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How To Calculate Derivatives On My Fx-991es?

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#1 kuzulio



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Posted 17 September 2010 - 02:05 PM

Hi All,
I've got a new fx-991Es casio calculator. I just can't find out how can I calculate a derivative on my calc.
For example: I need to know what a derivative of x^3. I'm pressing on SHIFT then button with derivative image and then I get a derivative sign on display with 2 parameters to enter. The first one in the brackets is a function that I want to calculate, I suppose. So I type there x^3, I press on ALPHA then red X, SHIFT and ^3. But I can't understant what the second parameter is? And what I have to type there... If I type there nothing I got an error.
Please advice!

#2 kuzulio



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Posted 17 September 2010 - 05:03 PM

I think I've got a point! It shows me a numerical derivative in specific point. Am I right? Is this calculator able to show a derivative formula?

Thank you.

#3 pan.gejt


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Posted 17 September 2010 - 06:19 PM

this calc does not have CAS on board, so the answer is no. This calc providess numerical calculations only. If you need the CAS capabilities (symbolic calculations, better handling of variables) you should buy e.g. Casio Classpad 330, HP-50g, TI-89 Titanium or Ti-Nspire CAS.

#4 kuzulio



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Posted 18 September 2010 - 06:12 AM

Ok! Thank you for the answer. I have one more question. When I try to solve an a equation for example: y=x^2-2x-2. This equation has two solutions. But my calculator shows only one. How can I get the second solution?

Thank you.

#5 pan.gejt


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Posted 18 September 2010 - 10:25 AM

for finding the 2nd result (or the 3rd etc.) try to change the initial value for X before doing the calculation.

#6 kuzulio



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Posted 19 September 2010 - 07:46 AM

Ok. I've solved the problem. Here is a very useful link: http://www.thestuden...91ES_Calculator

Thank you.

#7 Guest_dashrath_*

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Posted 21 March 2011 - 09:31 AM

Hi All,
I've got a new fx-991Es casio calculator. I just can't find out how can I calculate a derivative on my calc.
For example: I need to know what a derivative of x^3. I'm pressing on SHIFT then button with derivative image and then I get a derivative sign on display with 2 parameters to enter. The first one in the brackets is a function that I want to calculate, I suppose. So I type there x^3, I press on ALPHA then red X, SHI

FT and ^3. But I can't understant wh

at the second parameter is? And what I have to type there... If I type there nothing I got an error.
Please advice!

#8 dennis



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Posted 15 June 2011 - 09:22 AM

Hi All,
I've got a new fx-991Es casio calculator. I just can't find out how can I calculate a derivative on my calc.
For example: I need to know what a derivative of x^3. I'm pressing on SHIFT then button with derivative image and then I get a derivative sign on display with 2 parameters to enter. The first one in the brackets is a function that I want to calculate, I suppose. So I type there x^3, I press on ALPHA then red X, SHIFT and ^3. But I can't understant what the second parameter is? And what I have to type there... If I type there nothing I got an error.
Please advice!

#9 dennis



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Posted 15 June 2011 - 09:28 AM


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