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#1 KholdStare



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Posted 21 November 2006 - 04:25 PM

Hello everyone, im new here :D

For the past few days I've been working on my own fractal program,
updating it and optimising it as much as possible. I'm glad to say it's
working perfectly, but I want to add a few more features, and that's
where I need your help :)

Is it possible to specify the colour of the pixel when it is drawn using
the command PxlOn ? I would like to add colours to my fractals.
I already added orange through a "trick", where i first draw a Y < 50
graph to cover the whole screen in orange, and then "chisel out" the fractal.
But I have no idea how to draw green pixels...

Another question, that is not related to the fractal program, but generally,
is it possible to add values to the bottom of a list, instead of entering the list
in whole?

Has anyone else drawn fractals here? :) At the moment I can draw the mandelbrot
and julia sets to a specified zoom level, iteration accuracy and area :D
Should I post some pics?

Thanks for the help in advance ;)

#2 KholdStare



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Posted 21 November 2006 - 05:21 PM

Oh thanks! I didnt realize you could put a colour infront of a pixel command! :P

#3 Menno


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Posted 23 November 2006 - 05:10 PM

Hello everyone, im new here :D


Should I post some pics?


Yes, please


#4 KholdStare



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Posted 27 November 2006 - 01:25 PM

Alright, I'll post some pictures. Most will be from the latest version with all colours :D
These are photos taken with a digital camera... I dont have the wire to transfer the bitmaps to the PC.

This one is from the black-and-white version, a 3x zoom of the mandelbrot fractal, with 30 iterations:
Posted Image

Mandelbrot set unzoomed, 30 iterations, this time with a bit of colours:
Posted Image


Mandelbrot fractal, again, zoomed on the edge 65x, with colours:
Posted Image


Zoomed in 325x on a branch of the mandelbrot set, with colours, a self-replica visible:
Posted Image


This time it's a Julia set, zoomed 1.25x:
Posted Image

The program allows resuming and restarting a given fractal, if someone presses the AC button... Although,
obviously, if one variable is changed, then it's not possible to resume.

If anyone wants, you can specify an interesting area of the mandelbrot or julia set here, and I'll draw it on the calc,
and post it here.

Thanks for your interest ;)

#5 Menno


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Posted 28 November 2006 - 05:20 AM

Hey man that looks good :) pitty it uses colors so i cannot use it on my 9860. But it looks great :)

#6 KholdStare



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Posted 28 November 2006 - 12:14 PM

:) Thanks!

The code that makes the "colours" is minimal, only 2 extra lines (1 for each colour), so you can erase those, and it will draw them only in the default colour.

Although... I dont have a cable so i cant just upload a file, I'd have to type it out, and you would have to copy it in turn :P

its only ~550 bytes though

#7 Maverich40


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Posted 25 August 2013 - 08:07 PM

Do you still have this fractal program? cg10 or 9860, or know would I could locate one please? Looks fascinating. Thanks.
//Maverich40 at ya hoo dot com//

#8 flyingfisch


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 04:27 PM

wow, nice fractal gen! how fast does it generate?

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