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#1 TacoFred


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Posted 30 July 2003 - 11:10 AM

Well, i bought a cfx 9850gb plus yesterday, and i want to learn how to program.
can you tell me a book or a site that can teach me?

#2 Bob Vila

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Posted 30 July 2003 - 02:05 PM

crimson made a tutorial for this, you could probably search the forum and find it

#3 betoe


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Posted 30 July 2003 - 06:17 PM

The other day i see part of programming tutorial of crimson in old topics, he tell me that the tutorial ?s'nt finished yet.

#4 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 30 July 2003 - 06:24 PM

sigh, yeah its not finished, I have so much to do I haven't had time, hopefully soon I'll get back to it... actually I might have time later today to do another chapter.

#5 casiokingdom


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Posted 01 August 2003 - 06:27 AM

Hi TacoFred

This is a course in learning how to program:

1) Read the cfx manual, learn the simple commands

2) View simple programs and games on the net. Attempt to copy it, while not looking at the program word by word.

3) Set goals and challenging tasks for yourself

4) If you are at school, create a game for your friends

5) Attempt programs that will assist you at school, eg. Trisolve etc.

6) Most of all PRACTICE

After a few months you will be a pro.

I have only started programing on the cfx 9850G+ from the start of this year. If i can do it, you surely can too.

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