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How To Make Matrix Multiplication In Casio Fx-991es

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#1 xception



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Posted 09 September 2007 - 06:43 PM

I recently bought Casio fx-991ES. i m new in using sci cal. i dont know how to make matrix multiplication. pl help me. i read the manual. but i dont understand from it. pl can anyone explain me clearly.

Thanks in Advance.

Sorry if there is any mistake in this post

#2 vanhoa


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Posted 10 September 2007 - 09:29 AM

Step 1: input the matrix
[Mode] Matrix

:SHIFT: :4: (MATRIX) :1: (Dim) And then select the matrix name you want to use ( :1: (MatA), :2: (MatB) or :3: (MatC))

Next chose the matrix size.

And then input the matrix element.

After inputted 2 matrix you want to use, AC/on to turn back to the input screen, and then, for example, if you want to mutiply MatA and MatB, press AC/on :SHIFT: :4:(Matrix) :3:(MatA) :SHIFT: :4:(Matrix) :4:(MatB)[=]

Read in the Matrix section of your userguider.

#3 Guest_Guest_xception_*_*

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Posted 10 September 2007 - 05:40 PM

Thank you vanhoa. Your answer was great. really it worked. thank you very much for your superb answer.

#4 Guest_Speedy_*

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Posted 11 December 2008 - 06:06 AM

Thnks alot .... It worked

#5 Guest_pheron2003_*

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Posted 03 March 2009 - 04:32 AM

Thnks alot .... It worked

how u save matric

#6 Guest_karan_*

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Posted 16 March 2009 - 04:12 PM

how u save matric

hey vanoha ..thnx a lot...got an exam tomm and didnt know how to multiply...u saved my day !!

#7 Guest_TSEUG_*

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Posted 28 March 2009 - 09:09 PM

Can we get the inverse of a matrix using fx-991es?

By the way, I have been googling to buy a scientific calculator. The more I google, the more I can't decide. So, can anybody please advise me the right model? I'm an electrical and electronics engineering student, and I want to use the calculator which can help me throughout the undergraduate program. Until now, I have found these alternatives; fx-991ES , fx-5500LA , fx-5800P. Well, the last two options are a little expensive compared to fx-991ES. Also, I am kinda interested in fx-9860G. Do I, as an electrical and electronics engineering student, need the graphing calculator? I would be very much appreciated if I can get some quick replies.

#8 mintsmike


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Posted 29 March 2009 - 09:56 AM

Hi Tseug,

If you are planning on taking an undergraduate or any university course, then I would advise upon a powerful graphing calculator. Despite the fact that the fx-991ES can only do simple matrix operations, you really need a graphing calculator.

For what you are asking, take the fx-9860G. If you will put up with a used one, then try ebay. :)

Hope that this helps,

#9 Guest_TSEUG_*

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Posted 02 April 2009 - 05:26 PM

Hi Tseug,

If you are planning on taking an undergraduate or any university course, then I would advise upon a powerful graphing calculator. Despite the fact that the fx-991ES can only do simple matrix operations, you really need a graphing calculator.

For what you are asking, take the fx-9860G. If you will put up with a used one, then try ebay. :)

Hope that this helps,

Thank you for your advice.

#10 Guest_faiyaz_*

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Posted 04 September 2009 - 04:08 PM

Step 1: input the matrix
[Mode] Matrix

:SHIFT: :4: (MATRIX) :1: (Dim) And then select the matrix name you want to use ( :1: (MatA), :2: (MatB) or :3: (MatC))

Next chose the matrix size.

And then input the matrix element.

After inputted 2 matrix you want to use, AC/on to turn back to the input screen, and then, for example, if you want to mutiply MatA and MatB, press AC/on :SHIFT: :4:(Matrix) :3:(MatA) :SHIFT: :4:(Matrix) :4:(MatB)[=]

Read in the Matrix section of your userguider.

Thank you very much...helps me lot..good job..

