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Error When Compiling Add-in With The Classpad Sdk

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#1 george777



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Posted 18 March 2010 - 05:42 AM

Hi everybody... My problem is this:

[font="Arial Black"]A few days ago I bought the Casio ClassPad 330 calculator, and I think it is a magnificent machine, I am very happy and want to learn to ADD-IN application. Well, it downloaded the SDK from Casio ClassPad and since I installed it, and was reading your document that is very good and did exactly the steps listed and the compiler compiles the program itself, the example, but the result is several files within the folder where you save the main.cpp and creating a folder called "outdir" and within this folder are the other files and creates one named like the application but without the extension *. cpa, leaving only several files that are not so and that the same name as the application appears. exe ... Apparently all the result of the compilation is well until near the end, it appears a line that says:C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\bin\compress -r ADDINAPA.BIN "The system can not execute the specified program." so the file with the extension *. cpa and not created by Nor can therefore be transferred to the calculator.
The code is as follows:

#include "ClassPad.h"class Example1Window: public CPModuleWindow //Create the Example1Window class for the application{public:// Example1Window constructor, inherit CPModuleWindowExample1Window(PegRect rect, CPMainFrame* mf):CPModuleWindow(rect,0,0,mf){}~Example1Window(){} // destructorvoid Draw() // overload the Draw method{BeginDraw(); // begin of drawInvalidate(mClient); // invalidate old displayDrawFrame(); // draw the framePegPoint pp = {20,10}; // position to pixel column 20 and row 10PegColor col = BLACK; // set the color blackDrawTextR(pp,"Example 1",col,PegTextThing::GetBasicFont());EndDraw(); // end of draw}}; //End of Example1Window class//The main methodvoid PegAppInitialize(PegPresentationManager *pPresentation){PegRect Rect; // create a rectangle object for the MainFrame// set the rectangle to the usable size of the displayRect.Set(MAINFRAME_LEFT, MAINFRAME_TOP, MAINFRAME_RIGHT,MAINFRAME_BOTTOM);CPMainFrame *mw = new CPMainFrame(Rect); // create the MainFramePegRect AppRect; // create a rectangle for the Application WindowAppRect = mw->FullAppRectangle(); // Size it to the MainFrameExample1Window *swin = new Example1Window(AppRect,mw); // create the Application Windowmw -> SetTopWindow(swin); // load the application window into the MainFramemw -> SetMainWindow(swin); // set a main window for this modulepPresentation->Add(mw); // add the MainFrame to the Presentation Manager};//error message handlingextern "C" char *ExtensionGetLang(ID_MESSAGE MessageNo){return "";}

the compiler output shows:

<< Start Compile >> FXSH.EXE -o  -SU="outputdir\temp.sub" -output=F:\CALCUL~1\CASIO\Programas\EjemplosSDKparaClasspad\PRUEBAS\Project\outputdir\aplmain.lib -FO=library -NOLO -NOM Optimizing Linkage Editor CompletedC:\ARCHIV~1\Dev-Cpp\bin\make.exe --no-print-directory -f gcc.makC:\ARCHIV~1\Dev-Cpp\bin\g++.exe "outputdir\gcc_main.o"  -o "outputdir\Project1.exe" -L"C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\Dev-Cpp\lib" -D__DEBUG__ -L"C:\ARCHIV~1\Dev-Cpp\lib" -g3 "C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\lib\gcc_main.a" "C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\lib\ClassPadDLLgcc.a"C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\bin\make.exe -f F:\CALCUL~1\CASIO\Programas\EjemplosSDKparaClasspad\PRUEBAS\Project\outputdir\MakeCPA.mak allC:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\bin\make.exe[1]: Entering directory `F:/CALCULADORAS/CASIO/Programas/EjemplosSDKparaClasspad/PRUEBAS/Project'"C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\BIN\FXSH.EXE" -o C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\obj\startaplAddin.obj C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\obj\setup.obj C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\obj\sectionAddin.obj C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\obj\RSYSRAM.obj C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\obj\BootINF.obj C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\obj\main.obj -LIB="C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\lib\bioslib.lib, C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\lib\libc.lib, C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\lib\HiLIB.lib, C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\lib\SHCLIBapl.lib, C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\lib\libgcall.lib, C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\lib\JmpTblApl.lib, C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\lib\ADDCOMMON.lib, F:\CALCUL~1\CASIO\Programas\EjemplosSDKparaClasspad\PRUEBAS\Project\outputdir\aplmain.lib" -OU=F:\CALCUL~1\CASIO\Programas\EjemplosSDKparaClasspad\PRUEBAS\Project\outputdir\ADDINAPL.rld -CH=warning=2310 -FO=sectrel -NOPRE -NOM -LIS=F:\CALCUL~1\CASIO\Programas\EjemplosSDKparaClasspad\PRUEBAS\Project\outputdir\ADDINAPL.map -SH=SY -NOLO** L2310 (W) Undefined external symbol "typeinfo for CPModuleWindow" referenced in "main"Optimizing Linkage Editor CompletedC:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\bin\make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `F:/CALCULADORAS/CASIO/Programas/EjemplosSDKparaClasspad/PRUEBAS/Project'C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\bin\setheader "F:\CALCUL~1\CASIO\Programas\EjemplosSDKparaClasspad\PRUEBAS\Project\outputdir\ADDINAPL.rld" "F:\CALCUL~1\CASIO\Programas\EjemplosSDKparaClasspad\PRUEBAS\Project\outputdir\Project1.cpa" -vp0100 -vl1000 -m2 -pA -o -bI"C:\Archivos de programa\CASIO\ClassPad300\bin\example.bmp"PV Application Header addition tools v0.4programmed by m.yanagisawa.Complete!C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\bin\putname.exe -p0 -wp "F:\CALCUL~1\CASIO\Programas\EjemplosSDKparaClasspad\PRUEBAS\Project\outputdir\Project1.cpa" "Project1"PV Application name setting tool v0.1programmed by m.yanagisawa.Complete!C:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\bin\CPADATAMAKE.EXEC:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\bin\CheckSize.exe ADDINAPA.BINC:\ARCHIV~1\CASIO\ClassPad300\bin\compress -r ADDINAPA.BIN<<COMPILE_LOG END>>

How can I do to create add-in, then the resulting file to the calculator does not work, however by giving it opens double click on the pc and appears as charged in an emulator like the ClassPad Manager, but this file does not accept the calculator or the same ClassPad Manager.

I appreciate any help you can give ...Thanks a lot...

#2 Guest_andreashubbe_*

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Posted 02 July 2010 - 02:37 AM

Hello! I've tried to make add-ins and did not succeeded. I searched a lot on the internet and I haven't found a good example for me. Could someone, please, explain and upload an example about how to do the drop down menus and get the things you want working???
I read the programming guide and CPSDK Programing Tutorial and none of those helped me. I got the classpad manager and the compiler working correctly. But my code isn't correct and the examples on the tutorials aren't enough to get a add-in working.

#3 Lovecasio


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Posted 04 July 2010 - 01:13 AM

I made this add-in 5 years ago. Source code included. Hope that may help because drop-down menu is main interface.

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