1. I've made an addin that allow you to change the exec speed. normal and double link: (4 kb) http://www.casiocalc.org/SITE/outpages/?to=classpad-exec-s&load_that=1
- Calculate faster, graph faster (acos(cos(x))^asin(sin(x)): ~10 s for Normal speed, ~5 s for Double), run addins faster (play faster Phalanx)
- Only change the Clock Freq so some of other timers (ClassPad Basic's Timer, ...) is kept as its real speed.
- You dont need to reset the calc to change the speed.
- Limitted at x2, (changing betwen x2,x3 ad x4 is an easy task, x2 is ok, but x3 and x4 will damage your calc very soon, this is due to the read/write speed of our ClassPad's memory i guess)
- SH3Timer wont run at normal speed, this means All current grayscale addin (all which use GaumerieLib) wont display normally becsuse the grayscale lib of Gaumerie uses SH3Timer.
Warning: Any crash can be happenned. Casio have their on reason for using less speed than the max speed.
2.I've also finished ClassEEPro.
I wont public it now. In 2 months, i have to study, if success, I will public it free, else i will sell it (I think the price could be about $3.75).