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New Casio Calculators Announced

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#1 eduard



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Posted 10 February 2009 - 06:59 PM

Casio has recently announced new calculator models for May 2009. :hammer:

fx-9750GA Plus Second Edition, also known as fx-9750GII

Posted Image

New Features

61 kB program-memory
EQUA mode
- Solve Integral/Probability function
REF/RREF function
Probability function in Run Mat Application
Integral Graphing (in GRAPH mode)
Random Integer
Unit conversion
GCD (pgcd) / LCM (ppcm) function
Pie, Barchart (in STAT mode)
Mod function (Remainder)
Direct connection to OHP, Casio projector
E-CON2 (Communication program for EA-200)

fx-9860G Second Edition, also known as fx-9860GII

Posted Image

New Features

Perfect Natural V.P.A.M. - Natural Input and output
EQUA mode
- Solve Integral/Probability function
REF/RREF function
Xc < (Inequality) Graphing in GRAPH Mode
Probability function in Run Mat Application
Integral Graphing (in GRAPH mode)
Random Integer
Unit conversion
GCD (pgcd) / LCM (ppcm) function
Pie, Barchart (in STAT mode)
Mod function (Remainder)
Chi-squared GOF function
Financial Application
- "Additional Financial function - Bond calculation, Depreciation"
Geometry-Add-In preloaded
Backlight function
E-CON2 (Communication program for EA-200)

fx-9860G SD Second Edition, also known as fx-9860GII SD

Posted Image

New Features
=> See fx-9860GII


Edited by eduard, 18 February 2009 - 09:01 PM.

#2 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 02:37 PM

Well, the new design looks very sexy to me. :greengrin:
Think I gotta have one. ^_^

#3 kucalc


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Posted 13 February 2009 - 12:20 AM

Meh... I don't understand why they couldn't just release a new OS update with those new features for the fx-9860 (well except the backlight). And the new body designs remind me of the old fx-7400G.

PS: Is this who I think it is... :)

#4 Guest_Macromedia_*

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Posted 13 February 2009 - 02:14 PM

Meh... I don't understand why they couldn't just release a new OS update with those new features for the fx-9860 (well except the backlight).

Sure, they'll do so ... as they did with CP OS 3.02 and several weeks of delay. :yawn:

#5 Espyo



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Posted 14 February 2009 - 04:13 PM

So, they are expected to be released May?
On the US! It will only be in Portugal in say... 2015? Still, I'm looking forward to them!

#6 TyYann


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Posted 18 February 2009 - 11:54 AM

Don't despair :greengrin: , the link is on the Casio-Europe site, as this one :

Might be in Europe sooner than you think...

(Why do I live in Asia :nonono: )

#7 Espyo



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Posted 26 February 2009 - 09:37 PM

Oh. Thanks for the link, TyYann! Maybe it won't take that long to Asia neither...

#8 TyYann


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Posted 04 March 2009 - 11:18 AM

I hope so. I want one! :greengrin:

#9 macdad64



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Posted 07 March 2009 - 06:57 PM

sorry if this is a idiotic question, but does the fx-9860G Second Edition
have GetKey on it? :huh:

and whats the price? $

and does it support pictures like the 7400G +?

Edited by macdad64, 07 March 2009 - 06:58 PM.

#10 caspro


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Posted 08 March 2009 - 04:19 PM

New models - cool. New features - as Kucalc says pretty meh.
Casio should upgrade the rubbishy programming language someday.

Does the 9750GII have an upgradable OS, if not then we will soon see 9750GIIA 9750GIIA Plus etc, as per casio's usual way.

The new functions could mean some new transfer software.
*9750GII ships with the transfer software like the 9860, or it doesn't like old 9750 models
*New transfer software or staying with FA-123
*New version FA-123 v 2
*New version FA-124 v2
*New title FA-125
*None of the above
*Stay with .CAT format or introduce new format

I wonder what this will be like: "Probability function in Run Mat Application"

Are they going to release an OS upgrade for existing 9860 models ?

