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Classpad Exec Speed

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#1 vanhoa


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Posted 24 May 2007 - 08:13 AM

Hello All, I'm back from the hell (King of hell said that I hadnt enouph ages to die and asked me for back to my life) and have 2 news for you guys:

1. I've made an addin that allow you to change the exec speed. normal and double link: (4 kb) http://www.casiocalc.org/SITE/outpages/?to=classpad-exec-s&load_that=1
  • Calculate faster, graph faster (acos(cos(x))^asin(sin(x)): ~10 s for Normal speed, ~5 s for Double), run addins faster (play faster Phalanx)
  • Only change the Clock Freq so some of other timers (ClassPad Basic's Timer, ...) is kept as its real speed.
  • You dont need to reset the calc to change the speed.
  • Limitted at x2, (changing betwen x2,x3 ad x4 is an easy task, x2 is ok, but x3 and x4 will damage your calc very soon, this is due to the read/write speed of our ClassPad's memory i guess)
  • SH3Timer wont run at normal speed, this means All current grayscale addin (all which use GaumerieLib) wont display normally becsuse the grayscale lib of Gaumerie uses SH3Timer.
For programmers: To change the speed you just need 1 line of code, I used C++ because i'm learning asm, the secret is at offset 0xFFFFFF80
Warning: Any crash can be happenned. Casio have their on reason for using less speed than the max speed.

2.I've also finished ClassEEPro.
I wont public it now. In 2 months, i have to study, if success, I will public it free, else i will sell it (I think the price could be about $3.75).

#2 kucalc


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Posted 24 May 2007 - 01:43 PM

[*] Limitted at x2, (changing betwen x2,x3 ad x4 is an easy task, x2 is ok, but x3 and x4 will damage your calc very soon, this is due to the read/write speed of our ClassPad's memory i guess)

OMG, you piece of sh...!!!! You do deserve to go back to he.. I guess I now have a good reason to say something, now that your copying my ideas. But then it's funny, because you were against changing speed of the CPU... If I wasn't listening to Devo right now, I would be much angrier right now....

But I guess it doesn't matter because your copying code and you don't really understand how the code works. You can't make it go 3x or 4x, because the calculator freezes and you don't know how to make it not freeze when going 3x or 4x.

#3 vanhoa


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Posted 24 May 2007 - 02:03 PM

I copied code from your? Really? I asked you for the code and you didnt give me althought it just a line of code! After I found how to do it you talked I copyed from your code! Stop kucalc!

I read this from the SH7729 software manual :
FFFFFF80h : Frequency Control Register

and also found this on an asm file of a sample SH7709s operating system:

;*  Start the hardwork of setting up all memory then initizing it.		   *
;*																		   *

		.section ResetPRG,code
				mov.l	#INTHandlerPRG,r0 
				mov.l	#H'100,r1
				sub.l	r1,r0
				ldc		r0,vbr;VBR addr set 

;**** Setup the Clock multipliers and dividers for normal operation ****
				mov.l	#h'FFFFFF80,r0;FRQCR register
				mov.w	#h'A101,r1;120MHz CPU, 40MHz bus, 20MHz PCLK
				mov.w	#h'0112,r1;80MHz  CPU, 40MHz bus, 20MHz PCLK
				mov.w	r1,@r0				
;**** Setup CPU I/O that control the status LED ****

Linked these and test on CP, I have:

Normal speed: *(unsigned short*)0xFFFFFF80=0x1001;
Double speed: *(unsigned short*)0xFFFFFF80=0xA101;

About the idea, at first i dont want to make this addin, and then a user requested me and gave me some sample operating system source, i made this, I kept this addin for a long time (after my deal) before release this, I used to think i wouldnt public this...

#4 kucalc


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Posted 24 May 2007 - 02:09 PM

...now that your copying my ideas.

I copied code from your? Really? I asked you for the code and you didnt give me althought it just a line of code! After I found how to do it you talked I copyed from your code! Stop kucalc!

I said you copied my ideas, you didn't think it was possible until I had done it first. Why don't you stop talking, you don't even know how to read....

How come you never talk about how you were against changing the CPU speed, eh?

#5 vanhoa


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Posted 24 May 2007 - 02:15 PM


Why don't you stop talking, you don't even know how to read....

I'm sorry.


I said you copied my ideas, you didn't think it was possible until I had done it first.

How come you never talk about how you were against changing the CPU speed, eh?

