You Know You're A Nerd When....
Posted 06 June 2008 - 06:26 AM
You know you're a nerd when...
1. When people ask for your home address you say, ""
2. You talk in C
3. You calculator snaps on to your belt
4. You take notes in class on a calc
5. Say to a girl, "If I was your derivative, I would be touching your curves"
6. Or, "Why don't you be the numerator and I'll be the denominator and let's reduce to simplest form"
7. Or if the girl is into physics, "Your dress would look much better accelerating to my bedroom floor at 9.8 m/s^2"
8. You wear shirts withs Maxwell's equations on them
9. You've memorized the first 2,000 digits of pi
10. When your face is more pale than your butt
11. Your IQ is higher than the clock speed of your CPU in your PC
12. You can solve a 9 dimensional rubix cube
13. When you call your calculator "precious" in a Smeagol/Gollum kind of voice from Lord of the Rings
14. You find playing chess against yourself is extremely fun
15. You watch reruns of Star Trek... while in your Star Trek pajamas
16. Staring at a math problem because it turns you on
17. You think graphing polar equations is awesome
18. You're the first in line to buy Final Fantasy MMMMMXXXXVII when it comes out
19. You talk in binary
20. You're able to get Halo 3 to run on your calculator
Can you guys contribute more to the list?
Posted 08 June 2008 - 03:08 AM
4. You take notes in class on a calc
10. When your face is more pale than your butt
I do take notes on my calc sometimes!!!!! AHAHAHA!!!, and 10- pretty common LOL!
Those nerd flirts are way dangerous dudes, you can end alone with your Ti or your Cp300 on a corner if you attempt to use them more than once.
Posted 10 June 2008 - 05:51 AM
Posted 16 June 2008 - 09:09 AM
If your idea of drinking games is drinking on a video game
Posted 01 July 2008 - 12:33 AM
Unfortunately, I can't think up more anymore.
Posted 04 July 2008 - 11:29 AM
23-Your first solution to all problems is to restart;
24-Your first answer to everything is 42;
25-You draw bitmaps from the source.
26-You convert ROT13 text as fast as writing normal text.
Posted 05 July 2008 - 05:47 AM
Posted 25 July 2008 - 01:59 PM
I can't remember anything to add .... hmmmm maybe saying everything in as little words as possible to save space/be faster
Posted 25 November 2008 - 05:58 PM
Me and a friend of myne wanted to start a chain of casio calcucards (Like pokemon cards with casio calculators on em ).
So heres one i made:
Send me a PM if you want to get the background.
on a few conditions:
Nothing beats the 9860
and all types must be plastic.
(edit: fixed a typo)
Edited by Kapytanhook, 26 November 2008 - 02:29 PM.
Posted 25 November 2008 - 10:28 PM
Posted 25 November 2008 - 11:51 PM
BTW, in the other thread I thought it was a MTG card.
Posted 26 November 2008 - 06:32 AM
Posted 26 November 2008 - 07:27 PM
Il keep posting additions on this site:
CalcucardHQ (click me)
Posted 27 November 2008 - 07:25 PM
Why is the 9850G affected?
Also, you should make them in better quality, JPG's just suck at that.
Edited by E_net4, 27 November 2008 - 07:36 PM.
Posted 27 November 2008 - 07:28 PM
Posted 27 November 2008 - 08:32 PM
Support card type: It's kept on the board until its battery goes 0. It doesn't attack, but can have specials that do not interfere with the opponent or his cards.
By the way, can't you just put the hi-quality blanks for both card types here? You could also put the already obvious Calcucard on the corner of the blanks.
Edited by E_net4, 27 November 2008 - 08:33 PM.
Posted 27 November 2008 - 09:18 PM
Posted 27 November 2008 - 10:44 PM
Posted 01 December 2008 - 12:02 PM
Posted 04 December 2008 - 03:20 PM
Posted 08 January 2009 - 05:33 AM
29: If you own multiple copies of the same calculator and they work
30: If you attempt at making a full RPG with at least a minimum of graphics (read: ASCII-based sprite characters on home/main screen) on a TI-81 or a Casio FX-7000G, even if the calculators were discontinued years ago (I did it on a 81)
31: If you end up with a collection of over 30 link cables
#22 Guest_RS-232_*
Posted 15 March 2009 - 12:20 PM
I do take notes on my calc sometimes!!!!! AHAHAHA!!!
