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Square A Matrix With Variable Inside

FX CG20 Help

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#1 AaronSchneider



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Posted 07 February 2014 - 10:00 AM

Hey Guys,

Im new here, so I hope Im in the right Thread.
First: Sorry for my bad english, Im from Germany

In my Mathematik kurse at school we have the the topic transition matrix. So in the past we had to calculate with matrices and so on. All these things were no Problem with my Calculator (FX CG20). But then there was a problem. If I have a variable inside of my matrix, the calculator changes it to a value.
I thought it might be no problem to program a Addin wich can square a matrix with a variable inside and gives you the answer as a function of the variable.

Hope this is working. Does anybopdy know how it could work? I dont know basic oder casio-basic, I only know c/c++ and Delphi.

Thankyou for your reply,
Aaron Schneider

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Posted 07 February 2014 - 01:49 PM

Well, that's exactly what a Computer Algebra System is meant for. The Prizm is a calulator without CAS.
But don't run to the nearest calc shop just now, there is a CAS addin over at Casiopeia. It's a port of some PC CAS called Eigenmath. I don't know how usable it is or whether it handles symbolic matrices 'cause I have no calculator it runs on. (I'm fine with my 50G's builtin CAS. :P) Finding that out is your job.
Or just learn how to do it by hand. When your teacher resets the calculator for a test, the addin will be gone of course, so better don't rely on tools you might not have at your fingertips when you need them.

#3 AaronSchneider



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Posted 07 February 2014 - 02:59 PM

Problem solved thankyou very much

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