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New Ti-nspire Cx Coming

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#1 noname11


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Posted 20 February 2011 - 07:47 PM

Let the flame wars begin! :greengrin:

TI website: http://education.ti..../Nspire-Family/
Omnimaga: http://www.omnimaga....hp?topic=6671.0

TI-Nspire CAS (Click to enlarge):
Posted Image

TI-Nspire Non-CAS (Click to enlarge):
Posted Image

Edited by cfxm, 25 February 2011 - 11:06 PM.

#2 Guest_Guest_Critor_*_*

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Posted 21 February 2011 - 02:06 AM

The information and then the photos were originally discovered and revealed by Ti-Bank;

#3 Guest_Dingus_*

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Posted 21 February 2011 - 04:34 PM

Let the flame wars begin! :greengrin:

That beats the heavy hand of censorship! :greengrin:
As long as the flame wars are about the products and not the people using them I see no problem... except for the company that has the inferior product of course. Should that be ignored? Of course the only people who say yes to that are the ones who favor the company with the inferior product. Actually the moderators at some sites are so heavy handed that if they lived in a country that favors free speach they would have a dozen law suits to deal with. :greengrin: :greengrin: :greengrin:

#4 Guest_Dingus Jr._*

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Posted 21 February 2011 - 09:17 PM

I went to the Omnimagna site and read all those tinspire cx posts. Whew! It took about an hour. Thats a lot of reaction to an accouncement that hasn't been made yet. Even if it is the cx, we don't know any of it's details. Like will the TI color screen have a low power drain like the Casio or be a battery eater? And if it's just the ti-nspire cas, with a color screen and the same old rather useless TI-89/voyage 3d graphing capability it's not much of an upgrade. And how about the programing? Will it be opened up? With an SDK? Or will it be the same locked down nspire stuff? For me, such a "me to" device is to little to late. It would however make it a certainty Casio will come out with a color screen version of it's Classpad and that has math superiority. -> :greengrin: <-

#5 Guest_nspired math_*

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Posted 23 February 2011 - 02:07 AM

Hey, ti has already announced 3d graphing and picture import for their grayscale nspires!

#6 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 23 February 2011 - 06:21 AM

Hey, ti has already announced 3d graphing and picture import for their grayscale nspires!

I believe you are mistaken but I am willing to consider any proof you can provide. :greengrin:

#7 JosJuice


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Posted 23 February 2011 - 09:00 AM

Hey, ti has already announced 3d graphing and picture import for their grayscale nspires!

I thought that's only for the CX?

#8 Guest_nspired math_*

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Posted 23 February 2011 - 03:33 PM

I believe you are mistaken but I am willing to consider any proof you can provide. :greengrin:


#9 Guest_nspired math_*

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Posted 23 February 2011 - 10:11 PM

It was on ti"s webpage when I first posted the link but they have taken it down now. So maybe it isn't for the clickpad nspire.

#10 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 23 February 2011 - 11:48 PM

It was on ti"s webpage when I first posted the link but they have taken it down now. So maybe it isn't for the clickpad nspire.

I just did a search on education.ti.com for 3d graphing and there was nothing.

#11 Guest_nspired math_*

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Posted 24 February 2011 - 12:26 AM

I just did a search on education.ti.com for 3d graphing and there was nothing.

I know it isn't now, but when I posted that link it was on there. They must have taken it down. Ti bank.fr also reported that there was information on ti's official site about the nspire cx but is has been removed :banghead: . I guess we will have to wait to see.

#12 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 24 February 2011 - 02:09 AM

I know it isn't now, but when I posted that link it was on there. They must have taken it down. Ti bank.fr also reported that there was information on ti's official site about the nspire cx but is has been removed :banghead: . I guess we will have to wait to see.

Also, I've been told that several stores retracted their on line nspire CX offering.

This is beginning to smell bad!

What the heck is TI pulling?

This is beginning to like a hoax.