#11 Guest_jp_*

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Posted 12 September 2009 - 02:33 PM

u saved my life
bcos of u i got a realistic chance of passing my exams after a long time!!
thanks a lot and god bless u!!!

Step 1: input the matrix
[Mode] Matrix

:SHIFT: :4: (MATRIX) :1: (Dim) And then select the matrix name you want to use ( :1: (MatA), :2: (MatB) or :3: (MatC))

Next chose the matrix size.

And then input the matrix element.

After inputted 2 matrix you want to use, AC/on to turn back to the input screen, and then, for example, if you want to mutiply MatA and MatB, press AC/on :SHIFT: :4:(Matrix) :3:(MatA) :SHIFT: :4:(Matrix) :4:(MatB)[=]

Read in the Matrix section of your userguider.

#12 Guest_ranga_*

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Posted 20 October 2009 - 05:04 PM

i had tried in the same way for matrix mulatiplication but its telling that dimension error but i have entered the same 2*2 matrices fro both matA and matB

#13 Guest_Yathu_*

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Posted 20 November 2009 - 03:46 PM

Thanks for your post. It was a wonderful helpline to me.


#14 Guest_Veenit_*

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Posted 01 January 2010 - 03:52 PM

can any1 tel me how to use fx 991es calculator to find out the rank of a matrix....?
urgent help needed..!!!

Thanks in advance..!!

#15 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 13 January 2010 - 06:13 PM

THANK YOU !!! It helped me alot .. I'll use it to check my answers in the exam ^___^

Arigatou Gozaimashita ^^


#16 Guest_Rama_*

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Posted 27 January 2010 - 11:45 AM


i have an exm on matrix , but i dont know how to use 991ES to blog the matrix A B or C and how to calculate them .. i have read the mannual but i didnt understand how does it work

can u show me the way on how u blog it and the steps pllllllllzzzzzzz


#17 Guest_pancho_*

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 04:00 PM

hi I recomend you the Casio FX 5800P it is more functional and pretty useful, you can check it out here Calculadora Casio Cientifica Programable FX 5800P

#18 Guest_Shoaib Akhtar_*

Guest_Shoaib Akhtar_*
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Posted 10 February 2010 - 06:19 PM


#19 Guest_Muthu_*

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Posted 17 February 2010 - 09:43 AM


i have a problem...i input the two matrix 3*3 for results wen i did MatAMatB and then i pressed =...but it shows dimension error...how to rectify this problem..


#20 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 07 March 2010 - 04:47 PM

thnk u so much

#21 Guest_lagnajeet_*

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Posted 18 April 2010 - 09:26 AM

Step 1: input the matrix
[Mode] Matrix

:SHIFT: :4: (MATRIX) :1: (Dim) And then select the matrix name you want to use ( :1: (MatA), :2: (MatB) or :3: (MatC))

Next chose the matrix size.

And then input the matrix element.

After inputted 2 matrix you want to use, AC/on to turn back to the input screen, and then, for example, if you want to mutiply MatA and MatB, press AC/on :SHIFT: :4:(Matrix) :3:(MatA) :SHIFT: :4:(Matrix) :4:(MatB)[=]

Read in the Matrix section of your userguider.

thanks a lot....

#22 Guest_rohit_*

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Posted 10 May 2010 - 06:18 PM

thanx a lot!!!! :greengrin: :unsure: :plol:

#23 Guest_vieky_*

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Posted 21 May 2010 - 04:18 AM

thanks yaar...............it helped me...

#24 Guest_sumaya_*

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Posted 31 May 2010 - 05:55 PM

Step 1: input the matrix
[Mode] Matrix

:SHIFT: :4: (MATRIX) :1: (Dim) And then select the matrix name you want to use ( :1: (MatA), :2: (MatB) or :3: (MatC))

Next chose the matrix size.

And then input the matrix element.