What do people use the backlight for ?

Oxford Educational Supplies (http://www.studentcalculators.co.uk/) say 9750GII will be available from 1st April.
Their catalogue gives new features as: Tabular display of matrix functions (whatever that means), 9 new probability models with logical data input method.

#11 macdad64



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Posted 10 March 2009 - 09:47 PM

What do people use the backlight for ?

using the calc in the dark...but whats the point in that anyways...

and it would be nice if Casio would upgrade the Casio-Basic to a much more formal style like the TI-89's style...all organized like VB B)

Edited by macdad64, 10 March 2009 - 09:48 PM.

#12 mintsmike


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Posted 13 March 2009 - 02:19 PM

I actually think that that backlight could be put to better use on the Classpad. As you are all aware, the contrast is very poor there.

I am interested as to what the price will be for those models? Does anyone know? :unsure:

Still, the new design is very enticing :rolleyes: :profanity:

#13 TyYann


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Posted 18 March 2009 - 05:52 PM

I'm looking forward the Perfect Natural V.P.A.M.
Looks like it is available in any mode : the screenshot shows it on the Graph mode. Cool.
And same as some other models, like the fx-82ES, this means that we got also a natural OUTput.

I saw some of my students use it : you type in sin 60, and you get V3/2. I got jealous. :rolleyes:

And I wonder if it will have prime factorization, again like the fx-82ES.

And 9860II is lighter than 9860!

#14 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 01 April 2009 - 03:52 PM

OS 2.00 for fx-9860G is available at edu.casio.com:

Interesting features for programmers:

Random Number Generation
Ran#, RanInt#, RanNorm#, RanBin#

MOD function

Maximum number of rows and columns that can be specified for matrix is 999.

String function

#15 kucalc


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Posted 01 April 2009 - 04:04 PM

Hey, those actually are pretty interesting. :) A string function?

#16 Guest_peter_*

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Posted 01 April 2009 - 04:35 PM

Just read this in the manual: fx-7400GII
Seems as if they're going to revive their old calcs?

#17 kucalc


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Posted 01 April 2009 - 11:03 PM

Lol, I think they are doing that to target people who will only purchase cheap calculators. That's probably why people buy CASIO's, they're cheap.

As for the new OS update, it seems they followed my suggestion about a new OS release. The new OS now has unit conversion :D and ECON is integrated.

#18 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 04 April 2009 - 09:30 PM

FA-124 2.00 has been released at edu.casio.com

#19 mintsmike


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Posted 06 April 2009 - 04:41 PM

sorry if this is a idiotic question, but does the fx-9860G Second Edition
have GetKey on it? :huh:

and whats the price? $

and does it support pictures like the 7400G +?

About the GetKey, I dont think that CASIO will be adapting their BASIC language, meaqning that the GetKey will stay.

They dont seem to change it much anyway from generation to generation!!! :roflol:

#20 Guest_youraddhere_*

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Posted 06 April 2009 - 08:01 PM

Is it possible to "downgrade"? yes it is. :greengrin:
you need: paper clip + dexterity

bend it, so both ends are parallel
start your calculator, open the battery case
tricky: touch both contacts at the same time :blink:
"osupdate" appears on display.
plug usb cable and start os update EXE !! :wacko: :lol2:

#21 Dava



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Posted 07 April 2009 - 07:00 AM

I like that the FX-9860GII has backlight, big Plus!

#22 Guest_youradhere_*

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Posted 07 April 2009 - 11:42 AM

If someone misunderstood: contacts are next to "P" button

#23 mintsmike


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Posted 08 April 2009 - 01:41 AM

I do not see how the degrading process is to work.

You should create a moredetailed version of it in a suitable format and send it to the admins to add to the tutorial pages. :P


#24 TyYann


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Posted 09 April 2009 - 01:58 PM

I upgraded to OS 2.0 and I can tell you it rocks !

Only the improved natural display is not available.