Would TI do that just to take the spot light off of the mind blowing Casio Prizm?

If they don't announce the nspire Cx, demonstrate it and give specifications along with price, and take orders at the big nspire shin-dig in Austin this week end, then they have decieved us. We shall know by Monday. :nonono:

#13 Guest_nspired math_*

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Posted 24 February 2011 - 06:22 PM

Also, I've been told that several stores retracted their on line nspire CX offering.

This is beginning to smell bad!

What the heck is TI pulling?

This is beginning to like a hoax.

Would TI do that just to take the spot light off of the mind blowing Casio Prizm?

If they don't announce the nspire Cx, demonstrate it and give specifications along with price, and take orders at the big nspire shin-dig in Austin this week end, then they have decieved us. We shall know by Monday. :nonono:

Recently a worker from ti joined unitedti.org, and he claimed the reason is to be able to post an occasional comment. Today he posted this notice under all the UTI staff: "2/24 at 11:30 Central / Good morning, TI fans. Make sure to check out http://education.ti.com/tinspire at noon tomorrow for special product announcements from TI."

#14 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 25 February 2011 - 01:59 PM

Recently a worker from ti joined unitedti.org, and he claimed the reason is to be able to post an occasional comment. Today he posted this notice under all the UTI staff: "2/24 at 11:30 Central / Good morning, TI fans. Make sure to check out http://education.ti.com/tinspire at noon tomorrow for special product announcements from TI."

I am having trouble finding that post. Who is the worker from ti who joined unitedti.org?

#15 Guest_nspired math_*

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Posted 25 February 2011 - 06:17 PM

Its here! Picture plot, differential equations plot, 3d graph, videos, and more for all, yes all handhelds!

#16 Guest_nspire math_*

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 03:15 AM

I am having trouble finding that post. Who is the worker from ti who joined unitedti.org?

Foster@ti is his profile name. Here are the two links: http://www.unitedti....?showuser=32683 and http://www.unitedti....?showtopic=9669.

#17 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 05:13 AM

Foster@ti is his profile name. Here are the two links: http://www.unitedti....?showuser=32683 and http://www.unitedti....?showtopic=9669.

Ok, TI announced it's Ti-nspire CX and Ti-nspire CX CAS, so now it is up to Casio to release it's Classpad with a color screen and some 3D graphing enhansements similiar to TI's 3D graphing of "multiple" surfaces. Then Casio will be ahead again because TI doesn't have Laplace/inverse Laplace transforms nor fast Fourier transforms. But you had better do something soon Casio before TI scoops you with transforms! Another thing that you can do Casio is release an SDK for the Prizm that compiles C or Assembly language into Prizm machine code. That would capture the programing community which TI has turned their back on for years.

Quite frankly I am a Casio fan but the Classpad looks pretty poor when compared to the new Ti-nspire CX CAS and I am sure that a lot of other Casio people are thinking the same thing. Get moving Casio! The prizm is a good device but now you need to upgrade your Classpad and do it quickly or the lead you had with the Prizm will be forgotten.

#18 pan.gejt


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Posted 26 February 2011 - 09:15 AM

Unfortunately, Classpad cannot handle the units. Therefore I am still using the Classpad together with Ti-89 Titanium.

#19 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 10:27 AM

Unfortunately, Classpad cannot handle the units. Therefore I am still using the Classpad together with Ti-89 Titanium.

Please give a simple example of what you are speaking of.

#20 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 11:55 PM

Ok, TI announced it's Ti-nspire CX and Ti-nspire CX CAS, so now it is up to Casio to release it's Classpad with a color screen and some 3D graphing enhansements similiar to TI's 3D graphing of "multiple" surfaces. Then Casio will be ahead again because TI doesn't have Laplace/inverse Laplace transforms nor fast Fourier transforms. But you had better do something soon Casio before TI scoops you with transforms! Another thing that you can do Casio is release an SDK for the Prizm that compiles C or Assembly language into Prizm machine code. That would capture the programing community which TI has turned their back on for years.

