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Program For Fx-9860Gii To Get The Mean Orbital Elements For The Planet

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#1 Jenab6



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  • Location:Hillsboro, West Virginia, USA
  • Interests:Astronomy, math, physics, nationalist politics.

  • Calculators:
    CASIO fx-115ES, fx-9860g, fx-9860g ii SD
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    Texas Instruments TI-89T
    Base 8 DG-1000

Posted 09 March 2013 - 05:22 PM

I've written a program for the Casio fx-9860gii calculator that accepts calendar date and time (GMT) as input and outputs a 9x6 matrix containing the Keplerian mean orbital elements of the planets, including Pluto.

The output is for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

For each planet, the orbital elements are given in this order:

Column 1. Semimajor axis in astronomical units.
Column 2. Eccentricity.
Column 3. Inclination in degrees.
Column 4. Longitude of the ascending node, in degrees.
Column 5. Argument of the perihelion, in degrees.
Column 6. Time of perihelion passage, in Julian date format.

The orbital elements describe the size, shape, and orientation of the orbit, and the position of the planet in the orbit at any specific time. You could use these elements in the "comet" program, previously shared here, in order to find out where in Earth's sky a planet could be found on a certain date.

The current version of the program, MEANOE.G1M, can be downloaded here.

#2 nsg



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Posted 09 March 2013 - 11:51 PM

This is interesting, thank you very much for sharing.

Could you please tell, what is the source of the elements?
What is the range of the dates where it gives accurate results?
Oh, and how exactly accurate are the elements? Are they good enough for celestial navigation (+- 0.5 minutes of arc)? Are they good enough to predict star occultations?

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