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Making an RPG

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#1 Volcano


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Posted 25 March 2003 - 07:32 PM

Hello. I'm planning to make a text based RPG for the CFX (probably a convertion of the text based PC classic: Zork The nemesis) :) . And i have a few questions due to this:

1. How do i make a good save system using the list or matrix function? Are there any tutorials on this?

2. Is it possible to make a command system, so you can type in different commands (like hit, kill, take) during the game?

3. Have any of you any good advice in making text based RPG's?

#2 Killer83Z


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Posted 25 March 2003 - 07:55 PM

Look at the RPGs other people made for the calc!

(Namely my diabolic dungeon and deathtrap dungeon)

#3 Volcano


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Posted 25 March 2003 - 08:05 PM

But i don't handle the matrix and list system and functions very well so i think it would be best if someone told me basicly how to use those functions :rolleyes: .

Thanx anyway :) . I've watched som other program codes of RPG's, but i can't seem to figure out how to use the matrix and list based save\load function (I've never used matrixes or lists before) :unsure: . :rolleyes:

#4 BiTwhise


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Posted 25 March 2003 - 08:12 PM


#5 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 26 March 2003 - 02:03 AM

I tipically use a matrix if I want multiple save "files" with each row or colum as a whole file. Lists are better for single save files, and they are simpler.

to access a cell in a matrix do this: (using matrix A)
Mat A[y,x] // y and x are coordinates in the matrix.

you can treat this just like a normal variable, anyplace you could put a number you can put this.

same goes with lists but the sentax is diffrent: (using list 1)
List 1[n] // n is the index number in the list

to create a matrix in a program do the folowing:
{r,c}->Dim Mat A // r is the number of rows and c is the number of colums

for lists it goes:
n->Dim List 1 // n is the number of cells

using the Dim function automatically sets all the cells in a matrix or list to 0, you have to fill them aftreward, this also means that you cannot have it Dim your save file every time you run the program because it would erase all the data. have an initalize option in the main menu to prevent this.

also remember that any thing you can do to one of the letter variables (A,B,C...r,o) you can do to a List or Mat, just make sure you dont try to access a place in the List/Mat that doesnt exist ( in a 10x10 Mat dont try Mat A[11,2]).

hope that helps. :)

#6 Volcano


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Posted 26 March 2003 - 01:30 PM

Oh thanx both. That was much less complicated than i tought it was :) . Now i will go on trying to make a good RPG (If i finishes it and it is good, i probably post it here :D .

#7 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 26 March 2003 - 06:39 PM

If you need any more help dont hesitate to ask. :D

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