Quite frankly I am a Casio fan but the Classpad looks pretty poor when compared to the new Ti-nspire CX CAS and I am sure that a lot of other Casio people are thinking the same thing. Get moving Casio! The prizm is a good device but now you need to upgrade your Classpad and do it quickly or the lead you had with the Prizm will be forgotten.

I hate to say this but the lead that CAsio had with the Prism has been totally lost to the TI-nspire CX. No doubt about it. Casio had a brief moment of superiority and now TI has surged back into the lead. Will people remember that the classpad has transforms that the nspire cx doesn't have? Not if Casio fails to incorporate other desirable stuff like a built in rechargable battery, 3d graphing of multiple surfaces, and a back lit color screen into their best calculator. And they had better do it soon because the longer they wait, the more difficult it will be for them to get back into the game!

#21 Guest_nspired math_*

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Posted 27 February 2011 - 03:27 AM

I hate to say this but the lead that CAsio had with the Prism has been totally lost to the TI-nspire CX. No doubt about it. Casio had a brief moment of superiority and now TI has surged back into the lead. Will people remember that the classpad has transforms that the nspire cx doesn't have? Not if Casio fails to incorporate other desirable stuff like a built in rechargable battery, 3d graphing of multiple surfaces, and a back lit color screen into their best calculator. And they had better do it soon because the longer they wait, the more difficult it will be for them to get back into the game!

I wonder what hp will do now that casio and ti have color screen calcs.

#22 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 27 February 2011 - 05:14 AM

I wonder what hp will do now that casio and ti have color screen calcs.

That is a really excellent question. The Hp50g is really an excellent cas calc but they don't market it commercially thru places like Walmart and we just don't hear much from them. Over the past few years it seemed that the Hp strategy was to sell the 50g until sales dropped to a level that wasn't profitable and then get out of the business, but as I said they have a really good cas and with some UI improvement, a color screen, and perhaps a rechargable battery and some investment in upgrading their 3D graphing they could continue selling their calculator for quite some time to come. It's hard to guess what they will do, but if they don't make those upgrades and come out with a new product within the next 12 months I would assume that they no longer want to be in the calculator business. Perhaps someone who has worked for HP recently could add some comments on this situation.

#23 Guest_Walker_*

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Posted 27 February 2011 - 05:16 PM

I wonder what TI is going to do next. By adding 3D graphing to Nspire, they make Nspire more closer to TI-89/TI-92/Voyage 200. With color screen, I image this will compete internally with older siblings. Does TI plan on discontinuing TI-89/TI-92/Voyage 200?

With HP, I imagine they plan to drop out of calculator business eventually. Unless they aggressively market their products less and less people will buy it.

Oh, Casio please release a color screen Classpad with high resolution. TI-Nspire is coming close to knock your down.

#24 Guest_guest_*

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Posted 02 March 2011 - 02:23 AM

[font="Book Antiqua"]does this calculator have a interchangeble kepad like the other nspires?

#25 Guest_nspired math_*

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Posted 02 March 2011 - 02:36 AM

[font="Book Antiqua"]does this calculator have a interchangeble kepad like the other nspires?

I could be wrong but I don't think it does. It would be quite interesting to see a ti 84 plus in color though. :nod:

#26 Guest_Honcho_*

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Posted 04 March 2011 - 01:32 AM

I could be wrong but I don't think it does. It would be quite interesting to see a ti 84 plus in color though. :nod:

I can tell you that the interchangable keyboards for the nspire calc's don't apply to the CX model which is presently available only in the dreams of the people at ti, which is to say that you cannot obtain one and may never be able to obtain one so you should never believe anything that TI says . Clearly TI made the announcement of a product that they don't have just to take the focus off of the Prizm which Casio has available. In addition someone I know recieved an answer from TI concerning the cx 3D graping that said, since the product is not available yet all information is subject to change. That tactic is called bait and switch. What a bunch of as oles. As usual I am disappointed with the way that TI treats customers. :nonono:

