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How Come Os 3 Is Not Available?

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#1 johnet123



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Posted 12 January 2007 - 03:29 PM

Not being able to upgrade my Classpad?s OS from version 2.2 to 3.0 has caused me to wonder if Casio?s marketing division is comprised of morons who have no idea of the concept of customer satisfaction.

Because OS version 3.0 is obviously available, and has been for some time, it makes no sense to me as to why Casio is not offering it at the Website. Given Casio?s cavalier attitude with regards to their customers, it will be a cold day in hell before I will purchase another Casio product.

#2 DrCoyote


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Posted 12 January 2007 - 06:43 PM

A well reasoned opinion, Johnet123.

I remember when I first started hearing about this advanced new product called the ClassPad. I was very excited, and anxious to get my hands on it. Now, after literally years of owning it, I am disgusted... I'm tired of tiny, incremental upgrades to the OS that are hyped to the skies for months before their release... I'm tired of reading how it can be upgraded with third party software to do remarkable things... And now, as a final slap in the face, Casio is asking us to pay for OS 3.0.

The ClassPad is a very expensive calculator. As far as I can tell, it is an odd, lopsided, incomplete product, an idea with huge potential that has yet to be approached, much less met.

At this point, my ClassPad sits on a shelf. I refuse to pay for OS 3.0. I refuse to install things like the oft-hyped LNA, and to invest the time it would take to learn to use it, to try to make the ClassPad more useful. For the price I paid, it should be a far better product, and I am tired of putting my time and money into it.

I remember when I first took it out of the box, installed the batteries. "That's funny..." I said to my wife at the time. "The display is really dim and blurry." Little did I know, back then, that the display was one of the smallest disappointments I would encounter.

I will not buy another high-end calculator from Casio. I like my FX-9860G just fine, but these days, I'm back to using RPN.

#3 kucalc


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Posted 13 January 2007 - 01:47 AM

Yes, the fx-9860 is a really good calculator! :D

If what you say about the ClassPad is true DrCoyote, then I have to stop myself because I was about to buy one...

#4 The_AFX_Master


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Posted 13 January 2007 - 05:26 AM

DrCoyote..not flaming, but.. Why you only post crappy things about the classpad?. Anyone that read your posts can think that the CP is the worst machine ever.. even on amazon you put contras about the CP!!!. If you love HP, and the non-human rpn, well.. what are you doing here?. someone pay you to blame the CP?. Sincerely, i don't understand you.

I refuse to install things like the oft-hyped LNA, and to invest the time it would take to learn to use it

well, for sure:
1) you know nothing about numerical methods
2) How you can say that LNA is hyped if you "refuse to learn it"
3) Try to find on your "ultra HP +++++" some advanced LNA functions. i will laugh loudly by 3 months until you find it "built in"
4) If you refuse to learn easy things as CPLua.. How the f**ck you learn (?) UserRPL or SysRpl ???.. stupid languages that focuses on headaches for the programmer?.

Lazy users as you aren't needed on the community.. sorry for the hardness.. but i'm tired to read you blaming the gdmit calc every time!

I will talk you in some remarks, why i'm loyal to CASIO:

1) I was a HP 49g+ calc user, That crap was OS unstable, the keys fell as granny theet, is a SLOW machine, is programmable on sanscrit or some ancient symbolic proto-language (User & Sys RPL). HP support is the worst i've seen, you send a calc and they need 3 months to repair it. I lost data every month for crappy failures and so. Changing the batteries was a heavy task. and you say that it's a very well designed toy! :nonono:

2) Classpad NEVER lost my data, NEVER crashed on a exam leaving me alone, NEVER stuck on a calculation, NEVER reboots without order, NEVER lost keys os touchscreen sensitivity, and ALWAYS solved every problem on mechanical engineering that i had to put on it, NEVER has problems at battery change, and was CHEAPER than HP and TI counterparts. My CP was dunked two times with Coca Cola.. and i only dissasembled it, cleaned it.. and works fine. I will pay you 100 bucks if you do it on your "Caesar HP 500000++++" right now (and the crap works, for sure)!