After inputted 2 matrix you want to use, AC/on to turn back to the input screen, and then, for example, if you want to mutiply MatA and MatB, press AC/on :SHIFT: :4:(Matrix) :3:(MatA) :SHIFT: :4:(Matrix) :4:(MatB)[=]

Read in the Matrix section of your userguider.

#25 Guest_sumaya_*

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Posted 31 May 2010 - 06:01 PM

thank you

#26 Guest_Prabi_*

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Posted 06 June 2010 - 10:32 AM

How to enter a data to Matrix? I mean in Polar form. e.g "1angle120". It shows "ma error" when trying to input this.

#27 Guest_arothi_*

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Posted 10 June 2010 - 05:19 PM

thanks soo much, i guess it doesnt do it when there are variables in it such a x ?

#28 Guest_SivaharasankarG_*

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Posted 01 December 2010 - 05:36 PM

Step 1: input the matrix
[Mode] Matrix

:SHIFT: :4: (MATRIX) :1: (Dim) And then select the matrix name you want to use ( :1: (MatA), :2: (MatB) or :3: (MatC))

Next chose the matrix size.

And then input the matrix element.

After inputted 2 matrix you want to use, AC/on to turn back to the input screen, and then, for example, if you want to mutiply MatA and MatB, press AC/on :SHIFT: :4:(Matrix) :3:(MatA) :SHIFT: :4:(Matrix) :4:(MatB)[=]

Read in the Matrix section of your userguider.

#29 Guest_Guest_akash_*_*

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Posted 20 December 2010 - 10:04 PM

I recently bought Casio fx-991ES. i m new in using sci cal. i dont know how to make matrix multiplication. pl help me. i read the manual. but i dont understand from it. pl can anyone explain me clearly.

Thanks in Advance.

Sorry if there is any mistake in this post

thnx dude but u can tell how to stoer somr data in es calculator

#30 Guest_celestine_*

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Posted 23 December 2010 - 02:17 AM


#31 Guest_chints_*

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Posted 22 February 2011 - 04:12 PM

thnx a lot.........

#32 Guest_akshay_*

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Posted 23 March 2011 - 03:06 AM

Thanks a lot :)

#33 Guest_Doug_*

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Posted 08 April 2011 - 02:42 AM

Step 1: input the matrix
[Mode] Matrix

:SHIFT: :4: (MATRIX) :1: (Dim) And then select the matrix name you want to use ( :1: (MatA), :2: (MatB) or :3: (MatC))

Next chose the matrix size.

And then input the matrix element.

After inputted 2 matrix you want to use, AC/on to turn back to the input screen, and then, for example, if you want to mutiply MatA and MatB, press AC/on :SHIFT: :4:(Matrix) :3:(MatA) :SHIFT: :4:(Matrix) :4:(MatB)[=]

Read in the Matrix section of your userguider.

#34 Guest_mz_f101_*

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Posted 08 May 2011 - 03:43 PM

thnxxxxxxxxxxxxx alot hv got my igcse's tomoro
this sure helped me~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nod: :D B)

#35 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 01 June 2011 - 12:47 PM

Step 1: input the matrix
[Mode] Matrix

:SHIFT: :4: (MATRIX) :1: (Dim) And then select the matrix name you want to use ( :1: (MatA), :2: (MatB) or :3: (MatC))

Next chose the matrix size.

And then input the matrix element.

After inputted 2 matrix you want to use, AC/on to turn back to the input screen, and then, for example, if you want to mutiply MatA and MatB, press AC/on :SHIFT: :4:(Matrix) :3:(MatA) :SHIFT: :4:(Matrix) :4:(MatB)[=]

Read in the Matrix section of your userguider.

#36 Guest_ukonlinewatches_*

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 02:35 AM

Hello, very nice to meet you. The Forum is the first time I touch, I hope to know more friends here, and his own eye-opener. Hope to get your help. Thank you very much! ! ! !

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