#27 Guest_nspired math_*

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Posted 04 March 2011 - 02:34 AM

I can tell you that the interchangable keyboards for the nspire calc's don't apply to the CX model which is presently available only in the dreams of the people at ti, which is to say that you cannot obtain one and may never be able to obtain one so you should never believe anything that TI says . Clearly TI made the announcement of a product that they don't have just to take the focus off of the Prizm which Casio has available. In addition someone I know recieved an answer from TI concerning the cx 3D graping that said, since the product is not available yet all information is subject to change. That tactic is called bait and switch. What a bunch of as oles. As usual I am disappointed with the way that TI treats customers. :nonono:

Wow! what makes you say all that? I have never heard of Ti lying to their customers before. I've seen that they were a very trust worthy company. Many companies announce an upcoming product before it is actually released. Casio's Prism was know before it was released. Sure, they may not allow programming that many people want but that is not untrustworthy. And I for one bet that not very many people cared for ti 84 compatability in the first place. Honestly i think much of what is said against Ti on this forum is unwarrantable, people's own biases not based on fact. I have seen many such a post throughout this forum and member DJ Omnimaga also warned against splitting the calc community especialy for unwarrantable critisims. Oh, well no wants to here that so maybe this will be my last post. :(

#28 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 04 March 2011 - 06:50 AM

Wow! what makes you say all that? I have never heard of Ti lying to their customers before. I've seen that they were a very trust worthy company. Many companies announce an upcoming product before it is actually released. Casio's Prism was know before it was released. Sure, they may not allow programming that many people want but that is not untrustworthy. And I for one bet that not very many people cared for ti 84 compatability in the first place. Honestly i think much of what is said against Ti on this forum is unwarrantable, people's own biases not based on fact. I have seen many such a post throughout this forum and member DJ Omnimaga also warned against splitting the calc community especialy for unwarrantable critisims. Oh, well no wants to here that so maybe this will be my last post. :(

I e-mailed TI and asked some questions about what the cx can do, for example can you graph more than one 3d surface. In the e-mail response and prior to answering the questions they said:

"I have answered the inquires you have listed below and attached the release notes for the product, please note that since the product is not yet available for purchase the answers listed below are subject to change."

To me that means for example that while the release notes state that you can graph more than one 3D surface, that answer is subject to change and the product may not end up having that capability. Thus I cannot count on the product having the capabilities indicated by the answers I was given by TI.

Whether or not you post here anymore is entirely up to you but I do think it is important to point out that based on the recent information I recieved from TI:
1. The product is not yet available for purchase, and
2. When it is, it may be different from what we understand it to be at this time.
I was very excited about this new product, but now that I don't know what it will turn out to be, I feel very let down because capabilities I had counted on, may not be in the product when it becomes available for purchase, and I don't even know when that will be. You may see that as an unwarranted criticisim. I don't. I think that when a company takes the step of announcing a new product, they should produce what they have communicated, which in this case is what the release notes and other communications such as what I have recieved indicate, and that the announcement should not be made until the development is far enough along to ensure that is possible.

#29 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 04 March 2011 - 10:07 AM

Wow! what makes you say all that? I have never heard of Ti lying to their customers before. I've seen that they were a very trust worthy company. Many companies announce an upcoming product before it is actually released. Casio's Prism was know before it was released. Sure, they may not allow programming that many people want but that is not untrustworthy. And I for one bet that not very many people cared for ti 84 compatability in the first place. Honestly i think much of what is said against Ti on this forum is unwarrantable, people's own biases not based on fact. I have seen many such a post throughout this forum and member DJ Omnimaga also warned against splitting the calc community especialy for unwarrantable critisims. Oh, well no wants to here that so maybe this will be my last post. :(

In reply to guest_inspired math,
I was upset and a little bit angry when I fired off that message. Now that I have had time to consider things I would like to make the following clarifications.