3) The same with my AFX.. dunked a time, cleaned, and works fine

4) Paying for the OS 3 isn't a big deal.. But thinking a bit. Casio inproved a lot with the OS 3, the slow matrix problem dissapeared, and some other inprovements that honestly deserves a pay.. I know that the current price is unfair.. That os shouldn't overpass 15$

5) see your beloved HP .. CASIO did an effort to inprove their calcs on hardware AND software, every year.
Your 49/50 crappy series are emulators (yes, emulators) of the slow and ancient 4MHZ saturn processor of the 48g. HP is a too lazy company, that NEVER did a completely new OS rebuilt on the ARM9 platform (written in native ARM instructions), they only added libraries to that OS.. Then, your super hyper mega uber "HP ++++++495000" is an emulator of an OLD, SLOW and O U T D A T E D calc, and underclocked to 75 MHZ
btw.. they fool the customers releasing a black 49g+, aka 50g

6) You have no arguments to refuse the 1~5 points :plol:

Dr Coyote, i'm not flaming, we are a community. and making negative comments about our passion (the calc) isn't the way to improve it? isn't it?. For sure dude,


#5 Behnoud


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Posted 13 January 2007 - 05:30 PM

we are a community. and making negative comments about our passion (the calc) isn't the way to improve it? isn't it?. For sure dude,

I agree!
But I wonder what kind of processor each calculator use?!
I'm really interested to see the comparsion!
specially about speed of processors!
(sorry for my poor english!)

#6 Guest_Guest_Johnet123_*_*

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Posted 13 January 2007 - 08:04 PM

Admittedly, the ClassPad has the potential to be a great calculator. However, unless the people who manufacture and program it do not hear or read meaningful, negative critiques, it will never reach its potential. In addition, contrary to the ranting of a few Casio sycophants, the ClassPad is not some type of holy icon that needs to be venerated as opposed to being negatively critiqued if it is warranted.

Personally, I believe that OS 3 should be supplied free to anyone who wants it. No other calculator manufacturers, including HP or TI, have charged its users for an upgraded OS.

As I alluded to in a previous posting, the marketing personnel for Casio?s ClassPad must be morons if they believe that people will continue to purchase their calculator if Casio is going to charge for updates that correct problems or allow it to run more efficiently.

The bottom line for me is that I do not want to pay to be a ClassPad Beta tester. If I pay 150 dollars, US, I expect the ClassPad to be virtually flawless.

#7 The_AFX_Master


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Posted 13 January 2007 - 08:41 PM

In addition, contrary to the ranting of a few Casio sycophants

<_< ...
btw, I'm a programmer.. not a silly user as you. my point here is that blaming and criying as little kids doesn't solve things. i'm not venerating the CP, i only can say that i love that machine because never let me alone on any task.. And i HATE the complaints of the users that only do 2+2 and doesn't do anything to improve that thing. If you don't like it, sell it and get out of here! is so simply!.. buy an HP, a SHARP, or a TI.. and go crying in their respectve forums.

I'm get so boring to hear silly people that wants all easier... If you need the things easier, Buy a TI.. or a PDA.

btw: you moron, TI charges you for a equation writer, and for some apps....don't try to fool me on calculator related topics, isn't enough

i'm dissapointed with the price of the OS, not for the fact of Casio is selling it.

#8 johnet123



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Posted 14 January 2007 - 07:11 AM

It would appear that AFX Master is one of the Casio sycophants I was referring to in my last posting. He or she?s attitude is that if you are complaining about a legitimate problem concerning the ClassPad, you are just a little child. In addition, AFX Master likens anyone who has the temerity to complain about the ClassPad as being mathematically challenged.

AFX Master, for your edification the ClassPad is virtually useless without a properly working OS and CAS. It does not matter how technologically wonderful its hardware is if it cannot give correct answers to the problems it was advertised to solve.

In conclusion, people have a right to expect to receive what they paid have for, regardless of your opinions to the contrary.

#9 kucalc


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Posted 14 January 2007 - 07:09 PM

Hmmm.... Looking up sycophant up in a dictionary:

sycophant - noun - a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage

How could AFX_Master be a sycophant?

