Fx-100d Vs. Fx-115 Vs. Fx-570
Posted 10 October 2007 - 07:39 PM
I need to buy a calculator for my college examinations and the only ones allowed are: Casio fx-100D, Casio fx-115 (any version), Casio fx-570 (any version BUT fx-570MS). Money is not a concern given the importance of the examinations and the relatively low cost of this range of calculators. Which one do you think is more powerful (that is, would be better, or has more options)?
Thank you for your help!
#2 Guest_Zwei9_*
Posted 02 November 2007 - 10:10 PM
But seriously, I assume you're from the States or a European country if the give you such restriction (I may be wrong though). The 570 has the most features out of the 3, yet the only real/noticeable difference between 115 and 570 is the units conversion and constant calculation (both not present in the 115). I have the fx-991MS, which is exactly the same as the fx-570MS except that is battery and solar powered, and compared to the 115 it's not that more useful to me...
In fact, here comes a blasphemy, I ALWAYS use the Sharp EL-531W, which is definitely bellow the fx-115MS.
So, if you're allowed to use the fx-115MS, then go with that, you'll be fine. If it happens to be not enough for you, then it'll be time to switch to a graphing calc.
Even so, it's always good to have a scientific calc around.
#3 Guest_felix_*
Posted 23 June 2009 - 05:26 PM
I need to buy a calculator for my college examinations and the only ones allowed are: Casio fx-100D, Casio fx-115 (any version), Casio fx-570 (any version BUT fx-570MS). Money is not a concern given the importance of the examinations and the relatively low cost of this range of calculators. Which one do you think is more powerful (that is, would be better, or has more options)?
Thank you for your help!
i have an Fx100D and its 20years old
#4 Guest_dude_*
Posted 12 September 2009 - 09:52 AM
i have an Fx100D and its 20years old
#5 Guest_tamasflex_*
Posted 08 October 2009 - 07:29 AM
I need user manual Casio College fx-100.
Thanks in advance.
Contact: tamasflex (at) yahoo.com
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