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Classpad Sdk Can't Compile An Addin

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#1 flukiluke



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Posted 15 February 2013 - 12:03 PM

I just downloaded the SDK for the ClassPad 330, and I seem to have run into a problem. When I compile any of the sample applications with the cross-compiler, make spits out this error message:
\SDK\Core\bin\make.exe[1] C:\hw\C *** No rule to make target `C:\hw\OUTPUT~1\aplmain.lib', needed by `C:\hw\OUTPUT~1\ADDINAPL.rld'.  Stop.
And I also get this:]
  C:\hw\setheader.exe fail open to program file   C \hw\OUTPUT~1\ADDINAPL.rld
After tracing through the makefile, it seems aplmain.lib isn't getting built for some reason. Any ideas? For what it's worth, compiling it for Windows works fine.

#2 MicroPro


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Posted 07 March 2013 - 06:57 PM

Hi. At the first step are you sure the SDK bin directory is in your PATH?

(Right click on [My] Computer -> Properties -> if you have Win7 choose "Advanced System Settings" -> go to "Advanced" tab -> in the bottom you see "Environment Variables" button. Make sure the environment variable "PATH" contains the path to your sdk installation's "bin" directory, e.g C:\Program Files\CASIO\ClassPad 300 SDK\bin;C:\Windows\;etc etc)

#3 flukiluke



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Posted 12 March 2013 - 06:01 AM

The bin folder is indeed in my path. I did a little investigating, and the screenshots in the documentation show various programs that I don't seem to have, "shc.exe" and "optlink.exe". The executables in my bin folder are as follows:
Directory of C:\SDK\Core\bin:

ClassPad Add-In Uploader.exe

#4 MicroPro


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Posted 17 March 2013 - 07:44 PM

Seems the shc toolchain is not installed. Normally they are downloaded as a file called shc_tools.zip in C:\Program Files\CASIO\ClassPad 300 SDK\bin by the installer and then a setup program installs them. Search your installation drive to see if you can find shc.exe and others? Didn't you have any errors during installation about network, download, "file not found", etc?

btw did you change the default installation directory?

#5 flukiluke



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Posted 18 March 2013 - 11:21 AM

Originally I had it installed to the default location, but I was getting the same error, so I removed it and reinstalled it to a location without spaces in it (that has given me trouble with other things in the past). However, I ran a search for shc_tools.zip, which I found, and it contained the SuperH toolchain, as expected. A simple extraction to the bin directory, and everything seems now work fine! Thanks so much for the help. I expect I shall be back here again sometime, when things start to go wrong again...

Edited by flukiluke, 18 March 2013 - 11:21 AM.

#6 MicroPro


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Posted 22 March 2013 - 05:44 PM

Ok. Glad it fixed. The CPSDK tools and makefiles are space-friendly. Even if you want to do something very special with it you'll only need to provide 8.3-format file names.

Just in case you want to install it in a 64-bit system, you should install to Program Files, not Program Files (x86). ;)

#7 nicoachh



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Posted 23 January 2023 - 02:21 PM

Hola, espero esten bien hace poco que he adquirido mi classpad 330, agradeceria si alguien me pudiera guiar con el SDK y en que ayudaria a mi calculadora, tengo entendido que podria programar en c++ y la verdad me ayudaria bastante en el dia a dia, gracias

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