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Help With Program. (9750)

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#1 Scott



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Posted 27 August 2010 - 08:58 AM

I have a Casio 9750g+ calculator. OK recently i decided to make a naughts and crosses program but soon found out that it was harder than i thought because i had to use matrix and i don't have a clue how to use them or what it is. can someone please give me a hand or explain what i need to do? P.S. I got rid of the failed program before i thought of posting in the forum.

#2 somebody1234


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 03:06 AM

You don't need a matrix.
I would use the Locate command
Locate(vertical position (1-7), horizontal position (1-21), "character" or expression
use Locate (X,Y,X) and Locate (A,B,O)
and use If-Then-Else-IfEnd to determine if X or O has a three-in-a-row.

#3 flyingfisch


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Posted 09 February 2014 - 03:42 AM

Wouldn't a matrix simplify things if he wanted to expand to 4x4 or 5x5? Also, you might end up with cleaner code if you were to use a matrix, not sure though.

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