 26 October 2006 - 05:35 AM

I own a HP50G on which I can successfully enter and caluclate multiple integrals (double, triple).

From what I've read online, I am very curious about Casio's ClassPad 300 Plus with its touch-screen operations. I do not own one, but am interested in getting one. I was wondering whether any of you guys out there who own a cp300+, have had chance to explore the calculus features. My question is can one do multiple integration on this calculator?

I recently posed this question to the folks at Casio who could not give me a difiniative answer.


What kind of integration?
Do you show examples?

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