Good old Alpha-Lock!
#23 Guest_afxi_*
Posted 09 April 2009 - 08:07 AM
Why don't you make calcucards for TI and HP calculators?
Posted 09 April 2009 - 04:06 PM
Posted 09 April 2009 - 05:40 PM
wait, what is gooing on?
Posted 12 April 2009 - 11:10 PM
TI cards would have a much higher cost usage (if any) and as side-effect when used, most would bring a large amount of trolls with them attacking both TI and Casio cardsBecause the Universal Casio Forum is a Casio community lol.
As for HP, I don't know anything about them, except that they would also have a similar side effect, except only towards TI and Casio calcs
Posted 06 May 2009 - 11:44 AM
33. If 1337 (Leet) is your native language
34. If you can express yourself using smilies only
35. If you know Unicode good enough to draw pictures with it
Posted 12 May 2009 - 01:26 AM
36. You start feeding quantum ducks ("Quark! Quark!")
37. Fix everything with duct tape
38. Write an ode to your calculator
39. Come late to class because you were computing 5,000 digits of pi
40. When you start accepting a loss as simply not a loss, but instead as a negative gain
41. When you drink Yoda Soda - the cola with the Force
Posted 26 June 2009 - 03:26 PM
Posted 27 August 2009 - 10:03 PM
but heck, Half Life isn't a nerds game, its a badass game
(the duct tape one is for DIY'ers and rednecks, perhaps an Nerd Voice:X-Ray Cannon that will increase the particle speed of the material past normal limits thus turning it into heat energy by E=mc^2 thus melting some of it into solder)
#31 Guest_Nerdasaurus_*
Posted 29 August 2009 - 02:38 AM
43.When you excited about a new Star Trek online game
but heck, Half Life isn't a nerds game, its a badass game
(the duct tape one is for DIY'ers and rednecks, perhaps an Nerd Voice:X-Ray Cannon that will increase the particle speed of the material past normal limits thus turning it into heat energy by E=mc^2 thus melting some of it into solder)
44. Made this list years ago, had nowhere to post it:
you know you are a real nerd when you
already have a better list
have noted there are no numbers on this list
have never noticed that Unix sounds like eunuchs
do no know what a eunuch is
instantly recognize the M in CMYK
have mastered MineSweeper
are actually reading this
read wikipedia for entertainment
have noticed there are only 9 items
ok 10. Have kept this list for years, finally posting it on a nerd site
#32 Guest_guest_*
Posted 06 September 2009 - 11:58 AM
Posted 12 September 2009 - 01:25 AM
47. Been playing Magic: The Gathering for years (Does anyone here actually play this game?)
48. Start calling your girlfriend by her username
49. Still own every computer and game console you have bought
50. Plus repairing and maintaining every computer and game console you have bought
51. You enjoying collecting spam emails which you find funny
52. There are more computers in your home than humans
53. You understand computers more than humans
54. You built your own particle accelerator by extracting the magnetron from your microwave and the cathode ray tube from your TV
Posted 25 September 2009 - 09:13 PM
Posted 27 May 2011 - 05:08 PM
1. you know the weight of your car in newtons
2. you correct europians by saying that they dont weigh kg, they're mass is measured in kg.
3. you know the mass of your car in kg and slugs
4. you crash your car trying to figure out the centripetal force of you're body against the inside of the car
Of course, you'd have to be a physics nerd
Edited by mfischer, 27 May 2011 - 05:10 PM.
Posted 06 January 2013 - 05:02 PM
Posted 12 January 2013 - 09:43 PM
I'm a nerd!12. You can solve a 9 dimensional rubix cube
52. There are more Computers in your Home than humans
53. You understand computers more than humans
64. You programmed a virtual rubix cube on your calculator
65. You say:
If you≠nerd
Then return
Else Prog "Youre a nerd when..."
66. You understand no.65
67. You're exciting to the end of a lexicon
68. You give your computers names
69. You're reading a dictionary if you're boring
70. You're writing books on your calculator
71. You can write a poem in HTML
Edited by naib864, 12 January 2013 - 09:48 PM.
Posted 12 January 2013 - 11:59 PM
Posted 13 January 2013 - 12:31 AM
74. You can give a calculator intelligence
75. your calculator says you're a nerd
76. your calculator have got a Browser
77. You can play Minecraft online on your calculator
Edited by naib864, 13 January 2013 - 12:37 AM.
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