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Spritetodata [casioc]

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#1 alias4399


    Casio Freak

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Posted 06 March 2007 - 01:16 PM

Introducing.. SpriteToData 1.0!

By Alias4399

SpriteToData is a great little program that you can use to help you with
the creation of sprites!

Instructions for usage:

)Create a sprite of any dimension and save it into any format.
Use a suitable graphics package (eg. Jasc Paint Shop Pro) to convert the sprite
into .ppm format

)Run the program from a command line or batch file (provided) with the following usage:

SpriteToData.exe <infile> <outfile>

where <infile> is your .ppm file (remember to include the extension!)
and <outfile> is your .txt or any other format file you want to save the data to.

Data is saved as follows:
)To be used as a char matrix
)'#' for every solid pixel
)'_' for every blank pixel
)You can use this for an int matrix, just replace (Ctrl+H) every '#' with a '1', etc.

Have fun!


Just like it says!

Grab it in the filesharing!

If you have any problems or questions, comments or queries, feel free to drop 'em.


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