Given Casio?s cavalier attitude with regards to their customers, it will be a cold day in hell before I will purchase another Casio product.

What about Algebra FX 2.0 or a fx-9860? Do you own those or even tried them out?

#10 The_AFX_Master


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Posted 14 January 2007 - 08:25 PM

It would appear that AFX Master is one of the Casio sycophants I was referring to in my last posting.

Think wathever...

He or she’s attitude is that if you are complaining about a legitimate problem concerning the ClassPad, you are just a little child

You're that!.. if you come to a forum that are intended to be a help to the people that have casio calcs and have specific problems, to cry and complain about the whole calc.. you're a child. Why? why childs are the only people that complain and cry about things that they not understand. Isn't my problem if you like or not programming or the classpad, you're free to think wathever.. I'm here to help people, not to discuss with lazy users.

AFX Master likens anyone who has the temerity to complain about the ClassPad as being mathematically challenged.

for sure, you make me laugh.. That's true!, anyone that needs to complain the whole calc (we do so, if you not believe.. read all my posts), need to have a knowledge basement. I'm ready to complain a lot of models (Ti's, HP's and casio). Because i know how to program the majority of them, because i was user of huge ammount of them. and because support departments of brands as HP have twice times as morons as casio (do you like to wait 3 months for a keyboard replacement? AND PAY 75$ FOR IT?). When i answer you, i have a basis, because i use facts to support my words.

AFX Master, for your edification the ClassPad is virtually useless without a properly working OS and CAS

i didn't say so, Any computer plattform needs programming if you want to squeeze at the last drop of performance. And we are advanced users that do so, without whining. For the basic things, Classpad is a lot powerful without modifications. btw, The classpad OS is the most stable and reliable that i've seen.. in fact, a bit more than TI's (I'm referring to OS 2.2, built in when you buy the Classpad). some CAS lacks of the OS 2.2 have been solved by the community or by OS3.. you can give me list with specific things that you failed to do with the calc?, remember that the forum is to help people.

It does not matter how technologically wonderful its hardware is if it cannot give correct answers to the problems it was advertised to solve.

In that point, people that not have support for their words.. say things as "the calc does'nt give correct answers...".
btw, are you on high school?.. you don't know that hardware is the basis for software execution?. try to run win XP with 32 Mb on ram smoothly..

In conclusion, people have a right to expect to receive what they paid have for, regardless of your opinions to the contrary


you neccesary will not get more for a TI or a HP for a price closser to the CP... what are your problems, unit conversion?, engineering symbols?, or non-real-world integrals that you can't solve?..

Give me a list with your issues and i'll help you.

#11 johnet123



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Posted 14 January 2007 - 10:34 PM

AFX Master believes that because he is a programmer he knows all about calculator marketing, has the ability to read the minds of others, knows that those who complain about something are children, etc. I wish that I had his god-like powers.

Say what you will about HP or TI but, at least, they have provided updates to their calculators CAS at no charge. Personally, I believe that Casio?s decision to charge for a CAS update is indefensible. Again, given that I paid 149 dollars, US, I do not feel that I should be a Beta tester. If Casio wants me to be a Beta tester, then they should give me the ClassPad free and, in return, I will give them an in-depth critique.

As for sending a list of ClassPad?s issues, that would be redundant, as most of them have been published in this forum.

The bottom line is that I am not asking Casio to supply the PC emulator for free, just the OS 3 update. Additionally, I wonder how many other ClassPad users feel the same as I do with regards to the OS 3 update.

#12 PAP


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Posted 14 January 2007 - 10:51 PM

I refuse to install things like the oft-hyped LNA, and to invest the time it would take to learn to use it, to try to make the ClassPad more useful.

It is obvious that nobody likes ClassPad's weak CAS, or the fact that Casio wants money for OS 3.0. Apart from this, I strongly disagree with you and I feel insulted by your statement about LNA. You should not criticize software you didn't even try, since you "refuse" to do so. I have spent a lot of time to create LNA, and I'm still spending a large part of my free time to upgrade it. Try LNA before saying anything about it. Using LNA, you can do things you can't even imagine in any calc. Want an example? Try to solve a boundary-value problem with complex Robin boundary conditions to your beloved TI or HP; you will fail. Try this problem using LNA: you will get a correct solution using a simple short program. But I forgot, you refuse to learn anything.

