Malical 2.5 officially released!
Malical is an interpreted language for casio fx9860 with some examples of useful applications.
The 2.5 release marks our target no longer prog, we would like the SDK in line!
RTC operation, overclocking, memory operations, image display function is everything ~
Compared with the 2.15 version of the new features:
1.expansion of library
2.modifying the UI
3.can be set ac + optn strong retreat
4.exit () returned to the main menu
5.remove the Boolean value, 0 is false, a non-zero is true
6. A line more than one statement
7. error plus the error line
8. other small changes
Developed by Diameter and wudy.f89 (two chinese casio developers).
To create new programs you can read the documentation in .rar file.
Download: http://www.casio-sce...?do=file&id=397
English documentation (alfa) by me.
Better English documentation (under construction):