Although I don't really have any interest in the nspire interchangable keyboards, I have been told by a reputable source that the CX model won't have them.

The CX model is not available at this time but I believe that the designers dream of when it will be, however because I have not heard of a date when it will be available, I keep in mind that it is possible that it could be cancelled.

Based on the previous post which indicates that the CX performance is subject to change, it seems clear to me that we cannot count on the information that is provided as being a commitment on what the CX performance will be when and if it becomes available.

It is my opinion that TI probably made the announcement of the CX product before they are able to supply it in order to capture peoples attention and take it away from competing products.

I do apoligize for the as oles statement. That was in poor taste and inappropriate.

Lastly, as a TI customer, I am disappointed that TI would get my hopes up that this will be a product that I want and have waited for, only to dash those hopes by indicating that the features I want are are not certain but subject to change. Perhaps it is unfortunate but I resent it and get angry when some one "baits" me by indicating there will be some features that I desire but holds open the option to "switch" and not provide those features.

Lastly, this was an attempt to inform people that the CX might not end up being what we expect it to be and that has nothing to do with spliting up some group. Actually I don't know Mr. Omnamaga but I am sure that he means will.

#30 Guest_nspired math_*

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Posted 05 March 2011 - 02:35 AM

I understand what you are saying now and it not what I thought at first :) . The cx should be out in April but it seems os 3.0 for clickpad and touchpad nspires may be out before that. But aside from that, having already released that information about cx seems to imply that Ti is pretty much set on what the upgrades will be. It wouldn't look good for a company to release all that kind of information and then don't stick with it. And besides, if they didn't provide those features( as you are unsure of )what use will os 3.0 be to anyone? It is Ti's major maket, the teachers of google groups, who pushed for these updates.

#31 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 05 March 2011 - 10:15 PM

I understand what you are saying now and it not what I thought at first :) . The cx should be out in April but it seems os 3.0 for clickpad and touchpad nspires may be out before that. But aside from that, having already released that information about cx seems to imply that Ti is pretty much set on what the upgrades will be. It wouldn't look good for a company to release all that kind of information and then don't stick with it. And besides, if they didn't provide those features( as you are unsure of )what use will os 3.0 be to anyone? It is Ti's major maket, the teachers of google groups, who pushed for these updates.

When a company starts hedging their bets with statements like things are subject to change, that should set off an alarm in your head that says perhaps they are having trouble doing what they said they could do. Until the nspire cx and cx cas's are available for sale, don't over look the possibility that TI may drop some capability that earlier models had. They did it with the transition from the TI-89 to the nspire cas.

I am very concerned because the new 3d graphing capability of the CX models lacks shift capability. That means that if you zoom in for a closer look at a portion of a surface, and what you want to see goes off the screen, you can't shift what is displayed in order to see the portion that went off screen. Not providing shift capability is a major omission of an important capability for 3d graphing. The TI spin machine never reported that.

Will I buy an nspire cx? I Don't know. I have the money to spend but I'll wait and see. I want to know if the CX will be worth all attention that it is getting? More importantly I want to see what Casio responds with and what Hp might come out with. My biggest complaint about TI is that after the spin wares off TI calc's lack capability that other calcs like the Hp50g and Casio Classpad have and I don't want to buy the new TI calc just to find out a few months later that I wasted my money because Casio or HP have an even better new calculator for sale.

Btw, I'll bet that the people who bought a gray screen TI-nspire recently are really kicking themselves. And how do you think those google group teachers going to feel about being stuck with a bunch of very expensive and very obsolete gray screen calculators? Yeh, they can do math without a color screen, and yes they can update the OS, but how are they going to feel every time they look at that ugly gray screen ..... And what are they going to say to the students who ask why don't we have color screens on our calculators? And if TI would have used a color screen three years ago when they should have.... And if a bunch of teachers would have been a bit more sceptical of the sales pitch ...... Oh well, if I was the TI salesman I'd avoid those people for a while because they are probably not to happy right now.

