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#1 very newbie

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Posted 05 January 2007 - 02:11 AM

hi im very new to this whole calculator thing and i just got my fx 9860g sd. so far i pretty much know nothing about these calcs so please help me. i tried to read the tutorials but i didnt make scence. i recently downloaded some games from the sharing page but i dont know how to put it onto my calc cos its in some format called .rar
please help me!
thanks heaps!

#2 kucalc


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Posted 05 January 2007 - 02:37 AM

Hey, welcome to the forum! First of all, to open a RAR file you need a decompression program called WinRAR. You can download it off here: http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm

Here's my tutorial for transferring G1R files:
1. Open FA-124. Go to Tools, then Model type and click fx-9860 and make sure there is a check there.

2. You should see windows within FA-124: fx-9860 and Computer. Plug in your cable to your computer and the fx-9860. Before you plug in, make sure your calculator is set to USB mode. Turn on your calculator, and select [LINK]. Press F4 (now you should be seeing Select Cable Type). Press F1 (in Cable Type it should say USB). Once that is done, then plug in your calculator.

3. If the driver is installed correctly, you should see this in your calculator: Receiving... AC :Cancel

4. If it does, go back to FA-124. Click on the [Establish a connection] button (It's the little icon under where it says fx-9860. It has a computer with a red link connecting to a calculator). Wait a couple of minutes for the FA-124 to update and synchronize.

5. After it's done, go to the Computer window on the other side. Right click on Computer (not the title bar, the one underneath that has under it [+ Default]). Click on [Insert Existing Imagel]. Go look for the .g1r file and double click on it.

6. Now you should see the .g1r file under [Computer]. Click on the file, hold the button, and drag it to where it says [fx-9860 Connected] (located in the fx-9860 window, it has a picture of calculator next to it).

7. It should transfer the file. Click [disconnect] and there you go, you've got the .g1r file on the calc.

Here's my tutorial for G1A files:
1. First open up FA-124 and look for a button on the menu that has a green pen on top of a document and click on it. Look at the picture to see where it is located:
Posted Image

2. Now below where it says Default under Computer, right click on it and then select Import fx-9860 File. Look to the picture for reference:
Posted Image

3. After clicking Import fx-9860 File, you should now see a new dialog window. Where it says Files of types:, click on it and select G1A File(*.g1a). Look to the picture for reference:
Posted Image

4. The next step now is to locate the add-in. Browse to the folder where you downloaded your add-in and select it. Look to the picture for reference:
Posted Image

5. Now after you have found your file, select Open and now you should see your file listed under Default. If you do see it, congratulations! Plug in your calculator, create a connection with the PC and just drag it in (to the fx-9860 icon). Enjoy!
Posted Image

To download OS updates and resources for the fx-9860 look here: http://world.casio.c...roduct/fx9860g/

#3 very newbie

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Posted 04 February 2007 - 11:06 AM

i did the winzip thing but i still have mario and yatzee in a g1m format so it dosent import
please help!

#4 caspro


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Posted 05 February 2007 - 08:25 PM

In the pictures that Kucalc gave in his tutorial for opening g1a files
there is a red circle around an icon of a green pen.

Next to that is an icon of a calculator.
To open a g1m file, click on that calculator icon, then right-click on +default,
then import g1m files.

#5 Crazio



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Posted 08 February 2007 - 02:56 PM

Nice! How about transferring programs from calculator? Is it possible? How about deleting a file?

#6 caspro


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Posted 09 February 2007 - 12:52 PM

About transferring programs from calculator, see my reply to this topic:
Fx 9860g Au Help!

#7 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 15 February 2007 - 11:21 AM

i cant transfer .g1r files because it doesnt give me the option to is there anything that i need to install?

#8 caspro


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Posted 07 June 2007 - 02:50 PM

All the .g1* files are designed for use with FA-124, but there are different ways of opening them.

* g1r is opened from the main menu ( or g1s if you click green pen) (click the calculator icon to go back to g1r)

* g1a - click the icon of the green pen, then in the right-hand window right-click on default to import

* g1m -click on the calculator icon, then in the right-hand window right-click on default to import.

For detailed tutorials see Kucalc's post above.

#9 Guest_Paul_*

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Posted 06 September 2008 - 05:18 PM

When i try to connect my calculater with fa124, it says: no more open file . I don't know what to do, can anyone help me please?

#10 max614



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Posted 03 May 2010 - 08:47 PM

When i try to connect my calculater with fa124, it says: no more open file . I don't know what to do, can anyone help me please?

I have exactly the same problem, have you solved it?

#11 Guest_pbtero_*

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Posted 28 February 2011 - 05:25 AM

you need to download new version of fa 124

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