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#1 huhn_m


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Posted 13 July 2003 - 07:39 AM


Some might new that i deceided to completely rewrite the whole system so here I am!

I finally mannaged a lot of problems and got on quite well.
The main routines are written (though not yet completely implemented).
The Graphical Startup/Setup is partly done (30%) , the fs system is partly done (20%)
grayscale is implemented (100%) the font is done (80%) and has only some small bugs.

The new system should support the complete ASCII Charset.
The PartitionSetup is 100% Done, the console is done, the transfer utility is done,
the timer interrupt is setup & performing well, hardware detection is 50% done,
flashUtils are 75% done, The keyboard is 100% done, the console works fine but
there are still some features missing (sidescrolling) (80% done).

The system supports only 1 shade of gray (and black & white of course) but
is unlike the old one easy to be upgraded to more colors but this will be a future

There will no longer be a ramdisk fs but the ramdisk will stay as a FSD("fast swap device")
that may be combined with the Flash Swap drive. Your system may have up to 1024 files (maybe
I'll publish another version with variable file count but this makes the FAT bigger) and
these files may be up to 786432 Byte large. The keyboard s mannaged using interrupts so
there will be no system hangs (or so I hope).

The system is quite stable but remember it is still in Pre-Aplha State

At all I've to say I've mannaged a lot the last weeks.

But now the bad message:
There is no interface yet to call some of the features! :-( You may see some of them
working in the background but like the background link and the remote login they are
not yet accessible. This means not imput (except the one of the setup) and the setup
is even called if there is an fs available. You can't yet upload software packages since
the upload tool for the computer is not finished.

Here are some statistics:

Feature Progress Time to be finished (expected)
Startup 50% ?UNKNOWN?
Setup 40% -END OF JULY-
Filesystem 20% -END OF JULY-
Grayscale 100% !DONE!
Font 80% -END OF JULY-
PartitionSetup 100% !DONE!
Console 80% -END OF JULY-
Timer 100% !DONE!
Keyboard 100% !DONE!
RemoteLogin 2% -END OF AUGUST-
BackgroundLink 40% -MIDDLE OF AUGUST-
Interface 0% -AUGUST-

I'm going to go on holidays the next two weeks (till 29th of JULY)
So don't expect any updates.
I hope I can do a lot of planing during my holidays :-)

I hope you like the new look and feel and the easy control

There are only few known bugs but please even if a very small or already mentioned occurs
send me an email and describe how to reproduce the bug (and with an suggestion how to solve
it if you know) this will make development a lot faster. Mail them to bugs AT mh-development.de

This project is intended to become OpenSource as soon as it is stable and has all its main
functionalitys. Then it will be OpenSourced to make all of you improve and extend it. But
even then i would beg you to let me control & publish the versions in order to quaranty
the quality, compatibility & stability of the system.

See you soon: huhn

PS: I packed my interrupt monitor to the packet. Please see imon.txt for information.

The adresse is as usual (seem my signature :-) )

#2 X-thunder28


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Posted 14 July 2003 - 06:37 AM

Good work huhm_n!
but <{GNULINUX}> don't detect FS(filesystem i think) so it format and next nothink ( button menu show and hide console, but nothink other)

#3 huhn_m


    Casio Maniac

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Posted 14 July 2003 - 09:24 AM

You can scroll through the console pressing up & down. ESC reboots the calc.
It does nothing afterwards since it waits for the upload utility to send its programs catalog.
I worked on the upload utility today and managed ~75% of it. I also fixed some small bugs but
I don't know if i'll upload the update since I'm going to go on holiday tomorrow and the uploader
must work quite good (~2-3 hours work still to do).

When writing the code I spent 12 hours on writing but ~50 hours on debugging!

Do you know sth. about the comport? It seems as if it does randomly show that a byte has arrived,
The timer controls the comport and appends a message that data has arrived to the console now but
there seems to arrive at least 1 byte when I start the prog sometimes. Why can this happen?

Also included an self-check of the executable. It has 3 checksums it tests the whole time (every 1 second)
in order to prevent that the data segment is overwritten by a malfunction process and the whole system
goes crazy. if the system does so <{GNULINUX}> stops all activity and only the console & the ESC key are available.
Maybe I'll upload it tomorrow. I'm leaving at ~11o'clock.

Keep testing! (Do you have an explanation for that all letters > T (ASCII 84 -> after 4th line) are displayed
wrongly? I the same font as for the old <{GNULINUX}>.

The should work properly. don't they?!?!?!

Btw the FS types are:

LFS(L)------------(NEW)--<{GNULINUX}> File System***
RDFS®----------------- Rom-Dos File System*
CLR©------------------- Cleared (all 0FFh)**
NONE(N)----------------- No filesystem (random data?)*
SWAP(S)-------(NEW)--<{GNULINUX}> Swap Drive (Flash)***
1-6(1-6)------------------Updates made in memory menu*
*= Not changed at all
***=Cleared and formated with the named FS.

Sorry you can't see the real startup screen but my <{GNULINUX}> is too fast and it disappers immediately. (because
no console program is available)

The Windows Prog will have an auto-internet update for <{GNULINUX}> AND the packets on the drive!

Did you get along with IMON?

#4 X-thunder28


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Posted 15 July 2003 - 06:33 AM

for the filesystem I have guessed right
thanx for explaination ;)

#5 X-thunder28


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Posted 20 July 2003 - 02:36 PM

For portcomm, you should mail Superna, he can resolv your pb!
I have only use function from DADA66 for communicate with another calc( with succes :) )
For your letters >T I think you have an overflow error in your program! This can erase some memory !!
I dont use Imon, I like more use an function that display somethink( a sprite for sample) or FPS on the screen :)
I wait <{GNULINUX}> and all things you have to do :rolleyes: :rock:

#6 huhn_m


    Casio Maniac

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Posted 30 July 2003 - 03:42 AM

Ok! I'm back again! The problem with the letters (font) was solved and the upload utility is near to be finished. Expect an update with further information ~8 o'clock today.

cya huhn

#7 huhn_m


    Casio Maniac

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Posted 30 July 2003 - 04:59 PM

Update DONE!

Fixed some things, added PC software for Upload.

Don't know if the last changes (since 19:00) work since i messed up my calc and didn't get it to work till now.
If not tell me what doesn't work.

When Software upload is done you have to reboot using the button at the back side. The new file in the basic files should then contain the infos of the pi.data file. if not tell me what it contains (on the calc).

Try a little arround and:

Have a lot of Fun :-)

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