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Classpad 300 Plus For Sale

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#1 classpad300plus



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  • Calculators:
    classpad 300 plus and

Posted 10 November 2007 - 12:05 AM

Hello! I must say that ClassPad 300 Plus is one of the best calculators i ever have had. You can do the most advanced calculation and the most simple one very easy. I have finished the school and i?m in no use of a calculator that advanced... Thats the reason i now want to sell it to the highest bid... The calculator is bought in sweden. I have the receipt and everything is original and working perfectly... I have updated the calculator to the new OS 3.0 system and it works perfectly. I have added in some games and programs. The calculator is approximately one year old. It is not used so much so it do?nt even have a scratch on it.

If you have any questions just ask me...
If you want some pictures or more details i can send it over my mail...

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