The SDK library isn't a good programming firend: he is sloow (i never used the graphics functions, i use a home mad elibray made by a friend, PierrotLL, and his MonochromeLib), and is'nt complete (it's very annoying that we haven't a function that prints the value of a variable easily).
I wanted to make a library, that helps to make programs with many snippets, like the eternal IntToString. With the help of PierrotLL, i started to make my own library, Easy Coding.
This library is almost indepandant (oly input, printf et printn are dependant of "fxlib.h"), and to have the minimal size impact to your addin , i remade some functions of strings.h.
I decided to not make macros to conserve a good lisibility, and to avoid some compiling bugs.
there are the actual list of functions:
typedef enum (EMUlATOR, G35, G75, G85p, G95, UNDEFINED} Model; /**MODEL DETECTION**/ char isEmulator(); char isG35p75(); char isG75(); //NEEDS VALUE!! char isG85p(); char isG95(); Model modelDetector(); /**STRING MANIUPLATION**/ char* toLower(unsigned char* str, unsigned int len); char* toUpper(unsigned char* str, unsigned int len); char* strMirror(unsigned char* str, unsigned int len); char* strRotate(unsigned char* str, unsigned int len, unsigned char mov); void printf(unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char str, int mode) void printn(unsigned char x, unsigned char y, int n, unsigned char mode); /**TO STRING OPERATIONS**/ unsigned char* intToStr(char* c, int n); unsigned char* uintToStr(char* c, unsigned int n); unsigned char* charToStr(char* c, char n); unsigned char* ucharToStr(char* c, unsigned char n); unsigned char* floatToStr(char* c, float f, int pecision); /**TO NUMBER**/ char strToChar(char* c); unsigned char strToUchar(char* c); int strToInt(char* c); unsigned int strToUint(char* c); /**TO HEX**/ char* charToHex(char* result, unsigned char hex); char* intToHex(char* result, unsigned int hex); /**BITS OPERATIONS**/ char readBit_char(char num, char index); char inverseBit_char(char num, char index); char upBit_char(char num, char index); char downBit_char(char num, char index); char readBit_int(int num, char index); int inverseBit_int(int num, char index); int upBit_int(int num, char index); int downBit_int(int num, char index); /**OTHERS**/ char* input(char* c, int x, int y, int longueur, char nb); int numArray_char(char* arr); int numArray_int(char* arr);
Yeah, i found how to detect the models (thanks to Casio Kingdom, i found the adresses here, and Planète-casio to gave me values), BUT i need the G75's values, and the first version of the library will be completed and published.
[Here is the link] to an addin who gives you the values, please give me the second and the third value.
Oh, and the fx-xxxx possessors too, i want to see if the GX5(+) are REALLY the same than theirs Fx-xxxx companions .
The library is almost done, i need the values, and you''l get maybe an useful tool!
See ya!