i must say i'm new here in this nice forum. I shall also tell you guy's that this is the 1st forum i speak english (i'm portuguese), so prease ignore any mistakes

so my question, and after an not clear search about it, is about (working) games and software for my Casio fx-9860G SD. Where can i find a trustable site to find games in .g1m extension? I know that this is suppose to be the corrent extension, because i've downloaded .g1r extension, none of them working, not recognized extension at all, that suprises me because i only searched in casio fx games sites...
i've googled but dindt find any speatial working game...

Can i have more info about this sites and extensions?
Another point of my tread is the hardware. Once more, i'm asking for programs for it for a 10th to 12th grade of school. I was also loking for a programme to conver various units, like fisic unics and more.
i'm sure you casio masters have something to help me.