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Quick Basic Or C++

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#1 diverman



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Posted 11 January 2008 - 04:28 AM

is there any body to help about programming on classpad 300 ı just got classpad rm set and it contains classpad 300 .. and ı want to make some programs to use in exams in civil enginering but ı dont know which languages of program is using in classpad... ı know something abour quick basic ..does it work or not... if u have material about how can ı make program could u share them .. thanks for everthing ...

#2 betoe


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Posted 13 January 2008 - 10:15 PM

Oncalc language is casiobasic. It could be your start, but it has limitations and its slow. C++ is faster and better for more complex programs.

Also look on the project forums about CPLua, programmers who use it says that its better than C++ on the classpad.

#3 2072


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Posted 13 January 2008 - 11:14 PM

Yes it's better because there is an on calc editor, LUA is a powerful and fast language compared to basic :)

#4 Behnoud


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Posted 28 February 2008 - 08:47 PM

is there any body to help about programming on classpad 300 ı just got classpad rm set and it contains classpad 300 .. and ı want to make some programs to use in exams in civil enginering but ı dont know which languages of program is using in classpad... ı know something abour quick basic ..does it work or not... if u have material about how can ı make program could u share them .. thanks for everthing ...

I have written some program (for my "Strenghth of Material" course) in CP Basic.
It is easy to start!
You can run prog in PROGRAM App. and then have the result in Main as variable or Matrix. It would be he helpfull in exam.

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