It is full of nice little things that help you.

to type 2/3, you had to type
[Ab/c] type <span class=2' />, go down, type <span class=3' />

Now you can also type <span class=2' /> [Ab/c] <span class=3' />, which is much more natural.
The cursor also looks better, you see right away exactly where you are.

And I'm not talking about all the new functions and possibilities.


#25 mintsmike


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Posted 09 April 2009 - 03:58 PM

I should be upgrading soon. I am, however reluctant to upgrade in a rush for fear of compatibility issues.

It sounds great btw from all of the reports that I am hearing.

{mintsmike} :rolleyes:

#26 kucalc


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Posted 09 April 2009 - 04:32 PM

I think that there are some compatibility issues. I've read around somewhere that some addins don't work anymore such as Aspirin.

#27 caspro


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Posted 09 April 2009 - 06:21 PM

So, the GII manual reveals that the Australian version of the fx-9860GII will be the fx-9860G AU PLUS
and FA-124v2 gives shows the french versions of the 9860GII and 9860GII SD will be the Graph 75 and Graph 95.

link: http://edu.casio.com/

Discussion of OS 2.00 and Graph 75 and Graph 95 at Planet casio:

#28 caspro


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Posted 09 April 2009 - 06:33 PM

fx-9750GA PLUS = Graph 35+ (white) without GII features.

fx-9750GII = Graph 35+ USB (white)

The title 35+ has also been used before for a green version without GII features.

fx-9860GII = Graph 75

fx-9860GII SD = Graph 95

Edited by caspro, 09 April 2009 - 07:22 PM.

#29 Dream of Omnimaga

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Posted 13 April 2009 - 10:24 PM

wow string function, this could allow me to port some of my old ASCII TI-83+ BASIC RPGs to Casio calcs. Memory might be an issue for some of them, though, since on the TI there are ASM libs allowing BASIC programmers to copy programs stored in the archive/storage memory (which is between 164 and 1540 KB depending of the model) directly to RAM programs then you can delete them using delete functions from these libs. Other libs just moves the file(s), and I have no idea if such thing exists on the FX-9860G. Some of my games takes about 130 KB of memory total (most files are archived during runtime so the game can run with 24 KB of RAM)

#30 kucalc


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 10:53 PM

On the fx-9860G, BASIC progs can be archived (or backup as it's called on the fx-9860G) to the 1.5MB storage memory. However, there is no way to swap data between the main memories (64KB) to the storage memories (1.5MB) while a BASIC program is running. This has to be done outside the program. You could split the game into multiple parts and then have the user switch files themselves when they want to continue along.

If I remember correctly, the fx-9860G uses strictly 4 bytes per each command. So something like the command Return will occupy the same number of bytes such as If. I'm not sure, correct me if I'm wrong, I think TI's store a byte for each character. So If would take 2 bytes instead of 4 like the fx-9860G, but ClrGraph would take 8 bytes instead of 4 on the fx-9860G. If it's true, it might help with memory stuff.

#31 Dream of Omnimaga

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Posted 14 April 2009 - 06:30 PM

yeah that's what I thought. My current game allow the main character to warp back and forth from two planets at one point. I will try to keep the Earth map/event data separate from the Illusiat/Base map/event data to make it possible to switch back and forth from Part 1 to 2 and if it's still not enough then I'll split it into more parts or just get rid of the story intro in the game and put it in the readme.

However, If 9860 commands takes that much memory as you say, then I will have to forget about a game port until somebody in the casio community writes an ASM/whatever program that allows BASIC programmers to move/copy programs from the storage memory to the RAM or vice versa, because on the TI-83+ almost every BASIC commands takes 1 byte each and a few select characters such as lowercase letters takes 2. If each Casio FX-9860 commands takes 4 bytes then the game will take about 400 KB of memory total and in its current form, will be impossible to port unless an archive/unarchive library comes out :(

Edited by DJ Omnimaga, 14 April 2009 - 06:35 PM.

