I installed the classpad manager, the delivered link programm PC - Classpad.It works, that?s what i could say for shure, I also get the connection between PC and Classpad. But if I want to load Files in the manager, to put them on the classpad .... nothing. the manager is only detecting for .msc files and I can?t change this. What the hell are msc files ?means this I am not able to put programms from other, older casio calculaters ( i.e. the FX ) on this damned PDA ? I bought it to make me pass my Physics graduates, and I downloaded a lot of programms for physics, most of them for the FX. I can?t believe Casio is selling a calculater prized like the classpad 300, and it is only accepting one mkind of files, most people even don?t know. So please, if there is anybody outthere, handling his classpad well, HELP ME !!