can you help me?
i need program about this flow chart:
step 1 : get parameter "C,B,d,Fc,As,d',A's" from user
and calculate this number solve
step 2 : if Fs<Fy continue, else input new "C"
step 3 : calculate a=b*C next => P=a*0.65*Fc*(a*B-A's)+A's*0.85*F's-As*0.85*Fs
step 4: e'=(1/p)*[alfa*.65*Fc*(a*B-A's)(d-a/2)+A's*.85*F's*(d-d')]
step 5 : comparison e' with e0'
e0'~=e' : nip-and-tuck
e'>e0' : again step 1 and choose bigger "C"
e'<e0' : return step 1 and choose smaller "C"
ps: maybe Fs become negative, input that
alfa= .85-.0015*Fc
beta= .97-.0025*Fc
e0'= e+d''
i want get data from user and next calculate then give out F's, P, e'
Edited by hadi irani, 15 December 2012 - 12:28 PM.