For god's sake, you use RPN and you refuse to learn CPLua? RPN is the worst "programming" language I have even seen. It's not my business, you may adore RPN, if you like. But then, what are you doing here?
You refuse to try LNA? Stop criticizing. You don't like ClassPad? Sell it, and quit posting complaints again and again. End of story.
Btw, is it true that you put similar complaining posts in amazon? :plol:

DrCoyote..not flaming, but.. Why you only post crappy things about the classpad?. Anyone that read your posts can think that the CP is the worst machine ever.. even on amazon you put contras about the CP!!!. If you love HP, and the non-human rpn, well.. what are you doing here?. someone pay you to blame the CP?. Sincerely, i don't understand you.

well, for sure:
1) you know nothing about numerical methods
2) How you can say that LNA is hyped if you "refuse to learn it"
3) Try to find on your "ultra HP +++++" some advanced LNA functions. i will laugh loudly by 3 months until you find it "built in"
4) If you refuse to learn easy things as CPLua.. How the f**ck you learn (?) UserRPL or SysRpl ???.. stupid languages that focuses on headaches for the programmer?.

Lazy users as you aren't needed on the community.. sorry for the hardness.. but i'm tired to read you blaming the gdmit calc every time!

Although I don't exactly agree with that crude language, I totally agree with your arguments, The_AFX_Master. And, once again, thank you very much for your kind words about LNA. I have written LNA for users like you, not for "naggers".

#13 PAP


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Posted 14 January 2007 - 11:07 PM

Hmmm.... Looking up sycophant up in a dictionary:
sycophant - noun - a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage

Your dictionary is wrong, no matter in which dictionary you have found this (believe me, I know what I'm saying).
"Sycophant" is a greek word. it is written as "συκοφάντης" (in latin alphabet: "sycophantis"). Its meaning is not what you say. The correct meaning is: sycophant=a person who tries to insult someone by spreading lies about him/her (usually, but not necessarily, in order to gain a personal advantage).

Anyway, The_AFX_Master is not a sycophant.

#14 kucalc


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Posted 15 January 2007 - 12:13 AM

For god's sake, you use RPN and you refuse to learn CPLua? RPN is the worst "programming" language I have even seen. It's not my business, you may adore RPN, if you like. But then, what are you doing here?
You refuse to try LNA? Stop criticizing. You don't like ClassPad? Sell it, and quit posting complaints again and again. End of story.
Btw, is it true that you put similar complaining posts in amazon? :plol:

I've never talked to you before PAP and this is my first time, so I have to say hello to you. :D I got my definition of sycophant from this link: http://dictionary.re...rowse/sycophant. Also, I already said that The_AFX_Master is not a sycophant.

Also, yes, it is true that DrCoyote has been posting complaints on Amazon. Take a look: http://www.amazon.co...r/dp/B0002AUVP2. I was thinking of choosing a AFX or ClassPad as my next graphing calculator. I wanted to see what people thought about the ClassPad so I looked on Amazon and found DrCoyote's post about the ClassPad.

Also, about the ClassPad OS v3.0, sorry if I'm redundant but:

Does the OS Update vs3.01 contain the full ROM? Is it that the update contains the complete ROM, checks your ClassPad what version it is, and overwrites the ROM with the new one? If so, someone can send me the update and I'll try extracting the complete OS ROM like I did for the fx-9860. Maybe then with the ROM, someone else can write another program that will download the ROM without checking the version of the OS in your ClassPad. That way, everyone can update their ClassPad for free!!!!!

#15 Xtreme



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Posted 15 January 2007 - 08:26 AM

I'm really tired of reading complainers, especially hypocritical ones. It's difficult to take someone seriously when they complain about everything. Even complements are lined with complaints. Their thoughts have little value in my book. How unhappy must their lives be?

Posted Image

#16 DrCoyote


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Posted 16 January 2007 - 02:15 AM

Apart from this, I strongly disagree with you and I feel insulted by your statement about LNA.

