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Games And Others For Casio Fx-9860g Sd

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#1 rmb



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Posted 12 January 2007 - 09:52 PM

i must say i'm new here in this nice forum. I shall also tell you guy's that this is the 1st forum i speak english (i'm portuguese), so prease ignore any mistakes :)

so my question, and after an not clear search about it, is about (working) games and software for my Casio fx-9860G SD. Where can i find a trustable site to find games in .g1m extension? I know that this is suppose to be the corrent extension, because i've downloaded .g1r extension, none of them working, not recognized extension at all, that suprises me because i only searched in casio fx games sites...
i've googled but dindt find any speatial working game... :banghead:
Can i have more info about this sites and extensions?

Another point of my tread is the hardware. Once more, i'm asking for programs for it for a 10th to 12th grade of school. I was also loking for a programme to conver various units, like fisic unics and more.

i'm sure you casio masters have something to help me.

#2 kucalc


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Posted 13 January 2007 - 02:21 AM

Hey rmb, welcome to the forum! :D

A good site is Planet-Casio: http://planet-casio.com/Uk/. I'm a Administrator there and the place is awesome.

Games can be found here: http://planet-casio....casio-games.php. We have a ton of games, I believe we have over 400 archived.

Also, read my tutorials on transferring G1A, G1R, G1M files: http://www.casiocalc...?showtopic=3105. Remember, to open RAR files you need WinRAR.

#3 casiokingdom


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Posted 13 January 2007 - 09:49 AM

Visit my site for other fx-9860 games and programs.

#4 rmb



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Posted 14 January 2007 - 09:10 PM

ups, i have problems now...

i have downloaded many games, and after transfered to the calc all off the games give "Memory ERROR"
wat can i do???

#5 kucalc


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Posted 14 January 2007 - 10:22 PM

I'll be glad to assist you rmb. Please tell me the list of games you have transferred to your calculator. Try removing some games off, you probably put too much and filled up the memory.

#6 rmb



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Posted 14 January 2007 - 10:29 PM

ok, i solved it... i've checked your sites but fund many games not working...

anyway, it exists any game to play between 2 calculators with the 3pin cable?

#7 kucalc


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Posted 14 January 2007 - 10:41 PM

Yes, but not on a fx-9860. Maybe when the fx-9860 SDK comes out, it may be possible. I heard this can be done on a Algebra FX though.

#8 rmb



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Posted 15 January 2007 - 07:11 PM


anyway, can you link me a funcioning pong game? because the ones i tried none of them worked.
i also loked in your sites, but didnt find any proograme to convert fisic and quimic units, do you guys now any?

tanks :)

#9 kucalc


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Posted 15 January 2007 - 08:05 PM

SDK stands for Software Development Kit. Me, huhn_m and LordNPS were working on one, but we stopped on development. You will have to wait for CASIO to release the SDK; They are still in Beta working on it. The advantage of an SDK is that it lets you program more closer to the hardware, rather than CASIO BASIC that has to be interpreted by the OS.

Anyways, here is a link for a Pong game created by Menno: http://www.casiocalc...amp;load_that=1

#10 casiokingdom


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Posted 16 January 2007 - 03:16 AM

Don't the Pongs on my site work? I'm pretty sure they do. What's the problem you get?

#11 rmb



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Posted 16 January 2007 - 01:16 PM

i dont remember right now, but i have the idea that some didnt work...
but good work!

how can i create a program where i insert the formula of something so then i only put the variables, and it calculates the result?


E=10^(2.4M-1.2) - i save this
then, when i choose this formula again it only asks me the M value.

can i do that, where? do i need an extra program?

#12 rmb



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Posted 17 January 2007 - 07:09 PM

no one^? :(

uhh i have one more question... all the games and applications i install on the calc it goes all to the 1.5mb memory of the calc! but i have a memory SD of 32mb... but i didnt find any way to install and the games and other stuff on the SD card!
can i have your help?


#13 caspro


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Posted 19 January 2007 - 04:53 PM

how can i create a program where i insert the formula of something so then i only put the variables, and it calculates the result?

There isn't anything quite like that.

You could store a formula in f-mem <span class=OPTN' /><span class=F6' />F6<span class=F3' />
and then type say 5->M and then recall the function from f-mem.


To transfer from the computer to the sd card directly, I don't know if it can be done.

But it can be done via the calculator.

To transfer from the calculator to the sd card, go into Mode E from the Main Menu.
Select either main memory or storage memory, use sel (f1) to select what you want to copy
then copy (f2) to copy it, then choose 2 for sd card.

#14 tutti


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Posted 27 January 2007 - 11:49 AM

Yes you can.

The program should be something like this:

"Formula E="?->Y1

The Y isn't the one you find on the keyboard using the Alpha button. You find it in Vars -> GRPH -> Y (Vars -> F4 -> F1). And leave the E out of the input - it's already there.

I know this works on the FX-9860G SD - I just tested it. I also know it doesn't work on the CFX-9850GC+, because I've tested that in the past. In other words, it's an upgrade to the programming language.

#15 caspro


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Posted 27 January 2007 - 06:56 PM

Tutti, this is great !

Now functions can be entered at runtime.

I've tested it on the Algebra FX 2.0Plus and it works on that too.

It's like 1->List 11 when List 1 doesn't exist or 1->List 15 when
it only has 4 elements. I thought that was a new 9860 feature,
but that works on the Afx2+ as well.

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Posted 28 January 2007 - 02:52 AM

...people didn't know this? I'd have told you sooner if I knew... >_>;

It's a shame that it can't output the stored string though... Both Locate and Text calculate the value of Y1 before outputting, and if it contains characters such as spaces or commas, Text gives a syntax error while Locate gives an argument error. Or am I forgetting a possibility?

#17 caspro


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Posted 28 January 2007 - 07:27 AM

Yes, that would be good if you could do that. A backdoor to getting string functionality.

I checked the f-mem and ?->fn1 works as well
Also, a program can assign literals if it is in quotes e.g. "X^2+2X+1"->fn1

It would be good if you could move the strings about e.g. Y1->Y2 or fn1->fn2 but
that doesn't work.


While investigating this stuff, I found that if you copy text and paste it into the 9860 emulator
then unfortunately you can get a syn error with the + sign. e.g. 1+2 won't work if it is pasted
into the emulator.

#18 rmb



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Posted 29 January 2007 - 06:02 PM

ok, then once again... wath do i have 2 do to make this idea to work ?
can you givme the correct codes 4 the program?
or does it exist any programm already?


#19 tutti


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Posted 30 January 2007 - 10:34 AM

The 4 lines in my post is the program you asked for.

"Formula E="?->Y1

Just write it into your calculator.

#20 Guest_torch_*

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Posted 31 January 2009 - 02:19 PM

Can anyone get me Pokemon(anything) for a Casio Fx9680G please?
Thanks =)

#21 Guest_Thebegin S_*

Guest_Thebegin S_*
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Posted 22 September 2009 - 07:42 PM

I have some games open whit winrar. But they are not in the files like .gm1 ore .g1a . Now the files end on .cat ore .cas.
Can someone please help me :)? :rolleyes:

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