#32 noname11


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Posted 28 April 2009 - 10:54 AM

You can download OS 2.00 for fx-9860G Slim now. (AU still missing)

There is also a new Casio webpage for the new models: http://edu.casio.com...aphic/fx9860g2/

#33 caspro


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Posted 01 May 2009 - 12:31 PM

Just received new 9750GII from Oxford Educational Supplies.

The packaging was specific for UK & Ireland talking about various UK & Ireland exams, and it was plastic case rather than the old cardboard box style.

The front of the calculator is dark blue like the picture at the top of this thread, although the picture at the following link is all white:

There was no USB cable supplied, although FA-124 software was on the CD.

Programs run faster than old 9x50 models so it probably uses the same processor as the 9860.

The power rating is 0.35w compared to 0.02w on old 9x50 models so the batteries won't last as long.

There is no backup battery, so backing up data becomes more important.

Pressing Alpha while in program mode doesn't bring up the alpha menu with ' " ~ on it.
Have to use the character table to get the ~ symbol. This is the same as what the 9860 does.

The conversion menu appears on <span class=OPTN' />[F6<span class=F1' /> which is where the color menu appeared on the 9850 models.

In program mode an empty program shows 32 bytes compared to 17 bytes on older 9x50 models.
For nonempty programs it seems to round the memory size up to the nearest 4 bytes.

#34 caspro


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Posted 01 May 2009 - 12:50 PM

The GCD and MOD functions accept numbers with at most 10 digits.

The LCM function accepts numbers with at most 5 digits.

I don't know the conditions for the MOD_Exp function

MOD_Exp(A,B,C) = A^B mod C

The maximum for C depends on what A and B values are used.

#35 noname11


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Posted 01 May 2009 - 09:15 PM

Is the OS updatable? (Flash ROM without user data?)
What about the fx-7400GII? (No USB connection at all...)

#36 mintsmike


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Posted 02 May 2009 - 09:19 AM

Is the OS updatable? (Flash ROM without user data?)
What about the fx-7400GII? (No USB connection at all...)

Yes, nexgen, the OS is updatable.

Around the top of the fx-9860s, there is a small USB port that can be used with the suppliied USB->Mini USB cable

I believe this is different from other, older Casio calculators,


#37 caspro


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Posted 02 May 2009 - 11:05 AM

I don't know if the 9750GII is updatable, but the 'system manager' mode does have an option for
displaying the OS version, so it is possible that it will be updatable.

#38 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 03 May 2009 - 12:12 AM


Calculation Result Irrational Number Display
(9860GII SD/9860GII/9860G AU PLUS Only)

so it displays 2sqrt(2) as 2sqrt(2)
or answers in terms of Pi

Why didn't they allow this for the 9860G ?!
to make you buy a new one?!

any ideas if it's possible to enable it on the 9860G-SD (original)?

#39 mintsmike


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Posted 03 May 2009 - 10:53 AM

I think many people have asked this question and it has never been properly answered.

I dont think its possible to do this and I was baffled when i found this out (the fx-991es does it! :roflol: )

It is miraculous if the new version does it.

There is a new 'Simplify' option in the menu, but im not sure of its use


#40 noname11


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Posted 03 May 2009 - 12:19 PM


Calculation Result Irrational Number Display
(9860GII SD/9860GII/9860G AU PLUS Only)

so it displays 2sqrt(2) as 2sqrt(2)
or answers in terms of Pi

Why didn't they allow this for the 9860G ?!
to make you buy a new one?!

any ideas if it's possible to enable it on the 9860G-SD (original)?

Marketing... -_-

However, for a future OS 2.01 update, it should be possible to just "crack" the update application and to remove the model type check entirely.

But currently, the only way would be to read out/make a copy of the fx-9860GII (SD)'s flash memory and to reflash the fx-9860G (SD) with it.
This, however, would require some homebrew communication application to be written and xfer9860 doesn't have the desired functionality yet.

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