Dear PAP:

Please accept my sincere apologies for making you feel insulted. Looking back over my posting, I see I worded the portion that mentioned LNA poorly.

What I meant to say was that, as far as I can tell, a ClassPad user needs to install LNA to help with many of the calculator's shortcomings. When I said I 'refuse to install' LNA, I meant that I should not have to do so, just to help make the ClassPad useful. I was trying to emphasize that a calculator in the ClassPad's price range should already have a superior CAS and other capabilities... I should not have to add on a lot of software, and spend a lot of time and effort learning said software, to get an acceptable level of capability.

Looking back, I also regret the use of the word 'hyped'. Perhaps 'touted' would have been better. I was trying to say that LNA is often mentioned as a solution for peoples' problems with the ClassPad's capabilities... And as far as I can tell, it is indeed a great solution.

In other words, the part about LNA was meant to be a compliment. I was saying that it was almost a necessary component for a ClassPad.

I hope this clears up that misunderstanding. I would never intentionally insult anyone in this forum. Personal attacks are needless and childish.

#17 johnet123



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Posted 16 January 2007 - 03:57 PM

The picture that Xtreme included in his posting is exactly how I feel with regards to the ClassPad. Contrary to those who would be Casio?s apologists, sycophants, or whatever, one has every right to expect that they should receive what they paid for.

When I, or anyone else for that matter, complains that the display on the early ClassPads are almost unreadable or that we are forced to pay for an OS update, which may or may not work as advertised, we are accused of being mathematically challenged crybabies. I have to wonder how these very same people would react if they bought a product that they were not emotionally invested in, and it did not work as advertised; I would wager that they would be angry.

Again, neither HP or TI charge for their calculator updates, which is a policy Casio should adopt, too.

#18 Behnoud


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Posted 16 January 2007 - 05:41 PM

First sorry for my pooor english.
Recently I see that some of topics are out of CP.
They are about ourself and our weakness!
Think if CP had every thing in, if so there were no need
to neither such a forum nor discussing!
I love CP because it is Dynamic!
I can change it as I need.
It forces me to challenge!

#19 PAP


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Posted 16 January 2007 - 08:12 PM

In other words, the part about LNA was meant to be a compliment. I was saying that it was almost a necessary component for a ClassPad.
I hope this clears up that misunderstanding. I would never intentionally insult anyone in this forum. Personal attacks are needless and childish.

Yes, this clears up the misunderstanding.

I have to say that, basically, I agree with you. There are many annoying things in ClassPad. Its display contrast is very bad, the CAS is odd, CPBasic is unacceptably weak and slow, the OS updates are not significant, and there are no signs of improvement. However, we have decided to adress all these problems in a totally different way. Using CPLua and personal programming efforts, I managed to overpass most problems (except the bad contrast, of course). I can say that I have all the tools needed to use ClassPad as a very powerful calculator.

What I cannot understand is your opinion about RPN and CPLua. Do you really use RPN, and you like it? Have you ever tried CPLua? It's much better than RPN (in fact, RPN cannot be even compared with CPLua). Why you spend your time to learn and use RPN, when you have a ClassPad, and you can use CPLua instead?

#20 DrCoyote


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Posted 17 January 2007 - 12:45 PM


Please don't think I am rude when I say this- It is a simple statement of fact. I will not answer your questions, as I cannot see any benefit coming from doing so.

This is my last post to this forum.

#21 omegavirus


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Posted 18 January 2007 - 07:00 AM

?Run Forest, run! :nonono:

Now this shit is over; HP, TI and CASIO calcs, all of them have their advantages and disadvantages, that’s how things are in the hardware and software world… :!:

#22 The_AFX_Master


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Posted 18 January 2007 - 10:14 PM



is silly that my post # 300 is spam :P

#23 kucalc


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Posted 18 January 2007 - 11:59 PM

This is my last post to this forum.

DrCoyote's last post to the forum forever is his 100th post.

is silly that my post # 300 is spam :P

The_AFX_Master's spam post is his 300th post.

Kind of makes me feel sad.... :(

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