...About the idea, at first i dont want to make this addin, and then a user requested me and gave me some sample operating system source, i made this, I kept this addin for a long time (after my deal) before release this, I used to think i wouldnt public this...

#6 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 24 May 2007 - 04:33 PM

OMG, you piece of sh...!!!! You do deserve to go back to he.. I guess I now have a good reason to say something, now that your copying my ideas. But then it's funny, because you were against changing speed of the CPU... If I wasn't listening to Devo right now, I would be much angrier right now....

But I guess it doesn't matter because your copying code and you don't really understand how the code works. You can't make it go 3x or 4x, because the calculator freezes and you don't know how to make it not freeze when going 3x or 4x.

Are you telling everyone that you knew how to make the classpad go 2x and even 3x or 4x for all this time and kept it all to yourself? Who is the piece of sh..!?!?

Why did you not make it available for the classpad? When vanhoa asked how to do this why did you not tell him? Why are you complaining that vanhoa stole "your" idea? Where did you find information out? I don't think you invented it, did you? Thank you vanhoa for bringing this to the classpad. I think kucalc is the only one who is upset. He knew how to make the classpad faster and would not, so maybe he is upset that ou did it when he would not. It is too bad kucalc didn't do it earlier. Thank you again vanhoa!

#7 Behnoud


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Posted 24 May 2007 - 05:46 PM

Nice to see you again!
What a wise king of hell that discover you between the others!
We had not any new Add since you were absent!
Keep on GOING man!

#8 vanhoa


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Posted 24 May 2007 - 06:04 PM


Sample usage for speed up: GnuBoyx ( http://www.casiocalc...amp;load_that=1 )


New game from ti: "Kartingz is a racing game for the 68k calculators. In Kartingz, the track rotates instead of the car, making for interesting gameplay. There are two modes, one racing against the clock and the other against your previous fastest time for three laps." (Michael)
Posted Image
It is also a POTY (Program of the Year) Winners of 2006 on ti http://www.ticalc.org/ : http://www.ticalc.or...ty/awards/poty/

Download: http://www.casiocalc...amp;load_that=1
Keys: <span class=7' /> / <span class=4' /> : up/down. <span class=2' /> / <span class=3' /> : left/right. [KeyBoard] : Esc. <span class=EXE' />: enter.

Game in beta


#9 kucalc


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Posted 24 May 2007 - 11:23 PM

Are you telling everyone that you knew how to make the classpad go 2x and even 3x or 4x for all this time and kept it all to yourself? Who is the piece of sh..!?!?

Why did you not make it available for the classpad? When vanhoa asked how to do this why did you not tell him? Why are you complaining that vanhoa stole "your" idea? Where did you find information out? I don't think you invented it, did you? Thank you vanhoa for bringing this to the classpad. I think kucalc is the only one who is upset. He knew how to make the classpad faster and would not, so maybe he is upset that ou did it when he would not. It is too bad kucalc didn't do it earlier. Thank you again vanhoa!

Hahaha, you think this is going to intimidate me? I know who wrote this...

Your a really good actor vanhoa, act nice here on the UCF and hoping people will sympathize for you, then you turn to your dark side on MSN. You've lied to us numerous times already now and with this I can never trust you again... Eh, so you're now going to back to porting again now...

Where's the progress if you disallow people to develop own technologies based on your ideas ? :huh:

Should have known that your eager to start more fights... If one proposes a question it's human nature to attempt answering it, which is what you're trying to do. If you want to argue, then you PM me so we can respect the forum...

#10 Guest_Katherine_*

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Posted 25 May 2007 - 01:01 AM

ROFL!!!! kucalc was telling me about this at school. :D

There are a lot of crazy people in the world especially vanhoa who has been rude to the members at casiokingdom, dont waste your time talking with these kinds of people kucalc. Us and a lot of people in the TI community already know that vanhoa has been porting and that people from the casio community have been taking our stuff. Hey that could be why the casio community is not really that big. But you much better than vanhoa, just keep programming and do what your doing. Focus on your goals first and accomplish them. Do you think I also like vanhoas rude behavior? Dont be like vanhoa and be nice kucalc. Your heart is bigger than his. Your 9999999999999999^999999999999999 times more smarter and creative than vanhoa and cfx_master is probably a 40 year old fat old man whos got nothing better to do :roflol:

#11 The_AFX_Master


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 01:59 AM

This thread is going to be a flame war...

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