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#1 2072


    Casio over god

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Posted 02 July 2003 - 08:59 PM

Download here:


As I said it's a BETA version, it's not complete, but all what is present in this version should work without any bug.

So I'm looking forward to read your comments. If you find a bug or even a very little detail report it in this thread. DO NOT HESITATE. Details are very important!

Enjoy! :)

****What's new in 4.0 BETA 1 *********

- The command line menu entry has been removed, it was useless.

- Now you can manage every type of memory zone, you can:
- list them (basic programs, etc...).
- create, delete (pressing <span class=DEL' />), rename, resize, copy, move a zone.
- Display information on a file/zone, such as: Size, password (if basic files), memory addresses, CRC 32.
- You can jump to the memory viewer (pressing <span class=6' />), the memory viewer is automaticly placed to the zone address.
- Change password of basic files.
- Load all basic file from the flash memory to the RAM.
- Save all basic files to flash (Whole basic files size must be < 128000 bytes).

- Menus are faster and when you are at the top pressing again leads you to the last entry etc...

- The hisghscore file of Formula 2 is created in the zone 12.

- The memory ops menu entry has been completely changed:
- Address selection is easier (it uses the memory viewer).
- Now you can write to the flash, Touche propose it autaumaticaly if you try to write after 0x5FFF:0xF:
- Touche asks you on which segment (or drive letter) you want to map at the address you're going to write to.
- Touche veryfies if your query isn't stupid and supposrts writting among several segments.
- Before writting TOUCHE veryfies if it's possible (if it doesn't require a format of the flash segment),
TOUCHE won't format the segment by itself.
- An Error control is present, also TOUCHE won't try to write if batteries ar low.
- TOUCHE protectes its existences: You cannot write on the drive where TOUCHE is installed, neither on 0x4000:0x0
till 0x5FFF:0xF. You cannot write in TOUCHE's RAM area either.
- When you are searching in the memory TOUCHES cannot find itself anymore.
- Code improvements => faster plus correction of possible bugs.
- Now the search and memory viewer stops at 0xFFFF:0xF
- You can compute CRC 32 betwwen 2 addresses.

- In Date and Time all bits are used to store the date.

- New menu entry "5: Flash Utils", you can:
- Erase a flash drive (L to Q except the drive where TOUCHE is installed).
- Erase a segment (0 to 18 except segments that are part of TOUCHE's drive).
- See which flash drive are used and by what type of data (ROM-DOS or CASIO).
- Map a flash drive or segment to a RAM address (>=0x6000:0x0), example map the drive L to 0x6000:0 till 0x7FFF:0xF.

- In the Misc Info menu entry are now displayed:
- The Batteries 'state.
- DS segment's address.
- Free memoy available for TOUCHE.
- Free memory available for user (for basic files etc...).
- Your ROM version.
- The "Auto Power off" time that you can also change from here.

- In the Ports read/write menu entry, the display is more realistic.

- In Graphic tests: most of the tests available in previous versions have been removed.

- Everywhere:
- When you enter a number anywhere in TOUCHE, you can switch between decimal and hexadecimal number pressing <span class=Alpha' />.

And a lot of little details I forgot...

That's all folks!

#2 2072


    Casio over god

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Posted 03 July 2003 - 09:48 AM

Sorry, the link was wrong... it's OK now.

#3 huhn_m


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Posted 08 July 2003 - 02:17 PM

Great work 2072!

One thing: is it intended by you that if you press F1 - F4 in the main menu the program calls the corrseponding item of the mat utils sub program?!?!?!?

#4 2072


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Posted 08 July 2003 - 03:19 PM

Yes of course, those are shortcuts!

Thank you :)

#5 2072


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Posted 14 July 2003 - 04:30 PM

So still no bug found?

#6 2072


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Posted 02 August 2003 - 09:01 PM

About the clock: is the day's name always correct for every date ? Are have you seen mistakes ?

I ask that because someone is telling me that the week day is wrong (shifted back or forward)... so please tell me.

If you find errors, give the date with all the info in the [I] menu.

Thank you.

#7 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 02 August 2003 - 09:04 PM

you made it give error reports? thats cool. it would be very cool if you wrote the data to a basic file which they could then send you by e-mail.

#8 2072


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Posted 02 August 2003 - 09:54 PM

Well it's not an error report, it displays details about the date, you can choose a particular date too, that's usefull if you want to know the name of the week's day when you were born for example...

So it's working on your calc ?

#9 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 02 August 2003 - 10:03 PM

oh, I thought that you were saying that it displayed info about the program (debug output), kinda like the error report Windows XP tries to send when a error occures.

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