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Calculus Programs For Casio Cfx 9850gb

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#1 ben_i



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  • Calculators:
    cfx 9850gb +

Posted 26 May 2007 - 09:34 AM

Hi everyone,

I have been searching quite sometime using google for any useful maths programs, however most of the sites have closed down.
Can someone recommend me a good website that has Calculus programs. Things I need specifically for my casio cfx9850:
- Integrator/differeniator program that performs those on a function I enter.
- odd/even function evaluator
- concave up/ concave down for a range finder
- Programs on Newton-Raphson method

Anything else that could be applicable to 1st year Engineering maths. The integrating program would be most important of all. Thanks to all for help :)

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