#32 Guest_nspiredmath_*

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Posted 17 March 2011 - 02:08 AM

Posted Image

#33 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 17 March 2011 - 07:07 AM

Posted Image

The gray screen looks brighter than the CX color screen. If that is the way they really look? That color screen is not worth having. At least I wouldn't want one. The pictures of the cx on the TI site look a lot better. What gives here?

#34 Guest_nspired math_*

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Posted 18 March 2011 - 12:58 AM

Not sure why the screen is so dark in that picture but here is another picture from the same webpage( www.datamath.org)and it is much brighter.

Posted Image

Looks like I'm gonna have to get one of these! B)

#35 Guest_Guest_cfxm_*_*

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Posted 18 March 2011 - 01:22 PM

Seems to be in power save mode then. This is similar to the Casio Prizm.

#36 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 18 March 2011 - 03:05 PM

Seems to be in power save mode then. This is similar to the Casio Prizm.

I think I read a couple of posts by you (cxfm) on the omnimagna site with respect to the effort to put third part games on the Prizm. I don't see much posted on that lately. What is the state of that effort? Has anyone succeeded in putting a good game third party game on the Prizm yet? Or is that going to happen soon?

#37 JosJuice


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Posted 18 March 2011 - 03:50 PM

(sorry for placing the quote in the wrong section of this post... My browser isn't working correctly)

We're making progress with hacking the Prizm and running code on it (in fact, running code has been possible for more than a month!) but no one has made a game for it yet. All of the programs that have been created yet show a bit of data, display a single color on the screen, or similar things.

I think I read a couple of posts by you (cxfm) on the omnimagna site with respect to the effort to put third part games on the Prizm. I don't see much posted on that lately. What is the state of that effort? Has anyone succeeded in putting a good game third party game on the Prizm yet? Or is that going to happen soon?

#38 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 19 March 2011 - 02:44 AM

I think I read a couple of posts by you (cxfm) on the omnimagna site with respect to the effort to put third part games on the Prizm. I don't see much posted on that lately. What is the state of that effort? Has anyone succeeded in putting a good game third party game on the Prizm yet? Or is that going to happen soon?

Thanks for the update. Perhaps it isn't possible but being able to put a game on the Prizm before the nspire cx models become available would be very significant. Again, thank you and please keep us posted.

#39 Guest_Fishbot_*

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Posted 19 March 2011 - 06:04 AM

Thanks for the update. Perhaps it isn't possible but being able to put a game on the Prizm before the nspire cx models become available would be very significant. Again, thank you and please keep us posted.

I can speak of first hand knowledge of at least two games being developed for the Prizm at the moment. One is a rather simple program to demonstrate the capabilities to make games and the other is an actual game, although I do not expect the author to be able to even demo it for several months. There are also several on-calc languages being developed which will hopefully make games easier. However, the first real game will likely be in C.

#40 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 19 March 2011 - 05:07 PM

I can speak of first hand knowledge of at least two games being developed for the Prizm at the moment. One is a rather simple program to demonstrate the capabilities to make games and the other is an actual game, although I do not expect the author to be able to even demo it for several months. There are also several on-calc languages being developed which will hopefully make games easier. However, the first real game will likely be in C.

Thank you for keeping us informed. It seems that TI does everything it can to prohibit third party software, which by the way makes smart phones instantly successful products, so hopefully Casio will realize that it is in their best interests to help you guys out and do so. The Prizm is a good device and I believe that some good third party software for the Prizm can make it a more desirable product than the nspire for many people. Also, an online store for third party apps for Casio calc's would be really awesome. Hopefully someone from Casio will read this.

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