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Command Generates Syntax Error

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#1 mnementh



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Posted 23 June 2013 - 05:33 PM

Hi there,
first, I'd like to introduce myself before I bend your collective "ears" with what will probably be a simple problem.

My name is Sandy, I'm 61 years old and have been involved in the electronics industry for most of my working life.

My interests include photography, electronics, radio control models, computers and others.

Sadly, I have two main "must have" fetishes, namely watches and calculators. I simply have next to no resistance (no pun intended) when a cool watch or calculator floats in front of me and for my pains, I've just bought an fx-5800P.

However, I have a strange problem that, according to the user manual, should not be a problem at all.

I'm inputting a pretty simple program to convert VSWR to Return Loss and vica versa.

For the sake of easy readability, I'd like to limit my results to two decimal places and according to the manual, all I should need to do is insert the command

Fix <n>

into the program at the relevant point.

However, no matter how I input the command, I simple get a syntax error message at the Fix <n> insertion point.

I've tried "FIX <n>", "FIX<n>", "FIX n", "FIX=n" and any other variation I can think off but nothing works.

Also, the manual formats the command as an upper case "F" followed by lower case "ix" and I can find NO way to do this.

Outside programming mode, when I press the "function" key, there is a 2nd page with an "ALPHA" menu item that allows differing formats for case.

In programming mode, this 2nd page is absent.

I've looked at the survey program that is accessible from this site and the "Fix n" command occurs in numerous places and I presume it must work there.

While this is no big deal in the sceme of things, it's driving me crazy, so I'd like any possible words of wisdom, please.

When enetering the program name, I've selected "Comp" as my program type.

I look forward to your comments,


Edited by mnementh, 23 June 2013 - 05:33 PM.

#2 mnementh



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Posted 24 June 2013 - 07:38 AM

Hi again,
depending on your point of view, I might seem to be dense but I finally figured out how to insert the "Fix" command into a program.

My clue came from a line in the user manual under the heading;

"Other PROG Mode Commands"

Under a sub-heading "Setup Commands", is the line "These commands function the same way as the calculator's various setup settings".

So, in some desperation, I edited my program and at the relevant point, simply pressed SHIFT, MODE and entered setup. Then pressed the "6" key to get to fixed decimal points and "Voila", "Fix" appeared in my program line.

Anyway, I feel slightly better that I got there eventually and while it might appear to be a trivial issue, it seems to have escaped manual compilers that not everyone is intuitive with technology and needs to be lead by the hand, sometimes.

Thanks to anyone who was considering replying to this sad story.


Edited by mnementh, 24 June 2013 - 07:38 AM.

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